I do not mean to flame, though these patchnotes are one of the hardest to understand yet.
It's sometimes hard to tell what they even mean. It's as @Brrrofski said.
Also, can anyone explain what the change to frozen gate and overload want to tell us? Fixed something where the damage can return as damage over time?
llBlack_Heartll wrote: »
Yep, I think I read it has a cool down. Even then, I still don’t see why all Templar Damage Skills can’t proc it.
Also, can anyone explain what the change to frozen gate and overload want to tell us? Fixed something where the damage can return as damage over time?
Joy_Division wrote: »
It's a significant nerf to how the passive use to function. At this point I'd 1000% prefer they remove the passive altogether and just increase the damage to the base skills.
Wait, what? One of us is misunderstanding, and given that you're, well... the legendary @Joy_Division I'd assume it's me, but...
But I took this all to mean that we now have 3 seconds between separate Aedric Spear damage instances to count as "rapid", which is just a significantly more generous window. How can that be a nerf? Am I misunderstanding?
(btw, totally off-topic -- Thanks so much for your guides and helpful posts and whatnot over the literal years! You got me through vMA my first time, and I will always remember how helpful you were in PvP when I was starting out! Thank you thank you!)