What is with EVERY stam build going 2h and bow?
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »
First off, they dont.
I see you haven’t been reading and comparing premade builds on youtube and the usual sites. ONLY ones I know that don’t all use the same setups are skinny (because he provides a lot of different combos) and hack (because he does some off meta stuff).
Other than that they really do ALL demand 2h/bow.
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »I wouldnt say that qualifies as meta.
Maybe the thing for you, then, will be to not run someone's premade build, but actually get more involved with buildcraft yourself. As Oreyn said, a major reason to run a bow back bar is to have 100% back bar enchant uptime via Endless Hail. You can achieve the same thing by running Blade Cloak on the back bar or by running Stampede on the back bar, which leaves an AOE on the ground. That said, I like the bow for vVateshran in particular, because there is a fair bit of running between the bosses and dodge rolling on the bow bar speeds you up. If you're ever chasing the Spirit Slayer title, that can make the difference, though you could also run Quick Cloak or Race Against Time or something else, I guess.
Never even heard of liko. I have heard xynode (assuming he's the aussie one) mentioned once but his smug voice is grating.
alcast is almost all 2h/bow, so are most "solo" builds online. even skinny provides multiple 2h/bow builds per video depending on which of the two "acceptable" bows you have.
I actually like bow as a main damage dealing weapon, I just REALLY hate ground targeted aoes, as rarely do enemies stay inside them and they provide a lag between hits.
I used about 100 soul shards yesterday to farm my way to cp 160, and almost all deaths were animation locks from either mystic orb or some ground target aoe.
I also wasn't planning on using any premade builds as none have I seen "worked" with my playstyle. I just want ideas.
I just came up with a mag build that melts enemies in a ring around me. It is absurd that set bonses have this much impact.
just using the usual julianos/mother's sorrow sets was so terrible felt like when I was cp120 and still using my level 30 training gear; but when I started using sets that require some conditional it changed everything. I don't want to post it here because I don't want it to get nerfed.
I just came up with a stam set based on some ideas here, but I am not looking forward to the grind of trying to get it. Shouldn't take long as I only need 5 pieces on top of the master's weapons. The sad thing is I'm only making these sets to make grinding easier.
seems all there is to do in the game is grind, and I don't even want to think about transmute stones.
Maybe the thing for you, then, will be to not run someone's premade build, but actually get more involved with buildcraft yourself. As Oreyn said, a major reason to run a bow back bar is to have 100% back bar enchant uptime via Endless Hail. You can achieve the same thing by running Blade Cloak on the back bar or by running Stampede on the back bar, which leaves an AOE on the ground. That said, I like the bow for vVateshran in particular, because there is a fair bit of running between the bosses and dodge rolling on the bow bar speeds you up. If you're ever chasing the Spirit Slayer title, that can make the difference, though you could also run Quick Cloak or Race Against Time or something else, I guess.
Because the OP is a role-player who complained about every recommendation he saw being the same hackneyed setup.
Endless Hail has higher damage per second, why would you run Stampede or Blade Cloak instead as "optimized" DD?
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »
I assure you, there is no reason to be secretive. Nothing you found is going to be a great revelation to anyone. If proc sets are moving the needle that much in PVE, your rotation (yes, even AOE grind builds have a rotation) needs some work.
Take your build into skyreach and pull the first half up to the chest and see how you do. There are a lot of ways to nuke small zombie pulls, but you should be able to handle skyreach in only 3 pulls all by yourself. I would say that is the best benchmark to test an effective grind build. Once you can clear them all, then it comes down to time. I dont think a stam proc set build is going to be anywhere near the top, but certainly, I could be wrong.
Because the OP is a role-player who complained about every recommendation he saw being the same hackneyed setup.
Endless Hail has higher damage per second, why would you run Stampede or Blade Cloak instead as "optimized" DD?
So am I to a degree. This is not meant to be disparaging. For example I have not played vampires for 5 years and this can really hold you back on a PvP nightblade.Oh, joy, I'm a "roleplayer" now.