This has probably come up in the past, but I couldn't find anything recent.
What would people think to adding a "Quest Mode" for the group dungeons?
My idea of it is:
- It would turn the dungeon into a solo-instance, but to keep its "difficulty" up, it will be on par with public dungeons. Groups cannot enter.
- When you enter the dungeon in Quest Mode, you auto accept the quest. The only way to leave the dungeon is by turning in the quest.
- You can only enter a dungeon once in Quest Mode. Once you've completed the quest, you can no longer enter the dungeon in Quest Mode.
- To stop people grinding these areas for easy xp, all xp earned from mobs and bosses are halved. You still get the standard xp rate from the quest.
- To stop people grinding these areas for loot, the mobs and bosses drop no loot. You still get the standard loot from the quest.
- Adding onto the loot from the quest point - you could have it so this is the way to get the memento, instead of getting it from just entering the dungeon.
- Whilst in Quest Mode, you cannot gain any achievements that you would usually get for either completing the dungeon or killing X boss(s).
I have tried to balance it to make it as fair as possible for both sides. Give the questers what they want, whilst not making it any easier to gain anything from the dungeon (that would make it unfair on people who spend countless hours grinding the dungeon for the correct drops).
The only reason I bring this up is because its incredibly hard to find people who want to do dungeons only for the quest. Even then, I like to take my time with it and listen to all the voice acting. And I am certain that I am not the only one who is like this.
I enjoy lore, and have delved deep into the lore of the Elder Scrolls Universe. Whilst I am not missing out on much/important lore via dungeons, I am still missing out on lore.
I believe doing something like this would be better for the community as a whole.