Michaelkeir wrote: »-Update-
After farming for a whole day (8 hours) I can say that I documented approximately 63 boss kills and no drops from that day. (City district boss’s, no sewer boss’s) Could have gotten more kills but gankers, ball groups, and packs of werewolves were rampant in them streets.
So in total I’ve got almost 200+ boss kills in over 3 days and only 2 drops which were the chest piece and helmet. Using my daily event tickets has netted me all but the shoes and belt. Buying the shoes after I do my daily today after work. I’ll just catch the belt on the market when the price drops from 100k.
In short. Don’t waste your energy farming. It’s a complete waste of time if you going for the drops. Just do the mayhem dailies for the tickets and go about your business.
The last MyM styles were so much easier to get by comparison. I think someone got a few decimal points wrong on the coding for this one's drop rate.
I agree with an earlier poster, just give up on Ebonsteel. IC is already of questionable entertainment value to me as it is (prefer Cyro).
Very odd that's the ONLY place to get the style pages as drops out of the entire event.
There's loads listed in guild traders (pc EU) so they are plenty dropping
akredon_ESO wrote: »Anyone else having issues with getting Ebonsteel to drop, i have killed over 20 bosses this morning , and have yet to get anything. Normally during events like this the drop rate is decent and isnt an insane grind. O.o
There's loads listed in guild traders (pc EU) so they are plenty dropping
Nope. There are plenty of Second Legion motifs but not Ebonsteel. Again another evening spent farming bosses (though managed to get the Sewers achievement at least) but didn't get a single Ebonsteel motif. Others in the large group had similar experiences. But several Second Legion ones dropped.
There's loads listed in guild traders (pc EU) so they are plenty dropping
Nope. There are plenty of Second Legion motifs but not Ebonsteel. Again another evening spent farming bosses (though managed to get the Sewers achievement at least) but didn't get a single Ebonsteel motif. Others in the large group had similar experiences. But several Second Legion ones dropped.
Looking at the wrong traders then
Of course during the only PVP event of the year you have to PVE like it's your job for the entire time to get any of the good drops. What a joke.