Magblade still the best due to soul harvest, free ulti for kills means you get to cast more ultimates. Nobody can do skyreach quicker. Combine that with Sap Essence and you have more self-healing than you know what to do with.
Of course you can run front bar dead-water's guile and ring of the pale order on any class for virtually the same effect now days.
Totally forgot. Yea, that was and is the big reason. Especially next patch when Banish the Wicked basically gets deleted and nobody restores ultimate anymore from killing undead.
I would say no class has an extremely strong focus on aoe output over another class. On all classes, I spam Unstable Wall of Elements for aoe situations, no matter what that class has in their arsenal.
Nightblade is good in the sense that their class aoe spammable also heals you. And much to my anger, they have the strongest ground aoe with twisting path. Makes me want to scream how Twisting Past deals almost twice the damage of lightning splash. Such a disgrace how they butcher classes over the years. I digress.
orion_1981usub17_ESO wrote: »I use a frost magicka warden with with ice furnace and frozen watcher. It's a aoe tank that can whittle away unlimited mobs. S/b and ice staff using frost aoe, warden vines , healing blast and undaunted spike bone armor. I went and gathered up all the start mobs in pirate haven dungeon to test it out... hilarity unsued! Bodies stacked 10 high.
So the strongest aoe in the game is one that gives a movespeed buff? Wonderful.
As for every class being very similar, I hear that a lot but from playing the game I note it really isn't true. sorc and templar seem to pull ahead considerably (have yet to try nightblade but might), and dk just feels terrible in anything outside of single target (they don't feel all that great to play even there though.
I think a lot of people forget what the game is like at lower levels, especially without cp.
FrancisCrawford wrote: »
But if you have a Fighter's Guild skill ON YOUR BAR, you get 1/3 of the previous benefit, against ANY kind of enemy.
orion_1981usub17_ESO wrote: »Magicka detonation is terrible in pve, the 8 second wind up time makes it miserable to time out and it's max benefit is capped at 6 mobs for a fairly hefty magicka cost. Honestly mobs simply don't last long enough for it to be viable farming skill. My passive blocking will have done 32k damage base before your detonation goes off.
As a PvPer I don't go out of my way to make great PvE builds. This is, perhaps, why I do NOT rate magblade very highly, even though it is my main. Yes, it has an AOE that hits all around and heals you. Yes, it has Twisting Path. I still find it easier to get more damage out of my magplar and feel tankier than on my magblade. As I'm writing this, I'm not sure whether I bothered to make a Pale Order build for the magblade, whereas I have one for the magplar, but the above goes back to observations before Pale Order existed.
I farm Skyreach in 3 pulls. As long as Banish the Wicked exsists in it's current form, the extra ulti gen from magblade is kind of irrelevant for that place. I frequently get back to back destro ults regardless of class.
What beats both of those options for sheer tankiness and damage is a Master's 2H Brawler build. I'm not sure sure how high it scales. To the best of my recollection I had a value of 36K per target against 9 target skeletons, when Reverse Slice did 25K per target against those skeletons near death with the same build. The combination of the Brawler shield plus the heal from Pale Order is ridiculous, though Brawler plus Crit Surge alone works well enough for me in vVateshran too.
If you want to get technical, the vTrials crowd will tell you magblade is currently tops. When Markarth was on the PTS I watched one of Alcast's first vVateshran runs on YouTube. He raved about magblade. Oh, the damage, he said. But that's Alcast. I have never been able to replicate his results. Back many patches ago he demonstrated a 35K parse on a basic target skeleton using a static rotation. I got 25K with that rotation and I'm quite sure I didn't miss weaves. At times I have thought that people flat out lie about their parse results, but I suppose in reality they do some things they're unable to put into words.
When I watch some of those crazy 600K+ vMA YouTube videos, one thing that becomes apparent is how well those people use their time inbetween combat. They lay down their ground AOEs, their trap, they manage to hold over a spectral explosion from the previous round in the final fight. They also don't slot the amount of, perhaps redundant, defensive skills I slot - a holdover from PvP for me. That's finally beginning to make sense to me. Twisting Path is honestly not that great, if you use it inside a rotation, especially an imperfect rotation. Like I said, I get more damage out of my magplar and that's mostly due to the raw damage of Puncturing Sweeps. Where a skill like Twisting Path comes into it's own is when you lay it down at points in the combat where you would otherwise be idle, such as when waiting for the next spawn in an arena.
The question you have to ask yourself is: Who are you? Do you identify with the Alcasts of this game or do you identify more with someone like me, a shlob who doesn't take PvE seriously enough to fully work out the kinks in their rotation nor their builds. In the latter case you might take my advice and stay away from magblade in favor of magplar, a Bawler build or, perhaps, something like a pet sorc (though I don't know how that's doing in the current meta).
I would actually recommend DK over sorc, yeah. The DK class DOTs are good, one of them is also AOE and you get the AOE penetration buff. Furthermore Endless Hail and the two DK DOTs are all 14 seconds in duration. This makes your rotation easy. Just check visually whether Endless Hail has run out, then reapply it and the DOTs.What class would you recommend for your masters brawler build? dk?
For the purposes of soloing stuff, which is what you're looking for, perhaps yes. I've done vVateshran, no death, no sigils in 42 minutes on that build - comfortably. I've also solo'd some base-game vDungeon with it, though I can't remember which one. I tend to draft in friend(s) for the final boss fight to get a better item drop chance, so don't hold me to itthat is an endgame of endgame build there maybe sorc?
