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[Warden] Please give us a polar bear skin

ZOS there is high demand for white skin for the Warden bear, please let us change the way bears look. Warden class is already a mess thematically, just a jimble-jumble of random skills, there aren't even bears or ice in Vvardenfell. A polar bear would fit much better with the class and make the animal companion and winter skill lines more thematically balanced. Tbh I'm surprised the bear wasn't polar by default. That would be awesome.

Who would benefit from white polar bears?
- Wardens would add variety in their skill lines
- Non wardens would be happy they don't see the same brown bear EVERYWHERE
- ZoS would sell thousands of white bear skins, and more people would be encouraged to buy the Warden class or play it.

Sorcs might might complain about their pet skins, but tbh all combat pets should have skins, like every game. Everyone wins!
Edited by ZOS_Icy on November 14, 2022 1:26PM
Athan Atticus Imperial Templar of Shezarr
  • zvavi
    And sorc pet skins too.
  • Mindcr0w
    Yep. At the very least, the ability to dye pets at the outfit station is years overdue. The ability to completely reskin them would be even better, but dyes would be something at least.
    Edited by Mindcr0w on March 5, 2021 11:24PM
  • oddbasket
    I see absolutely no reason to be against a polar bear skin, should have already came during Greymoor year.
  • tsaescishoeshiner
    While this sounds pretty cool in theory, I worry the polar bears would be far too hot in zones like Northern Elsweyr and Alik'r
    in-game: @tsaescishoeshiner
  • QuebraRegra
    ZOS wake up and sell pet skins.. take money from people who will willingly give it for little or no art team asset efforts.

    get woke to cash @ZOS_GinaBruno

    let's be honest here, you might be able to fund ZOS for a couple of years off pet skin income alone... Everybody wins!
    Edited by QuebraRegra on March 6, 2021 12:18AM
  • SickleCider
    Yes agree


    Wolf skins for warden bears and clannfears pls.
    Edited by SickleCider on March 6, 2021 12:07AM
    ✨🐦✨ Blackfeather Court Commission ✨🐦✨
  • QuebraRegra
    Yes agree


    Wolf skins for warden bears and clannfears pls.

    I'll let you have a WARDEN clanfear, if I can have a stamsorc wolf.. Deal? ;)
  • QuebraRegra
    While this sounds pretty cool in theory, I worry the polar bears would be far too hot in zones like Northern Elsweyr and Alik'r

    casts WINTERS EMBRACE skills.... wait, a snowman!!! a singing snowman!!!

    *queue in Summer*

    cha-ching, is the sound of the cash drawer coming open like sesame!
  • xaraan
    I realize the benefit would be to one class only (two if we did sorc pets) but for things they should already have skins and models in the game for, I wish they offered more pet variety.

    Different bear skins should be a no-brainer.

    But even being able to summon a sench-raht or wolf would be cool options as well. Two other animals they already have models and animations for in the game.
    -- @xaraan --
    nightblade: Xaraan templar: Xaraan-dar dragon-knight: Xaraanosaurus necromancer: Xaraan-qa warden: Xaraanodon sorcerer: Xaraan-ra
    AD • NA • PC
  • NotaDaedraWorshipper
    We really need some pet skins, and it's weird we still only have that single one for bear. The bear should get more colours, and it would be nice to get non-Morrowind animals themes for Warden aswell. Why not wolf, adhi, senche etc.

    Sorcerers pets also need skins. They look even worse than the bear with their bad texture and weird pale purple colour. Honestly, who decided that colour? Scamps and clannfears has never been that colours and it looks weird.
    Updated texture+colours, with the option for giving them different daedra looks. I want things like fire atronachs, because they are such a classic mage summon in Elder Scrolls.
    [Lie] Of course! I don't even worship Daedra!
  • AcadianPaladin
    My elf wants a honey-blonde grizzly skin for her bear (like the ones in game).
    PC NA(no Steam), PvE, mostly solo
  • Dark_Lord_Kuro
    Also change dammage type to ice to fit
    Make it imortal the same way as sorc pet instead of auto respawn
    The new morph effect could maybe introduce major brittle and change the cost accordingly
  • Starlight_Whisper
    zvavi wrote: »
    And sorc pet skins too.

