I think the OP is asking about the forced equal distribution of CP's to each of the 3 trees. In that regard, I see a lot of unhappiness coming.
I think the OP is asking about the forced equal distribution of CP's to each of the 3 trees. In that regard, I see a lot of unhappiness coming.
This is what I'm asking. And if you don't craft why would I want to put points into a full crafting tree. Yeah, it looks like they snuck in a few non crafting things in the tree to get you to spend points in the tree. This is the kind of sneaky stuff Devs will do that I hate.
Ok, when this hits live are you going to get all your points refunded in an outside pool or something? The green tree used to be about stamina and weapon damage. The new tree seems to be about crafting which I don't care about, So if I open the green tree and see my points there I will not be happy.
Ok, when this hits live are you going to get all your points refunded in an outside pool or something? The green tree used to be about stamina and weapon damage. The new tree seems to be about crafting which I don't care about, So if I open the green tree and see my points there I will not be happy.
The green tree used to be about sustain, not (exclusively) about stamina and not about weapon damage at all. Unless you are talking about the 20% base stat increase. That went away but our base stats were raised in return so there isn't really a loss happening here. It also means, as virtus753 pointed out, that you do not need to invest into anything green to be viable. The green CP is just for fun and quality of life.
The other issue you seem to have might be due to language barrier. "Craft" does not refer only to crafting gear or potions. Many things can be a "craft", like lockpicking for example or the art of staying hidden. All the things you find in the new green CPs are not about combat. The combat related effects are split across Fitness and Warfare so people now have to make choices rather than everyone getting sustain, damage and mitigation without drawbacks.