Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Apex mounts are becoming a joke... compared to the older its Radiant or bust.

  • Tsar_Gekkou
    I love how people actually cry about flashy mounts as if they're forced to use them. The plain horses/senches/bears/guarbage/etc are far cheaper and more readily accessible than apex mounts. 100 gems or better chances with rng is a lot better than 400 gems or an extremely rough time with rng. When I trade gold for crates, I usually get the plain and unseasoned mounts a few times over while maybe getting one apex mount. Zos has basically putting out regular mounts recently and charging apex price for them, while only the radiant apex and the once-in-a-while 600 gem mounts look different.
    Xbox NA healer main
    vAA HM | vHRC HM | vSO HM | vMoL HM | vHoF HM | vAS+2 | vCR+3 | vBRP | vSS HM | vKA HM | vRG HM |
    Flawless Conqueror | Spirit Slayer | Dro-mA'thra Destroyer | Tick-Tock-Tormentor | Immortal Redeemer | Gryphon Heart | Godslayer | Dawnbringer | Planesbreaker |
  • Mythreindeer
    I love how people actually cry about flashy mounts as if they're forced to use them. The plain horses/senches/bears/guarbage/etc are far cheaper and more readily accessible than apex mounts. 100 gems or better chances with rng is a lot better than 400 gems or an extremely rough time with rng. When I trade gold for crates, I usually get the plain and unseasoned mounts a few times over while maybe getting one apex mount. Zos has basically putting out regular mounts recently and charging apex price for them, while only the radiant apex and the once-in-a-while 600 gem mounts look different.

    My mount is a regular mount which came with the character. He’s a nice brown horse named Bob.

    Bob told me (I’m a horse whisperer) that he wanted to grow up to be a glowing golden stallion in full golden armor but I told him that regular brown geldings were just as fast and could carry just as much as any fancy mount and were just as appreciated and he seemed placated by that. I like Bob.

  • ThorianB
    WiseSky wrote: »
    Iccotak wrote: »
    Haven't people been asking for more tame mounts? Ones not so fantastical?

    I was not aware of that...

    A lot of non magical mounts are found for 100 gems or the legendary rewards you can get for each crown crates season.

    I also wasn't aware of that except one person in one thread mentioned it one time because they thought you should only have plain horses like TES 4.
    Tesman85 wrote: »
    So, the OP is basically saying that good taste is a joke. Namely, those two mounts on the top look ten times better than the ones below. Sleek clear lines with nice-looking clean-shaped armor vs ridiculously gaudy, busy, over-the-top "hard-core" designs. The answer to the question which ones are aesthetically superior should be clear, but apparently isn't.

    In general, I don't understand at all this obsession with apex/radiant apex mounts. To me they are rather ridiculous, and don't have better stats than normal ones. So what's the cry and hue about them? I have to admit I laughed out loud when someone was so very indignant about some mount not having special summoning animation and sound. Really, that's a reason to get worked up?

    Then again, one of the apex mounts is ridiculous in a good way. The dwemer spider mount I would like to have, because it's so deliciously campy. But to pay upwards of 100 euros to get it? No way.

    In sum, all the noise about mounts is a bit incomprehensible.

    The same way i don't get what people see in all the costumes/skins/adornments/etc. My characters get one look when they hit 50 and that is the look they keep for the rest of their life or has been so far. However, i don't knock people that enjoy such things.
  • PizzaCat82
    ThorianB wrote: »
    WiseSky wrote: »
    Iccotak wrote: »
    Haven't people been asking for more tame mounts? Ones not so fantastical?

    I was not aware of that...

    A lot of non magical mounts are found for 100 gems or the legendary rewards you can get for each crown crates season.

    I also wasn't aware of that except one person in one thread mentioned it one time because they thought you should only have plain horses like TES 4.
    Tesman85 wrote: »
    So, the OP is basically saying that good taste is a joke. Namely, those two mounts on the top look ten times better than the ones below. Sleek clear lines with nice-looking clean-shaped armor vs ridiculously gaudy, busy, over-the-top "hard-core" designs. The answer to the question which ones are aesthetically superior should be clear, but apparently isn't.

