Sylvermynx wrote: »
So to get silver dawn, just get cp150 and it will be a level bonus?
The sapiarch medium set with the mask says "level 1" to aquire. So how to get it?
This one says cp150 too though
The sapiarch medium set with the mask says "level 1" to aquire. So how to get it?
This one says cp150 too though
Sylvermynx wrote: »
It's a craftable armor motif. So is Silver Dawn. You find or buy (from the guild traders) the pages of the motifs. Once you learn them (read them when you acquire them), you learn the style to use in the Outfit System, and also learn the craftable style.
You might want to read up on the Outfit system and the craftable system. You can get various links with good info using google.
Alright, thanks. One of my guild has a lot of crafters, so could I just have them make me a level 1 version of each piece for the style?
Or would I have to hunt for pages exclusively?
Kiralyn2000 wrote: »
In those two cases, it looks like that's just the level requirement for those specific crafting materials (Rawhide is tier 1, Rubedo Leather is tier 10)
edit: Sapiarch motif drops from Alinor (Summerset) dailies; Silver Dawn drops from Moonhunter Keep.
Could look at guild traders, of course.
edit2: on TTC, Sapiarch looks pretty cheap. Silver Dawn, not so much.
edit3: "TTC" is Tamriel Trade Center, a website & addon that helps you find stuff on the multitude of guild traders
Not only is this system the most awkward I have seen, I would hate to see what expensive is if multiple thousands is "pretty cheap."
Kiralyn2000 wrote: »
When I bought the Fang Lair chest motif, I think it cost ~250k. I had waited a bit for the price to start coming down.
(honestly, 8k is pretty low for any established player. Completing an average quest on a max level character gives ~600g. Just doing a set of Crafting Writ daily quests on one of my characters will get me ~4k, and I've got eight characters. That's 30k a day, just doing the Crafting dailies. There's a weekly special Furniture vendor, things on that vendor frequently get into the 20-50k range, with stuff up to 100k. Etc.)
Sylvermynx wrote: »Well.... not every game is appropriate for every player. I love this game, and I don't love WoW or RIFT any more. So I'm happy here.
You may not find this game a good fit. That's fine. Each to her own.
Kiralyn2000 wrote: »edit2: on TTC, Sapiarch looks pretty cheap. Silver Dawn, not so much.
Not only is this system the most awkward I have seen, I would hate to see what expensive is if multiple thousands is "pretty cheap."
Knight of the Circle Cuirass page goes for 1.5mil on average at PC EU. So yeah, "multiple thousands" is cheap.
The problem is there is almost game here worth playing, just perpetually stuck in a paid early alpha.
the community is absurdly hostile like in a free to play game, but the game feels near unplayable due to bag restraints if you aren't plus.
Is 1M for a house "cheap" just because an apartment in tokyo is 5M? At some point we have to compare these things to sense rather than just other items within the game.
Is 1M for a house "cheap" just because an apartment in tokyo is 5M? At some point we have to compare these things to sense rather than just other items within the game.
1 mil in ESO isn't really much. With the current prices, you can make 100k/hr just by harvesting and selling raw materials.
So this page for example equals either 15 hours of farming mats or 20 days of doing a daily Conquest mission in Cyrodiil for tokens and praying for good luck to get the page you need out of 6 possible.
starkerealm wrote: »
Now, that's just hyperbole, and considering this was kicked off by a tantrum about how expensive the player driven economy is, I'm left to question your veracity.
The outfit system is fairly straightforward. If any character on your account can craft gear in that style, you can pay gold to "permanently," apply that style to that body part. This costs gold, and for an endgame player, these costs are usually fairly trivial. Advanced styles can be pretty pricey for newbies, but your income does scale up dramatically as level, and more experienced players will find far more ways to make money.
You are the only one getting hostile here. The people who have answered your questions tried to help. You didn't like the answers, and now you're trying to lash out over it.
Crafting chews up a lot of bag space, and if that's something you really want to get into, yeah, ESO+ is borderline mandatory. This does get into making money via things like writs, though, it doesn't really effect making money through legerdemain.
So, yeah, ESO+ isn't mandatory, and it's not like a F2P game where you're really forced into it.
