This complaint is like buying a car for $25,000 and driving it for six months, then seeing that the price of the car has dropped to $18,000 and whining about how the dealership stole $7,000 from you.
No, people "lost" experience.Icy_Waffles wrote: »They literally just expanded CP and made it EASIER to level up. You haven’t lost anything. They ADDED to the game. It’s like getting an expansion and being made the additions weren’t given to you.
Yeah, I lost thousands of experience before the new CP system launched. Annoying, but enh, it's just thousands of we go again.
Second, each time the spendable cap was raised, the XP curve was adjusted. So, you already "lost" thousands of XP before the new CP system even launched.
No. What? Though cars lose value as they age, our ESO account is supposed to appreciate in value as you use it, gain levels, grind gear, and purchase crown store items.
So like, your analogy is literally the opposite of reality.
smittyhd60 wrote: »Since most of the people who are posting do not state their current CP level or what type of a player they are, it is impossible to get a feel for where they are coming from. I do think posting your CP and type player will help the other players understand where you are coming from. Let me start by saying that I am currently at CP 855 and have been more on the casual player side but with intentions to improve to do trials and more end game content. What follows is what I see that affects players around my level. If you are already at CP 1800 or above or just starting out the CP levels, then the change to CP 2.0 will not have as much of an affect on you. But it does have a pretty big affect on players in the middle. Let me explain:
This is a question that was answered by @ZOS_SamL "5. Total DPS output seems lower in CP2.0. What’s the reasoning for this? The overall goal was to reduce the power of high end damage and efficiency by 15-20% with CP 2.0, as there is a significant delta in power between many players."
I am puzzled as why ZoS thought this was such a game breaking issue that they decided to nerf DPS a flat 15-20% across the board for all players with this update. CP helps your DPS of course, but so does gear set choices to include the improvement level (epic or legendary), the trait & the enchantment. Add in your skill choices, your rotation, mundus stone & if you are doing a light attacks between each skill. All these play an important role. There are some players who work harder to learn and improve than other players do. There will always be a big DPS gap no matter what ZoS changes. Casual players will never compete DPS wise with the dedicated end game content players. Nor should they!
So what did ZoS do to accomplish the flat 15-20% DPS nerf. ZoS took this out of the CP side of the house.
1. ZoS reduced the maximum number of CP points you can put into any given star.
2. ZoS reduced the maximum value you receive from maxing out any given star.
3. ZoS requires players to spend their CP points on lower-level Stars to access Stars higher up in the tree.
These three changes are the main issue because they remove the ability for each player to customize their characters like we could in CP 1.0. Unless you really want or need the lower level Star, you are needlessly spending your very limited CP points and you will not be able to optimize your build until you have leveled up closer to the soft CP Cap of CP 1800. At my CP 855 level, I have only 285 CP points to spend out of a maximum of 1200 points per tree.
This brings me to this quote from @ZOS_SamL “If you’re at CP1.0 810, you should be able to do all of the exact same content with CP2.0.”
If the DPS nerf is anywhere close to the 15% to 20% ZoS was shooting for and add in the above 3 items, a CP 810 level player is back to about a CP 182 level. Going from 810 to 3600 CP points is a 77.5% increase, now a CP 810 player only has 22.5% of the available CP point to spend, (270 /1200 = 22.5% and 22.5% of 810 is 182.25). With such a limited amout of CP points to spend (add in the added stars) most player will not be able to spread the points around enough to mitigate the nerf. For a lot of players, the work that was put into building and maximizing their characters for CP 810 has been destroyed by this update.
I have not completed a parse since CP 2.0 dropped yesterday, so I am not sure just how much of a nerf I have received but having only 23.75% of the available CP point to spend + the 3 changes mentioned above, I am positive I will not be able to do all the exact same content that I could do pre-CP 2.0. It is going to take a major overhaul of my characters, plus about 400 more levels to get my characters back to my pre-CP 2.0 level.
When I read comments by some veteran players saying they feel cheated with this change. I can understand where they are coming from. And no, it is not whining or crying or any of the other negative things people have posted. If CP 2.0 did not affect your build then good for you! But it did for a large group of players. And the saddest part is, it did not have to affect any player!
I really hate this new CP I have four (4) Characters that I cannot play as I did before.
With the old CP using the 810 CP I could Heal or DPS with just a simple bar swap for overland and Normal Dungeons & Trials. While for some Vet Trials a one bar weapon swap and a few skill changes depending on the Vet Trial and if I am Healing or DPS.
Have 1482 CP and its not anywhere near enough to be able to do this.
same for me and my 4 healers and 6 tanks. Serious degradation of play experience and fun.
But we both still could of they'd scaled our cp.
smittyhd60 wrote: »Ok, @Agenericname what is your CP level and what type of player are you? Be honest
your healers and tanks all gained 1k weapon and spell damage. They are much stronger in overland if you're adverse to spending 3k gold to respec them properly.
Agenericname wrote: »
At the start of the patch, 1351. Content; mostly vet DLC dungeons/arenas, some trials, and some PvP.
Sometimes I pick flowers.
smittyhd60 wrote: »
as i said in my post, I thought that I needed about 400 more levels in order to get back to where i felt I was in CP 1.0. You are proof of that with your CP 1351 level. My thinking is with your more advanced level of play and the better gear you have probably collected and with the 165 extra CP points per tree, has allowed you to basically be level or ahead of where you were in CP 1.0. So, this change to CP 2.0 did not really affect you as predicted. I felt that CP 1200 was about the break over point for CP 1.0 vs CP 2.0.
You say it dropped like it was no big deal. It took me two years to gain 1000 CP. 300,000,000 experience. You can't compare that to the time they raised the cap from 780 to 810. That wasn't thousands of CP that could've been gotten in half the time. It wasn't hundreds of millions of experience.Dark_Lord_Kuro wrote: »Here we go yet again
Its no different than any other time they raised the cap in the past
A player in one of the many other thred pointed out that at the release of cp 1.0 it took roughly 8 billion xp to reach 3600 and every update the soft cap was raised by 30 flatening the curve. By the time they stoped increasing it every update it was down to about 5 billion. Cp2.0 reduce it even more to 2.2 billion
Xp are a currency you exchange for a cp
The price for a cp just dropped noting more
This complaint is like buying a car for $25,000 and driving it for six months, then seeing that the price of the car has dropped to $18,000 and whining about how the dealership stole $7,000 from you.
You say it dropped like it was no big deal. It took me two years to gain 1000 CP. 300,000,000 experience. You can't compare that to the time they raised the cap from 780 to 810. That wasn't thousands of CP that could've been gotten in half the time. It wasn't hundreds of millions of experience.