    In general, I don't understand at all this obsession with apex/radiant apex mounts. To me they are rather ridiculous, and don't have better stats than normal ones. So what's the cry and hue about them? I have to admit I laughed out loud when someone was so very indignant about some mount not having special summoning animation and sound. Really, that's a reason to get worked up?

    Then again, one of the apex mounts is ridiculous in a good way. The dwemer spider mount I would like to have, because it's so deliciously campy. But to pay upwards of 100 euros to get it? No way.

    In sum, all the noise about mounts is a bit incomprehensible.

    The same way i don't get what people see in all the costumes/skins/adornments/etc. My characters get one look when they hit 50 and that is the look they keep for the rest of their life or has been so far. However, i don't knock people that enjoy such things.

    That's fine. That's not what I do, but I respect those that just have a look and stick with it.

    Me, I like to have themed costumes for every event, and then when there's not an event I'll throw a theme costume week or two where I'll change up all 15 chars outfits and mounts.

    Dwarven, Ice, Delve, Suit and Tie, Spooky, Christmas, White colors, Evil, Armored, Mages, etc.

    Yeah its a bit of a waste of time but its one that I find interesting enough.
  • Araneae6537
    This is why I wish Crown crate items were tradeable (as many loot box items are in other games) as tastes obviously vary! I generally like lore appropriate mounts, but there are magical effects that I would like for the right character. The summoning effects for some are waaaay too much, like the swirling red tornado, that just feels like someone is trying too hard IMHO... I’m not a fan of the “Akavari” helmets but I do like the look of the upcoming Nenalata mounts from the Ayleid crates while the new glowy effects ones are a bit much for my taste.
  • WiseSky
    Tesman85 wrote: »
    So, the OP is basically saying that good taste is a joke. Namely, those two mounts on the top look ten times better than the ones below. Sleek clear lines with nice-looking clean-shaped armor vs ridiculously gaudy, busy, over-the-top "hard-core" designs. The answer to the question which ones are aesthetically superior should be clear, but apparently isn't.

    In general, I don't understand at all this obsession with apex/radiant apex mounts. To me they are rather ridiculous, and don't have better stats than normal ones. So what's the cry and hue about them? I have to admit I laughed out loud when someone was so very indignant about some mount not having special summoning animation and sound. Really, that's a reason to get worked up?

    Then again, one of the apex mounts is ridiculous in a good way. The dwemer spider mount I would like to have, because it's so deliciously campy. But to pay upwards of 100 euros to get it? No way.

    In sum, all the noise about mounts is a bit incomprehensible.

    I was also like that in start not really caring about loot crates mounts...

    It was incomprehensible to me too in the beginning,

    My point is that if you want a mount that is extraordinary in todays crates you have to get the radiant apex mount at 400 crates. Around 1200 $

    If you want a Mount with a Fancy Hat Armor you can get it for 400 gems. Around 200 $

    Immersive Quests Addon
    Wish to Quest without Quest Way Markers? ''Talk to the Hooded Figure'' Turns into ''Talk to the Hooded Figure, who is feeding the chickens near the southeastern gate in the city of Daggerfall in Glenumbra.'' If you Wish To write bread crumbs clues for quest for other players to experience come join the team!
    List of Immersion Addons
  • Matchimus
    Balance. Balance so those who like their mounts plain are catered for. Balance so those who like their mounts bright, coloured & with animations are catered for. Balance for those who are somewhere in between. Me, I'm bare bones plain.
  • Lephrel
    WiseSky wrote: »
    This mounts real name is the Canadian


    You can increase the mount speed, stamina and capacity by feeding it maple syrup. ^^
  • JoseDelgadoCub17_ESO
    WiseSky wrote: »
    Next crates Apex mount:


    Akaveri Apex mount


    Nightfall apex


    Previous Apex mounts that if they came out now would be a Radiant Apex for sure





    Imagine caring about lore unfriendly mounts.

