the green tree is defiantly not working. it combines necessities with choice. and puts all the good stuff near the top. so you;re forced to gain a very high level before you benefit from the green champ tree. and even then, you gotta swap it out between activites. it's VERY annoying and not player friendly.
The champ system is suppose to be benefits, NOT necessities. you took away some of our mount speed buffs and now they are a necessity within the green tree. so of course we're forced to slot it, as opposed to using that slot for what we want, and thats just one flaw!
rest is mostly opinionated, like i hate the warfare tree. it promotes grinding. the new system in general promotes grinding for levels.
there's no more "progression" to it either. like you use to be able to invest 2-3 points and notice change. now you gotta invest a full blown 100 or 30 points at a time before you notice change. i dont like it from an rpg perspective.
i also hate the non slottable passives. why give slottable passive, then add nearly as many non slottables that are auto applied?! doesnt it defeat the entire concept of having a slottable champ system to begin with?
then finally percentiles. omg, they bragged about getting rid of percentiles and reapplying the mas flat values.. and what is 2.0 covered head to toe with? PERCENTILES! WHAT?! WHY?! i thoug- weren't you getting rid of th-.. whatever...
I forgot to mention "trailing" in 2.0, which only exists to padd out the game, and make champion level grinding last longer.. in 1.0 you put points wherever you wanted form the get go. here, you gotta invest 15-30 points at a time between nodes just to climb to the node you want. why is that a thing? is that just to padd out the game and make you get more levels? it seems like it. there's no real reason for the spider web..
Edited by SeaArcanist on March 20, 2021 1:17AM