With these recent adjustments to the Champion tree, and to Dead waters, from a development perspective it's understandable that it is bad design to have a majority of a population using a select few items and tools given to them. However, at the same time it is also bad development to constantly remove the tools used and not add any in. Which is the case we have now, there are reason's players are using only 1 distinctive set (because it is the only thing that gives the player the proper tools to accomplish feats the players want to accomplish). Such is the case with dead waters guille and large groups, when fighting multiple enemies out numbered hitting them with an ability doesn't give the player anything, but if multiple players died that you damaged you receive a good amount of ultimate to continue the fight against the large amount of enemies. It gives a player the tools to properly fight out numbered (which if you go back a lot of years you would remember a similar feature in regards to dynamic ultimate regeneration which has since been long removed). It would be ignorant to continue to take away tools which help players eliminate large groups, having players live long lives and not die is not good for anyone you continue to have a large amount of players in one area using a lot of abilities stressing the already "dying" server as Gina Bruno put it on the last podcast. I would argue that in the interest of better gameplay and performance players need more tools to kill players faster, instead we have a large creep in unkillable players (werewolf transformation with alessian set, vampires mist forming with high health recovery healing, crimson set users with 50k hp, Vampire lord transformation with percentage based heals) these things are running rampant and continuing to nerf damage just continues to hurt any kind of gameplay in Cyrodill and actually does what you're seeking to stop from happening which is to have a high percentage base of players using the same things, and with the implementation of global cooldowns, and channels being added to skills, players are seeking more actions per minute from sets, which are very easy to obtain, and very easy to use. So ask with this long post, I would suggest there be more tools added in eliminating players faster from combat, and stop removing every tool while keeping in very over performing defensive tools. It's creating long, drawn out, tiring combat. Which is very far from the fast paced, smooth combat that over the years drew me in.