    My high elf rides a horse, my dunmer rights a guar.

    That's it.
  • Araneae6537
    Matchimus wrote: »
    Balance. Balance so those who like their mounts plain are catered for. Balance so those who like their mounts bright, coloured & with animations are catered for. Balance for those who are somewhere in between. Me, I'm bare bones plain.

    That’s why more should be available for direct purchase or even in game! What I would really like to see is basic lore friendly mounts available in game for gold from the appropriate region with other mounts as special rewards or available for direct purchase. I would also like to see armor tack made dyeable to enable some customization without taking anything away from different mounts available. :)
  • WeerW3ir
    ThorianB wrote: »
    The crates are getting worse and worse. It's been at least a year since i've really liked anything in the crates except for maybe a pet here and there that i just get with a stock of gems. The mounts in this game are the most boring of any MMORPG i have played. I really wish they put the effort into crown items that they put into them in beginning.
    Just the fact that every single apex mount are locked behind loot crates makes them useless and the normal mounts are behind micto transactions. So damn greedy

    Nah you can get crown crates for gold now. Get 4 crates for 250k-500k gold. Make that much gold in an evening.

    Sovngarde mounts and style was great i think. but the current one is meh.
  • Araneae6537
    WeerW3ir wrote: »
    ThorianB wrote: »
    The crates are getting worse and worse. It's been at least a year since i've really liked anything in the crates except for maybe a pet here and there that i just get with a stock of gems. The mounts in this game are the most boring of any MMORPG i have played. I really wish they put the effort into crown items that they put into them in beginning.
    Just the fact that every single apex mount are locked behind loot crates makes them useless and the normal mounts are behind micto transactions. So damn greedy

    Nah you can get crown crates for gold now. Get 4 crates for 250k-500k gold. Make that much gold in an evening.

    Sovngarde mounts and style was great i think. but the current one is meh.

    Those were the crazy luminescent mounts! To each their own, but I am glad I don’t see quite so many glowing mounts and pets everywhere now. :lol:

    I’m sad I missed when gems and crates were given out like candy — it just gets stingier now with Twitch drops not even working correctly on mobile (at least I got my pet and one crate, but still!). :weary:

    @ThorianB, how does one make 250-500k in an evening? 🤔 I could see 100k from crafting writs if you’ve 18 characters and everything maxed.
    Edited by Araneae6537 on February 11, 2021 8:44PM
  • ThorianB
    PizzaCat82 wrote: »
    ThorianB wrote: »
    WiseSky wrote: »
    Iccotak wrote: »
    Haven't people been asking for more tame mounts? Ones not so fantastical?

    I was not aware of that...

    A lot of non magical mounts are found for 100 gems or the legendary rewards you can get for each crown crates season.

    I also wasn't aware of that except one person in one thread mentioned it one time because they thought you should only have plain horses like TES 4.
    Tesman85 wrote: »
    So, the OP is basically saying that good taste is a joke. Namely, those two mounts on the top look ten times better than the ones below. Sleek clear lines with nice-looking clean-shaped armor vs ridiculously gaudy, busy, over-the-top "hard-core" designs. The answer to the question which ones are aesthetically superior should be clear, but apparently isn't.

    In general, I don't understand at all this obsession with apex/radiant apex mounts. To me they are rather ridiculous, and don't have better stats than normal ones. So what's the cry and hue about them? I have to admit I laughed out loud when someone was so very indignant about some mount not having special summoning animation and sound. Really, that's a reason to get worked up?

    Then again, one of the apex mounts is ridiculous in a good way. The dwemer spider mount I would like to have, because it's so deliciously campy. But to pay upwards of 100 euros to get it? No way.

    In sum, all the noise about mounts is a bit incomprehensible.

    The same way i don't get what people see in all the costumes/skins/adornments/etc. My characters get one look when they hit 50 and that is the look they keep for the rest of their life or has been so far. However, i don't knock people that enjoy such things.

    That's fine. That's not what I do, but I respect those that just have a look and stick with it.

