So..I have as DLC's:
Imperial Palace
Clockwork City
Thief/Dark Brotherhood
Besides 3 Craglorn group quests, I've done every main quest, dungeon, delve, and every side quest I can find..I think I've completed almost every map (I like being a compleitionist). I've gold out the best armor for me, and when I get another 150 crystals (and 14 days of research) I will have literally maxed out my build with nirnhoned and slaughterstone (save golding the jewelry....way too grindy there). I've dumped 708 hours into this thing...and it's been a lot of fun, but I can tell it's starting to wind down for me. I've saved the Molag ending (at least I think it is) so I can show my family when I finish it. I plan on continuing to do the daily Undaunted to get those crystals for the future, trying out events (though I'm not gonna lie Tribunal seems kinda meh), and maybe see about getting new DLC's when they go on sale or for gifts from the fam

What I'm looking to have answered is what have I missed? Is there some glaring side thing I haven't tried? PVP is off the table since it's not my thing. Thank you all!