you can use them in dungeons and trials as far as I know. Which means you and a friend can learn a vet dlc dungeon without worrying about people leaving at the first wipe. or dlc world bosses. MAYBE they will be able to buff you (major deal)? Why must people turn everything into a negativeSshadowSscale wrote: »zos stated on live stream that they will be customisable with gear sets and skills(so you can make them a tank or healer or dps) also the companions will have to be leveled from 1 to 50(knowing zos this is gonna take forever) conpanions will also have unique dialogue with options and also their own unique quests wich you can do to get to know them better or at least that's what they said.... personally I am not a fan and won't be using them cause overland is easy and boring enough without them but I guess to each their own.... only time I might use them is to afk farm mats or gear etc while watching Netflix or YouTube......
you can use them in dungeons and trials as far as I know. Which means you and a friend can learn a vet dlc dungeon without worrying about people leaving at the first wipe. or dlc world bosses. MAYBE they will be able to buff you (major deal)? Why must people turn everything into a negativeSshadowSscale wrote: »zos stated on live stream that they will be customisable with gear sets and skills(so you can make them a tank or healer or dps) also the companions will have to be leveled from 1 to 50(knowing zos this is gonna take forever) conpanions will also have unique dialogue with options and also their own unique quests wich you can do to get to know them better or at least that's what they said.... personally I am not a fan and won't be using them cause overland is easy and boring enough without them but I guess to each their own.... only time I might use them is to afk farm mats or gear etc while watching Netflix or YouTube......
SshadowSscale wrote: »you can use them in dungeons and trials as far as I know. Which means you and a friend can learn a vet dlc dungeon without worrying about people leaving at the first wipe. or dlc world bosses. MAYBE they will be able to buff you (major deal)? Why must people turn everything into a negativeSshadowSscale wrote: »zos stated on live stream that they will be customisable with gear sets and skills(so you can make them a tank or healer or dps) also the companions will have to be leveled from 1 to 50(knowing zos this is gonna take forever) conpanions will also have unique dialogue with options and also their own unique quests wich you can do to get to know them better or at least that's what they said.... personally I am not a fan and won't be using them cause overland is easy and boring enough without them but I guess to each their own.... only time I might use them is to afk farm mats or gear etc while watching Netflix or YouTube......
not turning into a negative just saying overland is easy enough as is..... I can already solo everything in the overwold easy enough without companions meaning they will just make something that is already too easy into an even bigger snore fest.... if we got a vet overland toggle alongside the companions then I might be more excited for this.... idk I guess I was just hoping for some new weapons like spears or one hand and runes maybe even a un armed skill line.... and instead we got this..... but if you guys are excited go for it....
SshadowSscale wrote: »you can use them in dungeons and trials as far as I know. Which means you and a friend can learn a vet dlc dungeon without worrying about people leaving at the first wipe. or dlc world bosses. MAYBE they will be able to buff you (major deal)? Why must people turn everything into a negativeSshadowSscale wrote: »zos stated on live stream that they will be customisable with gear sets and skills(so you can make them a tank or healer or dps) also the companions will have to be leveled from 1 to 50(knowing zos this is gonna take forever) conpanions will also have unique dialogue with options and also their own unique quests wich you can do to get to know them better or at least that's what they said.... personally I am not a fan and won't be using them cause overland is easy and boring enough without them but I guess to each their own.... only time I might use them is to afk farm mats or gear etc while watching Netflix or YouTube......
not turning into a negative just saying overland is easy enough as is..... I can already solo everything in the overwold easy enough without companions meaning they will just make something that is already too easy into an even bigger snore fest.... if we got a vet overland toggle alongside the companions then I might be more excited for this.... idk I guess I was just hoping for some new weapons like spears or one hand and runes maybe even a un armed skill line.... and instead we got this..... but if you guys are excited go for it....
I mean...if it’s too’ll have a toggle to dismiss companions. And presently, while there isn’t vet overland option (and I doubt it will ever be as it would require even more server instances while separating population) you can make overland harder if you feel it’s too easy for you. Just wear non optimized set or no sets. Or remove portions of gear 🤷♂️. Or wait till the next patch, I hear both dps and defenses are getting nerfed massively 🤷♂️
IronWooshu wrote: »So are these companions store bought like bankers and merchants?
SshadowSscale wrote: »SshadowSscale wrote: »you can use them in dungeons and trials as far as I know. Which means you and a friend can learn a vet dlc dungeon without worrying about people leaving at the first wipe. or dlc world bosses. MAYBE they will be able to buff you (major deal)? Why must people turn everything into a negativeSshadowSscale wrote: »zos stated on live stream that they will be customisable with gear sets and skills(so you can make them a tank or healer or dps) also the companions will have to be leveled from 1 to 50(knowing zos this is gonna take forever) conpanions will also have unique dialogue with options and also their own unique quests wich you can do to get to know them better or at least that's what they said.... personally I am not a fan and won't be using them cause overland is easy and boring enough without them but I guess to each their own.... only time I might use them is to afk farm mats or gear etc while watching Netflix or YouTube......
not turning into a negative just saying overland is easy enough as is..... I can already solo everything in the overwold easy enough without companions meaning they will just make something that is already too easy into an even bigger snore fest.... if we got a vet overland toggle alongside the companions then I might be more excited for this.... idk I guess I was just hoping for some new weapons like spears or one hand and runes maybe even a un armed skill line.... and instead we got this..... but if you guys are excited go for it....
I mean...if it’s too’ll have a toggle to dismiss companions. And presently, while there isn’t vet overland option (and I doubt it will ever be as it would require even more server instances while separating population) you can make overland harder if you feel it’s too easy for you. Just wear non optimized set or no sets. Or remove portions of gear 🤷♂️. Or wait till the next patch, I hear both dps and defenses are getting nerfed massively 🤷♂️
yeah because it is fun to have to put aside the gear I worked to earn so so can use trash pieces to find more of a challenge?....I should not have to nerf myself for a challenge.... and yes I know they are a toggle what I am saying is its sad that this chapter does not have stuff that interests me.... if they where to add a vet toggle alongside companions or a new weapons skill line or just a new combat skill line in general alongside the companions I would like the coming expansion a lot more..... at this point I don't even plan on buying it because the story will talk about how powerful x enemy is but as soon as you sneeze on it it falls over dead..... any new overland gear I can just buy off a traders and I can make do without the new trial gear.... but as I stayed to those of you who look forward to companions enjoy.... I just wish their was something else in there for those of us who find the overland all ready to easy without companions.... not to mention all the previous chapters at least had something new for pvp even if it was very small..... companions will not be ussable in pvp so there is legit nothing for pvp in it too..... just feels like a sad expansion for me