    Me, I like to have themed costumes for every event, and then when there's not an event I'll throw a theme costume week or two where I'll change up all 15 chars outfits and mounts.

    Dwarven, Ice, Delve, Suit and Tie, Spooky, Christmas, White colors, Evil, Armored, Mages, etc.

    Yeah its a bit of a waste of time but its one that I find interesting enough.

    Housing is my thing. I get bored decorating people but i can easily sink 8 hours and a couple mil in resources in a house on a weekend. It is a really expensive habit.
  • ThorianB
    WeerW3ir wrote: »
    ThorianB wrote: »
    The crates are getting worse and worse. It's been at least a year since i've really liked anything in the crates except for maybe a pet here and there that i just get with a stock of gems. The mounts in this game are the most boring of any MMORPG i have played. I really wish they put the effort into crown items that they put into them in beginning.
    Just the fact that every single apex mount are locked behind loot crates makes them useless and the normal mounts are behind micto transactions. So damn greedy

    Nah you can get crown crates for gold now. Get 4 crates for 250k-500k gold. Make that much gold in an evening.

    Sovngarde mounts and style was great i think. but the current one is meh.

    Those were the crazy luminescent mounts! To each their own, but I am glad I don’t see quite so many glowing mounts and pets everywhere now. :lol:

    I’m sad I missed when gems and crates were given out like candy — it just gets stingier now with Twitch drops not even working correctly on mobile (at least I got my pet and one crate, but still!). :weary:

    @ThorianB, how does one make 250-500k in an evening? 🤔 I could see 100k from crafting writs if you’ve 18 characters and everything maxed.

    Farming and a good trader location. You can sell a fur coat to a khajiit with a good trader. You have to farm items that people want and are willing to pay a lot of money for but don't want to put in all that effort for. While crafting writs are a good steady income source i don't do a lot of them as they get to grindy. Farming is way more fun.
  • Araneae6537
    ThorianB wrote: »
    WeerW3ir wrote: »
    ThorianB wrote: »
    The crates are getting worse and worse. It's been at least a year since i've really liked anything in the crates except for maybe a pet here and there that i just get with a stock of gems. The mounts in this game are the most boring of any MMORPG i have played. I really wish they put the effort into crown items that they put into them in beginning.
    Just the fact that every single apex mount are locked behind loot crates makes them useless and the normal mounts are behind micto transactions. So damn greedy

    Nah you can get crown crates for gold now. Get 4 crates for 250k-500k gold. Make that much gold in an evening.

    Sovngarde mounts and style was great i think. but the current one is meh.

    Those were the crazy luminescent mounts! To each their own, but I am glad I don’t see quite so many glowing mounts and pets everywhere now. :lol:

    I’m sad I missed when gems and crates were given out like candy — it just gets stingier now with Twitch drops not even working correctly on mobile (at least I got my pet and one crate, but still!). :weary:

    @ThorianB, how does one make 250-500k in an evening? 🤔 I could see 100k from crafting writs if you’ve 18 characters and everything maxed.

    Farming and a good trader location. You can sell a fur coat to a khajiit with a good trader. You have to farm items that people want and are willing to pay a lot of money for but don't want to put in all that effort for. While crafting writs are a good steady income source i don't do a lot of them as they get to grindy. Farming is way more fun.

    Ahh, I see, but it would seem to me that would also be grindy and entirely dependent on RNG (assuming you mean certain overland weapons or rare motifs), no? I tend to prefer guaranteed useful reward with chance of something extra awesome — so I do crafting writs and stop at every node and cheer when I get a yellow! :lol: But then that’s why loot boxes generally don’t appeal to me either, not when it’s all-or-nothing RNG.

    I do have the good fortune of being in a guild that maintains a good trading location. :) Perhaps I just haven’t found the right things yet to farm.
  • WiseSky
    WiseSky wrote: »
    Next crates Apex mount:


    Akaveri Apex mount


    Nightfall apex


    Previous Apex mounts that if they came out now would be a Radiant Apex for sure





    Imagine caring about lore unfriendly mounts.

    My high elf rides a horse, my dunmer rights a guar.

