In essence a walking simulator.

How many times you take a quest (if your quest log isn't full) from someone outside of a dungeon who wants you to collect 10 dead cockroaches for him. You take and compete the quest and go to turn in only to find they have now buggered off to the other side of the map. Easy you might say but now there is a maintain range between you and them. After spending a hour traversing the mountain and fighting your way through countless monsters that this person has decided to surround themselves with, you turn in the quest and receive a broken stick for your troubles.

This is one of the reason I don't like taking quests.
  • zaria
    You talk about the delve quests, in the base game they tent to be very basic quests as in deliver some item to npc some place. In the dlc and chapters they are higher quality.

    But If I get it from an quest giver they tend to be at the same location then returning.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • WiseSky
    Misty wrote: »
    How many times you take a quest (if your quest log isn't full) from someone outside of a dungeon who wants you to collect 10 dead cockroaches for him. You take and compete the quest and go to turn in only to find they have now buggered off to the other side of the map. Easy you might say but now there is a maintain range between you and them. After spending a hour traversing the mountain and fighting your way through countless monsters that this person has decided to surround themselves with, you turn in the quest and receive a broken stick for your troubles.

    This is one of the reason I don't like taking quests.

    Always about the joinery never the destination.
  • SeaGtGruff
    Quests have tended to be like that since long before ESO. ESO is just following in the general tradition of quests in RPGs.
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • starkerealm
    I can't say I've ever encountered that quest...
  • Kwoung
    I can't say I've ever encountered that quest...

    There are quite a few, the one in Hew's Bane comes to mind offhand. Guy outside the delve asks for help, and instead of waiting for you to complete this incredibly important task for him, he merrily went back to town and is in his shop doing business, which is where you find him to turn the quest in. I felt like... apparently I do have "Sucker" tattooed across my forehead!
  • Misty
    I can't say I've ever encountered that quest...

    I may have exaggerated slightly.
  • Misty
    Last week I took a quest that I had to clear a public dungeon which was more like a castle. Being small and weak it took me some considerable time to complete. Eventually battered and bruised I escaped the dungeon with all tasks met.
    Guess what? To hand in I had to travel all the way through that darn dungeon once again.

    The dev's hate us and here's proof.
  • TheImperfect
    The quests are easy, compared to Morrowind single player where you didn't even get basic instructions on how to get to your destination and just kind of had to figure it out and could get lost and wander for hours.
  • ZaroktheImmortal
    The quests are easy, compared to Morrowind single player where you didn't even get basic instructions on how to get to your destination and just kind of had to figure it out and could get lost and wander for hours.

    Oh yeah Morrowind was terrible for this you had no quest markers and just some very vague directions like south east from so and so and it could be anywhere in a general south east or whatever direction from that place so you could spend ages looking for wherever you needed to go.
  • ZaroktheImmortal
    Most delve quests I remember they didn't move some might but most I remember doing didn't.
  • Stanx
    Kwoung wrote: »
    I can't say I've ever encountered that quest...

    There are quite a few, the one in Hew's Bane comes to mind offhand. Guy outside the delve asks for help, and instead of waiting for you to complete this incredibly important task for him, he merrily went back to town and is in his shop doing business, which is where you find him to turn the quest in. I felt like... apparently I do have "Sucker" tattooed across my forehead!

    Yeah there's also a similar quest in the Main Story (EP at least) when you go to meet Abnur Tharn at Knife... something Grotto. There's a quest you can pick up and 99% complete in there. Go to turn in and it's on the other side of Deeshan.

    Often skip this as I'll be on a low level toon and have already had to run to the east side of the map from Mournhold as I have no shrines. Struck me as a tad..... inane.
  • ZaroktheImmortal
    Also Morrowind didn't have mounts or anything to go faster so you literally did have to walk around for ages trying to figure out where you're suppose to go
  • Bradyfjord
    Stanx wrote: »
    Kwoung wrote: »
    I can't say I've ever encountered that quest...

    There are quite a few, the one in Hew's Bane comes to mind offhand. Guy outside the delve asks for help, and instead of waiting for you to complete this incredibly important task for him, he merrily went back to town and is in his shop doing business, which is where you find him to turn the quest in. I felt like... apparently I do have "Sucker" tattooed across my forehead!

    Yeah there's also a similar quest in the Main Story (EP at least) when you go to meet Abnur Tharn at Knife... something Grotto. There's a quest you can pick up and 99% complete in there. Go to turn in and it's on the other side of Deeshan.

    Often skip this as I'll be on a low level toon and have already had to run to the east side of the map from Mournhold as I have no shrines. Struck me as a tad..... inane.

    That quest in particular was originally level locked. You would have gotten the quest when you were leveling through the area, so Knife Ear Grotto would have been one of the things you were probably going to do with soon enough.
  • LostHorizon1933
    Misty wrote: »
    you turn in the quest and receive a broken stick for your troubles..

