No different then any other game comes out with an expansion and a new level cap.
This complaint is like buying a car for $25,000 and driving it for six months, then seeing that the price of the car has dropped to $18,000 and whining about how the dealership stole $7,000 from you.
No different then any other game comes out with an expansion and a new level cap.
AndlatAndometi wrote: »
my man, when other games come out with a new level cap, they still keep the experience from the previous levels.
Example: If level cap is 60 and it gets raised to 70, players will still be level 60 and the experience require to get to level 60 will still be the same.
ESO in the past also had CP cap increases, like back when it was 720 and it got higher people still kept their experience from the previous cap. People that had higher cp's got to max cp straight away, good for them.
The difference now is, they raised the cap but also halved+- the experience required per level. While not changing the Cp from the players themselves.
If we go back to the level 60 to 70 cap example this would mean that with that new cap players who were 60 get nerfed down to level 45. Now my man, give me one game that did that?
Also the argument "they made it so new players can catch up" that I keep hearing is total bs.
I was a new player once, I put in the grind to catch up, yet I'm being punished now?
other point: heard of the level crunch in WoW? the player was lvl 120, expansion came around the corner, player was lvl 50.
Why the hell should i be happy to grind AGAIN to hit a f***ing soft cap when the game deletes me about 1 year of XP ?!
this argument... why are you insisting on your XP staying the same? XP is a currency the game exchanges for 1 CP, and everytime you gain a CP your XP will be reset to ZERO. so your argument, quiet frankly, does not work at all.
other point: heard of the level crunch in WoW? the player was lvl 120, expansion came around the corner, player was lvl 50.
your last point: i had it hard as a new player so the new players shall have it even harder? come on, you can do better than that...talking about total BS yourself, this argument you made in the last paragraph is the worst i've heard to date
let me count real quick...
thread 10 about this topic, 8 of them in the PTS section.
is my answer helpful to the discussion? certainly not, i just wanted to point out that this topic is discused ad nauseum and no consense has been found to date, not sure if this 11th thread will help the cause?
Cap at 810: whaaaa, there is no progression, we want something to do!!!
Cap lifted: whaaaa, why do you force me to play the game?!
Pretty much everything you do in this game gives exp. You get bombarded with exp scrolls through the daily rewards. Just play to have fun. It's much more rewarding than chasing a number or keeping up with the Joneses.
Whatever you do, don’t play other MMOs - like WoW - where your levels get “squished” (yes, that’s the actual term the games themselves use) when new expansions are released as part of level/XP normalization.
These posts make me chuckle. Answer me this op, if it takes 250k to gain a cp and you were at 350k before the patch what in the world did you want to happen to that other 100k xp that you "lost" ? Honestly people are becoming more entitled as time goes on. Stuff like this happens all the time in the gaming world, if you cant handle it maybe videogames are not for you.
So, the new patch is out and everyone in the game seems happy (not so much on the forums tho). Some heavy changes were made, some are good, some are really bad or useless... Still, i can't ignore the feeling that i'm being punished.
The New CP system is out and he's telling you "see, i'm not completely different, DPS will be the same if you grind some more CP's" but... NO. I'm sorry game but i saw what you just did. Now you need ~250k-300k XP to gain a CP instead of the previous 450k-500k, okay, why not, fine, but that also means that HALF OF THE XP i gained before this update is just deleted from my account ! I mean... WHAT ?
I played the game for years, grinding some CPs to reach the caps, then when i was 600 i stopped having care for it and just hit 880 without noticing... And now the game is telling me : "Look you have to grind more CPs to get the soft cap" and he's taking half of my progression in the process ?!
Why the hell should i be happy to grind AGAIN to hit a [snip] soft cap when the game deletes me about 1 year of XP ?!
Does it seems normal to you that an update litteraly tells you "your progress over the yers don't matter, not even a little bit" ?
Don't get me wrong : i love the game. But it's the first time i have a feeling like this... And i don't think that only for me, i think of every player who gets it too...
[Edited to remove Profanity]
AndlatAndometi wrote: »
my man, when other games come out with a new level cap, they still keep the experience from the previous levels.
Example: If level cap is 60 and it gets raised to 70, players will still be level 60
and the experience require to get to level 60 will still be the same.
This, you never got CP on CP cap increase, at least past cap who was 600 then I reached it. Not sure if I got some free cp back then I was low CP, might got it once or twice but more likely I did not bothered adding points every we go again.
First, the CP cap has ALWAYS been 3600 - from day one. They instituted a cap on SPENDABLE CP not long after it launched. That cap was 500 and change. At that time, they did not delete the CPs that players had earned beyond that, as the intention was to continue to slowly raise the spendable CP cap, which they did multiple times. But, the power creep continued and so they froze the spendable cap at 810 while they worked on revamping the system.
Second, each time the spendable cap was raised, the XP curve was adjusted. So, you already "lost" thousands of XP before the new CP system even launched.