    That's it.

    Well everything is lore friendly if you use the "Dragon Break"

    "Every culture on Tamriel remembers the Dragon Break in some fashion; to most it is a spiritual anguish that they cannot account for. Several texts survive this timeless period, all (unsurprisingly) conflicting with each other regarding events, people, and regions: wars are mentioned in some that never happen in another, the sun changes color depending on the witness, and the gods either walk among the mortals or they don't. Even the 'one thousand and eight years,' a number (some say arbitrarily) chosen by the Elder Council, is an unreliable measure."

    A Dragon Break, sometimes referred to as an un-time,[1] is a temporal phenomenon that involves a splitting of the natural timeline which results in branching parallel realities where the same events occur differently, or not at all. This results in a return to the non-linear timeline of the Dawn Era. At the end of a Dragon Break, the timeline reconnects making all possibilities and outcomes truth, though contradictory to each other. The "Dragon" that is mentioned is in reference towards Akatosh, the Dragon God of Time

    So any mount is lore friendly cause Dragon Break :D
    Immersive Quests Addon
    Wish to Quest without Quest Way Markers? ''Talk to the Hooded Figure'' Turns into ''Talk to the Hooded Figure, who is feeding the chickens near the southeastern gate in the city of Daggerfall in Glenumbra.'' If you Wish To write bread crumbs clues for quest for other players to experience come join the team!
    List of Immersion Addons
  • ThorianB
    ThorianB wrote: »
    WeerW3ir wrote: »
    ThorianB wrote: »
    The crates are getting worse and worse. It's been at least a year since i've really liked anything in the crates except for maybe a pet here and there that i just get with a stock of gems. The mounts in this game are the most boring of any MMORPG i have played. I really wish they put the effort into crown items that they put into them in beginning.
    Just the fact that every single apex mount are locked behind loot crates makes them useless and the normal mounts are behind micto transactions. So damn greedy

    Nah you can get crown crates for gold now. Get 4 crates for 250k-500k gold. Make that much gold in an evening.

    Sovngarde mounts and style was great i think. but the current one is meh.

    Those were the crazy luminescent mounts! To each their own, but I am glad I don’t see quite so many glowing mounts and pets everywhere now. :lol:

    I’m sad I missed when gems and crates were given out like candy — it just gets stingier now with Twitch drops not even working correctly on mobile (at least I got my pet and one crate, but still!). :weary:

    @ThorianB, how does one make 250-500k in an evening? 🤔 I could see 100k from crafting writs if you’ve 18 characters and everything maxed.

    Farming and a good trader location. You can sell a fur coat to a khajiit with a good trader. You have to farm items that people want and are willing to pay a lot of money for but don't want to put in all that effort for. While crafting writs are a good steady income source i don't do a lot of them as they get to grindy. Farming is way more fun.

    Ahh, I see, but it would seem to me that would also be grindy and entirely dependent on RNG (assuming you mean certain overland weapons or rare motifs), no? I tend to prefer guaranteed useful reward with chance of something extra awesome — so I do crafting writs and stop at every node and cheer when I get a yellow! :lol: But then that’s why loot boxes generally don’t appeal to me either, not when it’s all-or-nothing RNG.

    I do have the good fortune of being in a guild that maintains a good trading location. :) Perhaps I just haven’t found the right things yet to farm.

    Obviously, there is some RNG involved. Many people will farm one thing such as necropotence rings, i farm many and i enjoy treasure hunting and looting( including the loot crates). That keeps it from being grindy. I also use different characters for different things. I might have one doing dailies in greymoor content, one in elsweyr, one in summerset, and one in morrowind for example. Even though i could do the content for all those on the same character swapping characters helps keep it interesting.

    It took me a while to get to my current proficiency level. You have to know what there isn't a lot of and keep up on "market trends" Things that were worth a few hundred gold a month ago might be worth many thousands today as supply started to run out. Things that are worth tens of thousands today might only be worth a few thousand next week.