    I still use that stick.
  • Fennwitty
    NPCs have things to do you know. Can't just be waiting around on random adventurers to complete a task.

    How many adventurers agree to solve their problem then bail when their log's full, or don't get around to actually doing it for weeks :p
    PC NA
  • SickleCider
    Misty wrote: »
    you turn in the quest and receive a broken stick for your troubles..

    I still use that stick.

    i love stick
    ✨🐦✨ Blackfeather Court Commission ✨🐦✨
  • NotaDaedraWorshipper
    Misty wrote: »
    Last week I took a quest that I had to clear a public dungeon which was more like a castle. Being small and weak it took me some considerable time to complete. Eventually battered and bruised I escaped the dungeon with all tasks met.
    Guess what? To hand in I had to travel all the way through that darn dungeon once again.

    The dev's hate us and here's proof.

    Maybe keep an eye on the quest and what it tells you?
    [Lie] Of course! I don't even worship Daedra!
  • Misty
    Misty wrote: »
    Last week I took a quest that I had to clear a public dungeon which was more like a castle. Being small and weak it took me some considerable time to complete. Eventually battered and bruised I escaped the dungeon with all tasks met.
    Guess what? To hand in I had to travel all the way through that darn dungeon once again.

    The dev's hate us and here's proof.

    Maybe keep an eye on the quest and what it tells you?

    So here's the quest description.
    Some bloke asks you to go save is wife. He knows she's already dead but secretly he wants you to find a purse on her dead body and bring it back.
    Because the fellow expects the purse to be only half full he leaves a note saying come find me at this address. He doesn't tell you this before you enter the dungeon because where he lives is at the other side of the world and he doesn't wan to have to fork out for plane tickets.

    You find the dead body and feel sorry for the poor husband, you see the purse but it only contains a stick. So you pocket the stick in case it has sentimental value.

    After exiting the dungeon you find the note. 6 busses and a transatlantic flight later you arrive at the guys house. It takes him a while to remember who it is your talking about but when he finally rascals the event and the wife, he promptly tells you to keep the contents of the purse as payment for your deed and slams the door in your face.
    Tell me truthfully, would you take that quest after reading that description?
  • phairdon
    Misty wrote: »
    How many times you take a quest (if your quest log isn't full) from someone outside of a dungeon who wants you to collect 10 dead cockroaches for him. You take and compete the quest and go to turn in only to find they have now buggered off to the other side of the map. Easy you might say but now there is a maintain range between you and them. After spending a hour traversing the mountain and fighting your way through countless monsters that this person has decided to surround themselves with, you turn in the quest and receive a broken stick for your troubles.

    This is one of the reason I don't like taking quests.

    You're one of a very select group to know about the cockroach delve quest. Don't tell everyone.
    Your immersion is breaking my entitlement. Buff Sorc's. Darkshroud the cremator Death by furRubeus BlackFluffy knight BladesThe Fat PantherPsijic Fungal SausageFlesheater the VileCaspian Rafferty FernsbyArchfiend Warlock PiersThe Black BishopEvil Wizard Lizard (EU)Neberra Vestige Fajeon (EU)Salanis Deathstick (EU)Blood Mage Alchemist (EU)
  • Misty
    phairdon wrote: »
    Misty wrote: »
    How many times you take a quest (if your quest log isn't full) from someone outside of a dungeon who wants you to collect 10 dead cockroaches for him. You take and compete the quest and go to turn in only to find they have now buggered off to the other side of the map. Easy you might say but now there is a maintain range between you and them. After spending a hour traversing the mountain and fighting your way through countless monsters that this person has decided to surround themselves with, you turn in the quest and receive a broken stick for your troubles.

    This is one of the reason I don't like taking quests.

    You're one of a very select group to know about the cockroach delve quest. Don't tell everyone.

    It's okay they don't believe me anyway but just to make sure I have set up a false trail.

    By the way can you get your stick to work?
  • NotaDaedraWorshipper
    Misty wrote: »
    Misty wrote: »
    Last week I took a quest that I had to clear a public dungeon which was more like a castle. Being small and weak it took me some considerable time to complete. Eventually battered and bruised I escaped the dungeon with all tasks met.
    Guess what? To hand in I had to travel all the way through that darn dungeon once again.

    The dev's hate us and here's proof.

    Maybe keep an eye on the quest and what it tells you?

    So here's the quest description.
    Some bloke asks you to go save is wife. He knows she's already dead but secretly he wants you to find a purse on her dead body and bring it back.
    Because the fellow expects the purse to be only half full he leaves a note saying come find me at this address. He doesn't tell you this before you enter the dungeon because where he lives is at the other side of the world and he doesn't wan to have to fork out for plane tickets.

