Gina said in the patch notes: "We’d love to know if you prefer to use the bags or Item Set Collection to build out your templated character!"
In my opinion the Item Set Collection System would be much more pleasant to use. And definitely a huge quality of life improvment when "doing some work" on the pts.
- already very nicely organized and it is easy to find a set with the filter option (if you dont know its origin)
- inventory is not overcrowded
- when you delete an Item you have to use the set collection system anyways to recreate it
- If you want to tryout other traits you have to transmute the items any
The only downside that comes to my mind is, that if you want to test a complete set, creating 5 items takes slightly longer then using the bags.
(If you know where to find it)
With a complete Set Collection System, we would only need a few bags.
- Crafting materials
- Infinit bag for transmute crystals (bag which contains itself)
- Bag with craftable sets
What do you guys think?