    Sometimes events jack up or lower the price of items such as the case of heartwood. If you know the new life is coming up, you don't wait until the festival to start shopping for heartwood. Start buying up a stock in early fall finding good deals on it. Then wait until the market is exhausted and then feed it to the market at the much higher price and profit. When you get a bunch of motifs from the anniversary sale, stick them in storage for a few months and let the market return to normal you will get 50-100% more than you would at or during the anniversary sale.

    With a new chapter drop though you get in on the market right away before it becomes saturated with the new motifs and plans. Once people start running the content in mass and saturating the market it wont be worth farming for quite a while. Look at what happened with Elsweyr plans. For a while they had as much value as base game plans. Some of the current motifs are so over saturated that you can buy them for pennies. It's great if your looking to add missing pieces but not so much if you want an income. In 9-12 months those motifs might be worth farming again, but they wont be for quite sometime.
  • TheImperfect
    Akaveri crates are really not outstanding in design(
    but Ayleid Crown Crates are very beautiful.
    besides the apex mount there are many other really beautiful items.
    Mount Bloodroot Wild Hunt Senche or Mount Culandaborn Senche)

    That senche is gorgeous.
  • FrancisCrawford
    Fortunately, ZoS used to be more generous with free crates, so I could save up the 400 gems to get this one.
    WiseSky wrote: »

    It's my most commonly used mount by far, followed by the old loyalty reward Senche Tiger. If I had to switch all my characters who use something else back to one of those two, I wouldn't much mind.
    Edited by FrancisCrawford on February 12, 2021 12:16AM
  • bluelights400
    I wanna see some mounts that spawn those big storms like those previous ones! Or really amazing ones that are just spectacular!! I would buy lots for those
    Edited by bluelights400 on February 12, 2021 12:27AM
    i love borzois!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • AlexanderDeLarge
    Iccotak wrote: »
    Haven't people been asking for more tame mounts? Ones not so fantastical?
    No one's gambling hundreds of dollars on "tame" mounts. At least I hope. This is why they should just drop loot boxes entirely and sell them outright.
    Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 10 years. 7 paid expansions. 22 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the vast majority of this game.

    "ESO doesn't need a harder overland" on YouTube for a video of a naked level 3 character AFKing in front of a bear for a minute and a half before dying
  • ThorianB
    Iccotak wrote: »
    Haven't people been asking for more tame mounts? Ones not so fantastical?
    No one's gambling hundreds of dollars on "tame" mounts. At least I hope. This is why they should just drop loot boxes entirely and sell them outright.

    Id prefer if they have more mounts in game that you could earn or buy with gold. They could at least sell the mounts at the stables that are actually in the stables. Go to a stable full of guar mounts and all the guy sells is horses. Not a horse in a days ride of the stable but somehow he will magically pull several out of his horse pocket to sell you.

    That is one thing i liked about Wow and a few other MMORPGs collecting mounts in itself was an activity and often an end game activity. In ESO collecting mounts is about as fun as collecting runestone nodes. "LOOK! ANOTHER TA!...It's only my 532nd one today!"
  • PizzaCat82
    Definitely should have more mounts available for things other than crowns, gems, and events.

    The achievement one is a start but its too rare and the only one of its kind.

  • 5_RAGEsMW
    lol reskins, all my apex mounts came from free crates when zos used to give them as free daily rewards.
    pvp sucks.
  • VilniusNastavnik
    NGL I still just use the witchknight charger mount that we got for free with the falkreath? DLC. Prefer mounts that are not pulled from some realm of oblivion.
    Active Toons:
    NA - VilniusNastavnik - Magsorc DPS - Altmer
    NA - Ko'h Nehko'h - Stamblade Archer - Khajit
    NA - Arwyn Winterlight - MagPlar Healer - Breton
    NA - Urog Blackfang - DK Tank - Orc
    NA - Elen Windsong - Stamsorc DPS - Bosmer
    NA - Eats-Strange-Fungus - Magden HealzTank- Argonian
    NA - Harwyn Northwind - MagWarden DPS - High Elf
    NA - Raises-Many-Families - Necro HealzTank - Argonian

    Picture of my Active Toons.

