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Vote for the next Torchbug pet!

Community Manager
Hey everyone! We're excited to give you the chance to cast your vote for the 2021 ESO Community pet! Throughout the year, we'll give away the winning pet during livestreams, social giveaways, and more on our official ESO channels. Head to this link to submit your vote, and let the best bug win!

Gina Bruno
Senior Creator Engagement Manager
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Staff Post
  • Aliyavana
    I feel like the Pink Torchbug would be nice if it were to be used to raise awareness for Breast Cancer, since ribbons in the color of pink are known to be used as a symbol to raise awareness.

    It would show that ZOS supports a good cause.
    Edited by Aliyavana on February 20, 2021 5:06AM
  • Hotdog_23
    Have to go pink also my grand daughter would love it.

    Please don't give it away at a 5pm stream. Can never make those because of work.

    Stay safe :)
  • Pyr0xyrecuprotite
    Love the screenshots used as backdrops - I hope they are made available as wallpaper.
  • Odovacar
    Pink to go with slaughterfish Flesh dye B)
  • Pauls
    Dont get it why most voted for pink while we had crimson. Imo white deserves more votes :)
  • Sylvermynx
    Voted for blue.... it's the same shade as the dro-M'athra mounts/pets.
  • Dojohoda
    I voted blue.

    The pink/blue part of this contest made me think of the 'Pink gown or Blue gown' scene in the old Sleeping Beauty movie. :)
    Fan of playing magblade since 2015. (PC NA)
    Might be joking in comments.
  • TaigaStrider
    I voted white. Seems like more of a natural color.
    In-Game Username - @WanderMyst
    EP & AD Roleplayer
    Primary RP Guilds: House Tavari, The Arenthia Vale, & The Banescale Fellowship

    Nahrani - Khajiit - Melancholic and Conservative Dres Slave
    Hugs-Like-Steel - Argonian - Dres Hireling & Ex-Telvanni Slave with Power Issues
    Xul-Deelith - Argonian - Fate-Cursed Archein & Dres Vanguard
    Tarvyn Verelnim - Dunmer - Idealistic Imperial City Survivor & Indoril Mercenary
    Shanji Marsh-Boots - Khajiit - Marsh-Rot-Afflicted Former AD Vanguard in Operation Merciful Reduction
    Ja'Khari - Khajiit - Child-Prodigy Cartographer & Information Broker
    Nelanwen the Raven - Altmer - Narcissistic Former AD Scout
    Twendil - Altmer - Shanty-Singing Operator of the Happy Hulkynd
    Cotter Georick - Breton - Simple-Minded Miner
    Celsus Scotti - Imperial - Overweight, Embezzling, & Pacifistic Imperial Geographical Society Member
    Mouse - Khajiit - Skooma-Addicted Beggar
    Parvus Viro - Imperial/Bosmer - A Very Short Resolute of Stendarr and Apologist of Man

    "One sure mark of a fool is to dismiss anything that falls outside his experience as being impossible." - Farengar Secret-Fire
  • DreadDaedroth
    White! Led torchbug. :D
  • vibeborn
    The pink one! :*
  • LadyLethalla
    Purple or blue or whatever the one on the right is.
    x-TallyCat-x // PC EU DC - For the Covenant! // ESO Platinum trophy - 16th May 2017.
    Melbourne Australia - the land of Potato Internet.WTB ESO OCEANIC SERVER
  • ccfeeling
    Pink, so Beautiful.
  • Nairinhe
    White is cool.
    But I still want the normal, green one :'(
  • Banana
    A 100 ping
  • priestnall.andrewrwb17_ESO
    Natural green or yellowish green would be preferable.
  • LadyHeloise
    White, please.
  • BisDasBlutGefriert
    46% pink
    32% blue
    21% white

    Results so far
    ~There’s a positive in every negative. Sometimes the positive is harder to find than other times, but there is ALWAYS one there~
  • MajThorax
    Voted pink.
    You should do these polls with other eso bugs as well.
  • HidesFromSun
    I like the 1st and 3rd one, but I think i'll vote for pink
  • tuxon
    Team White! We have pinkish already come on guys!
    Resdayniil kan tarcel
  • DreamsUnderStars
    How about something else besides a torchbug? I think they are cute, but maybe something different this time?

    That being said, I vote pink.
    Edited by DreamsUnderStars on February 20, 2021 6:17PM
  • coop500
    I don't have a torchbug pet yet so HYPE
    Hoping for more playable races
  • Araneae6537
    I like the pink and white ones. I don’t know why, but I don’t care for the purple-blue. 🤔
  • Starlight_Whisper
    Others are just boring so pink it is
  • Seminolegirl1992
    @Seminolegirl1992 PC/NA CP 2400+ PVE, PVP, RP, Housing: Tel Galen, Fair Winds, Moon Sugar, Grand Psijic, Forsaken, HOTLC, Bastion, Ravenhurst, Gardner, Alinor, Hakkvild's, Gorinir, Kragenhome, Hundings, & more- feel free to come see! Wish list
    Former Empress | Swashbuckler Supreme | Planesbreaker | Godslayer | Gryphon Heart | Immortal Redeemer | Tick Tock Tormentor | Dro-m'athra Destroyer | Dawnbringer
  • Katheriah
    let the best bug win!

    I personally really like the bug where for some people the treasure chests in Castle Thorn or Stone Garden are invisible, because I never have that; it's always someone else in my group. I had some weapons drop drom those chests. It looks as if other people's misery boost my RNG. Best bug ever, I would like to vote on that one. <3
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    So basically...
  • N00BxV1
    Not trying to be rude, but I couldn't care less about the color of a pet. Why not make a poll asking how we feel about the game, its performance and all the upcoming changes - things that actually matter?
  • Moonsorrow
    Kind of funny to vote for the best bug at eso..

    Okay yeah, i voted for the pink anyways. :p
  • Bobomancer
    The white one seems the most versatile to me, so that's my vote. But they're all nice.
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