PLease ZOS, nerf everything again, nerf damage, nerf healing, nerf drops, nerf racial, nerf skills, nerf recovery. We need more nerf!!!! Everybody needs more nerfs!!!!! Please ZOS nerf us again and again. Think about more interesting ways to nerf us, nerf everything!!!!!
You shouldn't act like it's a 1-way street, since lots of things that are relevant to PvP get nerfed because of PvE. The upcoming change to 7th Legion and some other sets being easy, recent examples.oh guys, im playing this game since 2015 and they have ruined it mostly because of pvp whiners....
You shouldn't act like it's a 1-way street, since lots of things that are relevant to PvP get nerfed because of PvE. The upcoming change to 7th Legion and some other sets being easy, recent examples.oh guys, im playing this game since 2015 and they have ruined it mostly because of pvp whiners....
oh guys, im playing this game since 2015 and they have ruined it mostly because of pvp whiners....
You shouldn't act like it's a 1-way street, since lots of things that are relevant to PvP get nerfed because of PvE. The upcoming change to 7th Legion and some other sets being easy, recent examples.oh guys, im playing this game since 2015 and they have ruined it mostly because of pvp whiners....
While I'll admit it's not a one way street I will venture that most called for nerfs on the forums come from PvP. Pve, while it DOES happen, rarely make thread after thread about their skills/sustain being too strong. They WILL get people who brag or claim something is too easy. Unfortunately PvP is balanced with pve and the forums are rife with nerf threads attacking everything from class, armor, skills, even heavy attacks and jumping. It's easy to see why PvP gets a reputation for being responsible for all the nerfs. PvP tends to be the...I'll say loudest...majority on the forums, so makes up much of what's seen.
You shouldn't act like it's a 1-way street, since lots of things that are relevant to PvP get nerfed because of PvE. The upcoming change to 7th Legion and some other sets being easy, recent examples.oh guys, im playing this game since 2015 and they have ruined it mostly because of pvp whiners....
While I'll admit it's not a one way street I will venture that most called for nerfs on the forums come from PvP. Pve, while it DOES happen, rarely make thread after thread about their skills/sustain being too strong. They WILL get people who brag or claim something is too easy. Unfortunately PvP is balanced with pve and the forums are rife with nerf threads attacking everything from class, armor, skills, even heavy attacks and jumping. It's easy to see why PvP gets a reputation for being responsible for all the nerfs. PvP tends to be the...I'll say loudest...majority on the forums, so makes up much of what's seen.
Why would anyone in PvE complain about something being too strong? People only complain about op stuff when its not beneficial to them, if the NPCs could complain they would, PvE is extremely unbalanced if you think about it unbiased... most content you just stack dps and skip all mechanics, most builds are crit focused because its so much stronger than anything else. Its so unbalanced that you dont even need healers, healers stack sets to further increase group dps so mechanics can be skipped.
I dont want it nerfed though cause Id rather complete that stuff as fast as I can without learning mechanics. Thats why barely anyone complains about op pve stuff.
SirLeeMinion wrote: »I have an Argonian Templar. On the PTS, he can still run, jump, and hold inventory items. Definitely OP. Please nerf.
You shouldn't act like it's a 1-way street, since lots of things that are relevant to PvP get nerfed because of PvE. The upcoming change to 7th Legion and some other sets being easy, recent examples.oh guys, im playing this game since 2015 and they have ruined it mostly because of pvp whiners....
PLease ZOS, nerf everything again, nerf damage, nerf healing, nerf drops, nerf racial, nerf skills, nerf recovery. We need more nerf!!!! Everybody needs more nerfs!!!!! Please ZOS nerf us again and again. Think about more interesting ways to nerf us, nerf everything!!!!!
You shouldn't act like it's a 1-way street, since lots of things that are relevant to PvP get nerfed because of PvE. The upcoming change to 7th Legion and some other sets being easy, recent examples.oh guys, im playing this game since 2015 and they have ruined it mostly because of pvp whiners....
While I'll admit it's not a one way street I will venture that most called for nerfs on the forums come from PvP. Pve, while it DOES happen, rarely make thread after thread about their skills/sustain being too strong. They WILL get people who brag or claim something is too easy. Unfortunately PvP is balanced with pve and the forums are rife with nerf threads attacking everything from class, armor, skills, even heavy attacks and jumping. It's easy to see why PvP gets a reputation for being responsible for all the nerfs. PvP tends to be the...I'll say loudest...majority on the forums, so makes up much of what's seen.
Why would anyone in PvE complain about something being too strong? People only complain about op stuff when its not beneficial to them, if the NPCs could complain they would, PvE is extremely unbalanced if you think about it unbiased... most content you just stack dps and skip all mechanics, most builds are crit focused because its so much stronger than anything else. Its so unbalanced that you dont even need healers, healers stack sets to further increase group dps so mechanics can be skipped.
I dont want it nerfed though cause Id rather complete that stuff as fast as I can without learning mechanics. Thats why barely anyone complains about op pve stuff.