    Location: Australia - Wollongong, NSW - Sydney.

    Obligatory ESO Fashion website plug: Vil's Portfolio
  • Tesman85
    ThorianB wrote: »

    The same way i don't get what people see in all the costumes/skins/adornments/etc. My characters get one look when they hit 50 and that is the look they keep for the rest of their life or has been so far. However, i don't knock people that enjoy such things.

    Well, costumes and outfits are a bit different compared to mounts. A player sees the clothing of his character constantly, after all, for example every time he opens the inventory. Also, an outfit is literally closer to the skin of the character - it is an essential aesthetic element for representing the player's vision for his character, and an important RP tool for those who care about things like appropriate attire in appropriate situations etc.

    A mount, on the other hand, is an external, temporary accessory compared to that. You see it only when riding, and then only from behind if you don't specifically stop to pan the camera around. Thus, the level of emotions they stir up is strange.

    For full disclosure, I admit that I'm bit of an outfit enthusiast which might colour my view. I'm always trying out different looks for my characters. Even then, I don't use skins, body markings etc almost ever because most of them are too gaudy for my tastes.

    But the main point is, one hardly sees threads about costumes and outfits with the levels of enthusiasm and obsession than those about the crown crate mounts. And there are many more mount-threads, in addition. So the main question is, why is this? Why do the apex mounts raise so much emotion in so many people?

    I think now that the answer is one of the most basic marketing tricks: the magic of exclusivity. Make something to be perceived rare, and many people automatically perceive the thing as valuable. And this is exactly what ZOS does with the mounts: they only give the plain horses free or make them buyable with gold and put the rest into crown crates as rare rewards. I dare say this is why so many people see them as so desirable and important. If those apex mounts were put into crown store with the price tag of 700 crowns apiece, it's likely that we'd see posts where the exact same mounts were derided as "cheesy" or "boring" instead of the near-veneration we see today.

    And for the record, I don't disparage anyone. If someone's taste differs from mine, that doesn't make them worse persons.

    Edited by Tesman85 on February 12, 2021 4:51AM
  • Ratzkifal
    To be honest I prefer those new mounts to the old ones. The only flashy mounts I could tolerate were the Atronachs, the Spriggans and the Nightfall mounts I suppose because those are based on already established lore and somewhat make sense.
    What are those Hollowjack mounts even? Or that Psijic ghost thing, why would the Psijics make that if they almost never leave their island anyway.
    This Bosmer was tortured to death. There is nothing left to be done.
  • Araneae6537
    5_RAGEsMW wrote: »
    lol reskins, all my apex mounts came from free crates when zos used to give them as free daily rewards.

    They should include crates again among daily rewards! Come on, why not occasionally one crate on one day of the month? Not that I’m complaining about current rewards and I love that we’re getting a houseguest this month, but is disheartening to hear of how crates were given out as daily rewards, to ESO+ members during free trials, etc. Now I finally sign up for Twitch drops even as those become a pain (it seems to not work as it should on mobile).

    I don’t care whether reskins or not, I just want to be able to buy the things I like and not be stuck with things I don’t. Really, that would make everyone happy!
  • Klad
    Mounts have always been polarizing to the community, some could care less but some (less than it use to be granted) folks, have deep seated hatred to the mounts and those who ride them.

    Honestly for me unless it's just something incredible I could care less, my stamblade is a low key guy anyway so you will never see him riding the latest radiant disco ball through Daggerfall.
  • Aptonoth
    I like radiant apex mounts but come on Zenimax I love bears and elks when am I going to get some of these as radiant apex mounts? Or a guar or Khagouti radiant? It's been year of eso and not once ever has there been any. I'm really hoping for a cool radiant apex lizard bear in black marsh chapter. I also hope we can get an RA guar, khagouti, and nix-ox when we go back to morrowind for a year in the future.

    Too much ra cats, dogs, and horses. Need some more of the other mount types to be RA once in awhile as I'm getting bored and have no motivation to try for them anymore as its always the same 3.
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