You can't let your Crit Surge fall off on stamsorc, that is true, although if you're wearing Pale Order I imagine it's less of an issue. With any of these AOE builds, though, you absolutely can't stop attacking. That's how they survive and thrive. Same for magblade. Same for magplar. Same for Brawler. You solo stuff, you want to have your sustain sitting where it's comfortable, whether that is from Vicious Ophidian or something else. When you interrupt your Brawler spam for buffs and Endless Hail / Venomous Claw / Noxious Breath, that's when you're most vulnerable. One of the boons of Brawler versus Puncturing Sweeps is that you can block cast it, though. Very useful against that Minotaur in vVateshran.I don't care for stamsorc because it feels like spinning plates because you are made of tissue if you so much as let one of the many buffs or defensives fall off or even stop attacking.
Just wanted to respond to this one line. Well since you have all yellow meta gear. Meta mythics. Meta trial and rare drop gear. Max cp, and everything min/maxed.For the purposes of soloing stuff, which is what you're looking for, perhaps yes.
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »Mageblade. Great sustain, Great AOE spam, great passive heals, and soul harvest allows you to essentially stack destro ultimates on top of one another.
Now that we have ring of the pale order, really any class can be an effective XP grinder, but I still dont believe any hold a candle to magblade. If my account was deleted tomorrow, first class I make is a mageblade without question.
Mage blade grind bars:
1 (lightning). Sap Essence, Flex, flex, flex, flex, Soul Harvest.
2. (Fire or Lighting, doesn't really matter) Unstable Wall, Twisting Path, Mystic Orb, Siphoning Attacks, Flex, Destro Ult.
Put whatever you want in the flex. On the front bar, use it to level class or weapon skill lines. On the back bar, maybe slot a shield or use something like trap or channeled acceleration for minor force (i usually run trap, you could also make twsiting path a flex spot, or use refreshing path for more heals). Crippling grasp is also not bad if you arent wearing False God to keep up major expedition between pulls.
Keep up siphoning attacks, pull enemies with light attacks (or medium/heavy lighting staff attacks). Pick your spot, drop wall, path, orb, destro, spam sap essence until any from the back need reapplied.
I run false god, grothdar, and Julianos for grinding, all in training except the back bar staff which is infused. You might do better than julianos, but I like it because its crafted so easy to get 5/1/1 and build around false god if you dont have all the pieces.
When did you last play? Major Expedition was removed from Crippling Grasp ages ago. Sorry, couldn't resist nitpicking, but it's true.Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »Crippling grasp is also not bad if you arent wearing False God to keep up major expedition between pulls.
When did you last play? Major Expedition was removed from Crippling Grasp ages ago. Sorry, couldn't resist nitpicking, but it's true.
<In a French accent>: A few moments later -> Looks up False God and finds it's another trial set. Look I get it, you gotta play what you want to play, but you're going to end up taking neither of our posts quite literally here, since I presume you don't have False God either. It's the Vicious Ophidian of the magicka world.Just wanted to respond to this one line. Well since you have all yellow meta gear. Meta mythics. Meta trial and rare drop gear. Max cp, and everything min/maxed.
Yes, it is end game of end game. If I wanted to recreate that set I would need either an absurd amount of gold to buy runs, a dedicated trials guild, and weeks to months of solid daily playtime to fish for drops (and that's without even considering the cp).
Kind of odd that the solo build requires me to basically beat the game with the highest level group content first.
Also, I seem to like a sword and shield / dual wield build on my dk. If I have to see another 2h / bow spammy stam build I might just quit.
Now this I will use, thank you!
<In a French accent>: A few moments later -> Looks up False God and finds it's another trial set. Look I get it, you gotta play what you want to play, but you're going to end up taking neither of our posts quite literally here, since I presume you don't have False God either. It's the Vicious Ophidian of the magicka world.
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »
You wont do better the FG or or VO (magic and stam) for XP grinding (or solo arenas). The cost reduction, magic return, and constant major expedition is just too strong if killing a million zombies is your goal, or really any time you need to be self sufficient. You can do better in terms of damage, but what these practically do is is shorten the time between pulls. They arent mandatory, but these are the two most useful sets in PVE. Even if not BIS for damage, they will always work as the basis for any DPS build in group content as well unless chasing world records.
Neither are that hard to get. You need 5 pieces that arent head or shoulders, and you can build around with a trial set. You can join craglorn groups for normal SO or SS and have a full set in a few runs. Again, if someone deleted my account tomorrow, these are the first two sets that I farm.
To the OP: If you dont have False God on a magic toon, Vengeance Leach can be a reasonable substitute for the resource return. But honestly, just run normal Sunspire a few times and politely let the group know you are after any False God pieces they dont need. Thanks to the sticker book, you dont really care about traits. You should be able to find a pickup group in craglorn pretty fast. If you havent started reserach yet, I would suggest you research Divines and training on all your armor pieces.
So i craft the pieces or use a transmute station?
@Pencisl2, what you need for my build is the Master's 2H and Pale Order. That is it. You can get the non-perfected weapon from normal DSA, which is easy, albeit a bit time consuming. Same for mythics, but some of them are worth it, e.g. Pale Order and Wild Hunt (in general). Forget VO and the Maelstrom bow. No need for those, they're strictly optimisation. Not important and neither is gold jewelry or armor. Only gold weapons are IMO a must.