    Keep the dream alive!
  • KovalskyNestor
    ESO could make a good profit out of these skins, and with small effort.. just repaint them lol.
  • LostHorizon1933
    While you’re at it, also a skin that keeps Bear Butts from blocking crafting stations and other useful objects.
  • rumple9
    Bears need taking out of the game
  • AinSoph
    You'd think since ZOS wants to sell radiant/apex reskins of mounts, you'd think they would go a step further and make skill skins or alternate animations or literally anything that's not a mount/emote/costume/accessory bc crown crate items are so predictable and bland now.
  • Wildberryjack
    I would love for my Warden's bear to be white. Can we have this ZOS?
    The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls. ~Pablo Picasso
  • FaylenSol
    I'd be happy with more Bear Skins in general.
  • Ratzkifal
    Don't you mean Snow Bear? There is no "polar" bear in Tamriel. :P
    This Bosmer was tortured to death. There is nothing left to be done.
  • Araneae6537
    Meh, I don’t care. It’s still a bear. Of course I have no objection to it, but I have no interest myself. I want to have options in our animal companions as a warden — at least in this, our guardian! I want a wolf, a kagouti, a senche, a nix-ox, a spider — those I would be excited about and pay for! :smiley:
    Edited by Araneae6537 on March 6, 2021 3:07PM
  • Toanis
    Meh, I don’t care. It’s still a bear. Of course I have no objection to it, but I have no interest myself. I want to have options in our animal companions as a warden — at least in this, our guardian! I want a wolf, a kagouti, a senche, a nix-ox, a spider — those I would be excited about a pay for! :smiley:

    Same. I would like "skins" that not only change the texture but also the model.

  • LalMirchi
    Yes, dyes, skins and alternative character models for combat pets would be awesome.
  • ESO_Nightingale
    oddbasket wrote: »
    I see absolutely no reason to be against a polar bear skin, should have already came during Greymoor year.

    Harrowstorm-Stonethorn was a massive disapointment for anything even remotely frost and/or warden related. the only thing of value that happened in the entire frosty themed year, was minor brittle. and yet for flames of ambition we already have another flame damage related monster set, but this time, it's even more of an insult because it adds another group based flame damage increase to the game when none existed for the other elements.
    Edited by ESO_Nightingale on March 6, 2021 11:32AM
    PvE Frost Warden Main and teacher. Come Join the ESO Frost Discord to discuss everything frost!:
  • FlipFlopFrog
    You can add my vote for more pet skins, personally for my warden's bear I'd love a ghostly/spirit type skin!
    PC EU
  • barney2525
    Yes... Polar Bear skin ... and a gaggle of penguins to run circles around the bear while its out.

  • Pink_Pixie
    I'd rather they just add in the radiant bear mounts skins, you buy the mount and get the skin for your bear. It'd make money, but of course that will never happen.
  • TechnoDreamVision
    No re-invention of "the wheel" needed.
  • MyKillv2.0
    I was actually blown away this option was not done all along.

    I mean, reskinning things, then throwing them in the cash shop is this game's move. They have done it for years. They do it for skins. They do it for pets. They do it for mounts. They are doing this for house guest. I would assume they are going to do it for the new companion system. I cannot imagine why they did not do this for the Warden bear pet all along...

    Then again, I am not a developer and I am pretty sure this is not a brand new idea that no one in the company has brought up before....which leads me to believe that there is a logical but undisclosed reason for why they cannot do it. After all, this is their game. They may know slightly more information than we do as players. Yes, even those of you who DPS 125k or are Grand Overlords or have nice shiny podcasts that dozens of people listen too.
  • Alurria
    Wardens and Sorcs should be able to have this option weather it's gold, crowns or a in game quest to change the skins. Also wardens need more that one pet model. We are wardens of the forest, not everyone cozys up to a bear. Maybe I would like a wolf, that matches my mount that matches my non combat pet. You know my own pack. Lol
This discussion has been closed.