    You find the dead body and feel sorry for the poor husband, you see the purse but it only contains a stick. So you pocket the stick in case it has sentimental value.

    After exiting the dungeon you find the note. 6 busses and a transatlantic flight later you arrive at the guys house. It takes him a while to remember who it is your talking about but when he finally rascals the event and the wife, he promptly tells you to keep the contents of the purse as payment for your deed and slams the door in your face.
    Tell me truthfully, would you take that quest after reading that description?

    Yes? I don't see the issue. There's a bunch of quests where an npc asks you to get, check, or do something, because they can't or don't dare to. So when you accept to do it, they return to safety instead of standing around where they would be in danger.

    I did Loremaster achievment in World of Warcraft before the Cataclysm expansion. An npc moving to a different place in the same zone is no biggie whatsoever. <Gets nightmarish flashbacks of running back and forth between continents>
    [Lie] Of course! I don't even worship Daedra!
  • amm7sb14_ESO
    WiseSky wrote: »
    Misty wrote: »
    How many times you take a quest (if your quest log isn't full) from someone outside of a dungeon who wants you to collect 10 dead cockroaches for him. You take and compete the quest and go to turn in only to find they have now buggered off to the other side of the map. Easy you might say but now there is a maintain range between you and them. After spending a hour traversing the mountain and fighting your way through countless monsters that this person has decided to surround themselves with, you turn in the quest and receive a broken stick for your troubles.

    This is one of the reason I don't like taking quests.

    Always about the joinery never the destination.

    Yes, but the journey that is ESO overland questing is not fun.

    It's so bad that I have had to cut it from my gameplay altogether.
  • Sahidom
    Kwoung wrote: »
    I can't say I've ever encountered that quest...

    There are quite a few, the one in Hew's Bane comes to mind offhand. Guy outside the delve asks for help, and instead of waiting for you to complete this incredibly important task for him, he merrily went back to town and is in his shop doing business, which is where you find him to turn the quest in. I felt like... apparently I do have "Sucker" tattooed across my forehead!

    Don't forget the ever-loving George Jetson quests where the NPC stands next to the etching, lever or button but asks you to do it for them... The magic finger that makes the world work.
  • FrancisCrawford
    Odd to be this far in the thread without noting that a large fraction of delve quests are given by corpses or other not-currently-living objects.

    Those almost always are FedEx in nature.
  • fredthefrown
    Thought this was going to be about the stuck in combat bug
  • Misty
    Its strange how the game always gives you the option to ask the quest giver 'And what will you be doing while I'm spilling blood for you?'
    You see even the dev's think it strange that a quest giver would be asking you to open a door for them so they give you the option to listen to some lame excuse such as 'I have to finish painting this here house.'
  • Misty
    You can easily spend over a hour on a quest (mostly walking) with little reward, maybe a few coins and if your lucky, a stick, (which if you attach a butterfly and wave about near running water turns into a ascended Godlike weapon) but that's only rarely.
    It's much more rewarding to enter a dungeon and bully the good stuff from the residents.
  • aetherial_heavenn
    WiseSky wrote: »
    Misty wrote: »
    How many times you take a quest (if your quest log isn't full) from someone outside of a dungeon who wants you to collect 10 dead cockroaches for him. You take and compete the quest and go to turn in only to find they have now buggered off to the other side of the map. Easy you might say but now there is a maintain range between you and them. After spending a hour traversing the mountain and fighting your way through countless monsters that this person has decided to surround themselves with, you turn in the quest and receive a broken stick for your troubles.

    This is one of the reason I don't like taking quests.

    Always about the joinery never the destination.

    @WiseSky, Best pun ever and half the readers missed it. Anyway you get an awesome. Thanks for the LOL
    Quoted for truth
    "In my experience, the elite ones have not been very toxic, and the toxic ones not very elite." WrathOfInnos
  • Monte_Cristo
    Kwoung wrote: »
    I can't say I've ever encountered that quest...

    There are quite a few, the one in Hew's Bane comes to mind offhand. Guy outside the delve asks for help, and instead of waiting for you to complete this incredibly important task for him, he merrily went back to town and is in his shop doing business, which is where you find him to turn the quest in. I felt like... apparently I do have "Sucker" tattooed across my forehead!

    You should've just thrown the stuff through his window. Tied to a brick.
  • Tandor
    I don't see the problem to be honest, for me questing is a key part of the game - indeed, it's the key part of the game. Still, I can quite see its frustrations for those who don't enjoy quests, although I do then wonder the extent to which this is the right game for them if they are cutting overland questing out of their gameplay.

    At least no-one is coming up with the usual forum approach to such frustrations and demanding an assistant they can summon and hand over their completed quests to so he can run off and hand them in. Not yet, anyway.
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