But, I mean, keep saying how a game that has grown to 18 million players is a failure and, what? How does that make sense? "Oooh, it's like FF14, a game that was so bad, and had a population so low, that the publisher was worried about damaging the single player brand is exactly the same as the most successful game for its publisher."
1 mil in ESO isn't really much. With the current prices, you can make 100k/hr just by harvesting and selling raw materials.
So this page for example equals either 15 hours of farming mats or 20 days of doing a daily Conquest mission in Cyrodiil for tokens and praying for good luck to get the page you need out of 6 possible.
Kiralyn2000 wrote: »Sounds like you found a jack*** guild.
Personally, I don't play with guilds, and don't participate in the player economy (I only sell stuff to NPC vendors), so I'm a "poor" player. Which still means that I could clear close to a million gold a month if I bothered to do the 8 crafting dailies every day on all my alts. Anything from actually going out & questing/fighting/looting/thievery/dungeons/etc is in addition to that.
Do I like the guild trader system? Heck, no. But that's an entirely different dead horse thread that gets argued every couple months by some vocal people on either side. The proponents of the system absolutely love it, and like that it's not the same server-wide auction house system that nearly every MMO uses. /shrug
So I basically ignore it, except for rare occasions of buying a crafting motif. Game's still eminently playable.
Sylvermynx wrote: »If you stick around long enough to get to the Anniversary event (early April usually), you will get a LOT of motif pages just for participating in the event. Along with eat the cake and get event tickets (at least that's how it's worked in past years). Some of the rare motifs I have on my accounts are because they showed up in the event reward boxes. I don't buy motifs, even though I can afford to after 2.5 years in game. I just wait for an event where I get them free....
And yes, the trader system isn't planned to be easy for players. Blame that on the devs, who wanted this game to be "different".
I REALLY have no interest in fielding bargain-bin dishonest insults and question begging from people who can't stand criticism. I am not interested in having this thread turn where your egos want it to. I would rather quit this game I barely play than deal with this.
Yesterday i asked in guild chat on one of my guilds for 400 gold because my bags were constantly full and you don't start making that money to throw away until dozens of hours into the main story. I got made fun of.
I asked in guild chat to help me level and people claimed I was "spamming" for "free runs."
I have never seen a playerbase so greedy, stingy, and ill tempered. Even gw2, which has one of the most virument communities I have ever seen isn't this bad. So, no "tantrum," just cold-hard facts.
Now on to point out the double-think: is crafting dailies the only way to make money (that is so easy, apparently), or is crafting a completely irrelevant side-issue and I can just leave the dozens of mats all on the floor? It can't be both.
I am completely serious. Just about everything in the game gets in your way and is maximally tedious, this auction system is just the worst example of it.
In fact, the asian mmo's that this system is ripped straight off from even do it better. ff14 1.0 for example had the same system, but also the sense to keep all the player stores in one giant swap-meet-like area instead of 1-5 per town/city. There is no "tantrum," nor are prices the crux of my argument. you resorting to fisking shows that you have no ability to even adress me, but you do have a desire to misrepresent me.
I have yet to be detailed with what rubs me the wrong way in the game, and you are treating some half-handed comments *to people who are not you* as the summation of all my thoughts. This thread is not about how much this game fails at just about everything that it does, and I don't want to make it that way just because you are invested in the game. I have no reason to lie and you do, but I have yet to even get into that; if I wanted to, these posts would be nearly 10 times as long for just one bullet point.
I can barely see a dozen online at any point in any zone, even skyreach is a ghost-town; I find more people in swtor any given day. zone chat is nowhere near as populated as it was 2-3 years ago when I last played. I use ff14 1.0 as an example because all of the problems in this game from awkward, forced story, to non-linear pointless grinding, spammy lag combat, to player shops being compartmentalized were all done there; that game should have been a warning, not a roadmap.
Let's not pretend that design decisions don't have consequences.
That is immensely dishonest as "selling raw materials" requires a guild trader, and so few guilds seem to have them. The ones that do require a weekly fee AND/OR sales minimum. Then you have to wonder if anyone will check the guild trader in some far-flung corner of the map.
So to have your hypothetical work, you have to meet prerequisites that 90% of the playerbase doesn't meet. Exceptions make bad law for a reason.