Starting off. This is 100% constructive and not hate towards ESO in anyway shape or form. If I didn't like ESO I wouldn't have spent 3000 hours playing the game. It's just stuff I saw in Gw2 which I would love to see in ESO.
Basically Skip to the bottom if you want to see what I would like to see added to ESO.
I'm just going to divide this into sections randomly as they come to me.
DISCLAIMER: I WILL PROBABLY MISS OUT ON A LOT OF STUFF. Starting off: API management for third party software.
In GW2 there is a system where you are able to generate an API key of the main website to use. These API keys can be used on Mobile apps to track progress, inventories, world bosses, dungeon completions, currencies, characters, playtimes and so on. I would love for ESO to have this where they can show collection items for thirdparty tracker software like this where they could show Skyshards, Lorebooks, Skills, Achievements, Collections, Motifs and so on. This would be able to greatly help people manage their inventories and so on and also just be able to be more involved with the game in our day to day lives.
The mount systems.
In ESO you have to wait 180 days to fully max out a mount, making the mount just be able to go fast and give you more carry weight.
In GW2 the mount system is extremely versatile and I'll explain below:
- Raptors - Raptors have a leaping ability making them very agile for traversing areas
- Springer - A rabbit mount which has the ability to jump very high up
- Jackals - A sand elementalist puppy which can teleport a short distance 3 times in a row before it goes on cooldown.
- Griffon - A high speed flying mount which is extremely skill-expressive in the way you pilot it.
- Roller Beetle - Pretty much a racecar, reaching high speeds while being able to drift to turn sharp corners.
- Skyscale - A cool dragon which can also fly but is much more slower then the griffon, but is able to traverse easily between longitude and latitude.
These all involved a story to complete behind them, and especially the Griffon, Roller Beetle and Skyscale had a lot of collection achievements behind them, the Skyscale being the hardest of them all to get but it was definitely the most fun to complete.
Map Completion
Map completion was added pretty much a year back into ESO, but the issue is, it provides nothing as a reward. No exp, no gold, nothing. Making the only value of it a counter or something to track completion achievements.
In GW2 Map completion can either provide a Transmutation Charge (Something you use to change armour styles) or a Black Lion Chest Key (Basically crown crates, but VERY easy to get in game compared to crown crates), A butt-ton of EXP and Coins, as well as some gear levelled for that area. This makes Map completion in GW2 an extremely easy way to progress and level up in the game while being able to do interactive questing and exploration.
The story (Main and DLC)
Personally I think that Greymoor's main questline was weak. At least compared to the three previous chapters. The story was predictable, and frankly boring in some places. GW2 has had 2 Large expansions (Path of Fire and Heart of Thorns) and I had an absolute blast playing through the main quest line of both stories. Amazing cutscenes, characters which I cared about as well as a satisfying ending. The stories lasted a good dozen hours for me, and I genuinely enjoyed it each step of the way.
First I want to say:
Total Appearance changes and
HAIR STYLE CHANGES are extremely easy to acquire in game compared to ESO (For free) with extra premium hairstyles which you just get by using one of these which you get by the black lion statuettes (Similar to crown gems). You can also dye your hair every colour in the rainbow making it extremely fun to just sit and customise your character.
Every 500 achievement points in GW2 grants you a reward chest which can have Utility Black Lion items (Crown Store items) And then every few 500 points you can choose a Zenith weapon skin, and then some other armour skins too. However, there are also Account bonuses (Gold find, Karma find[Karma is a type of currency used throughout gw2], XP gain and Magic find [Magic find affects the rarity of items you find]) every few stages, and it really stacks up.
Oh yeah, Achievements are also shared between all your characters, meaning if you get a title on one character you can use it on another.
Animation, Soundtracks and Atmospheres
First off, the atmosphere in both games is amazing. Both have extremely beautiful areas, but ESO for me still has the better and more filled soundtrack which perfectly fits every zone it's in. Not to say that Gw2's soundtrack isn't great, it just doesn't feel as memorable compared to ESO's. Btw Jeremy Soule still composed the base game soundtracks for GW2, and still does and amazing job, but I don't think anything could beat Summersets beautiful soundtrack.
Both games make you feel part of the world which is amazing.
However, and something I will bring up later. Some of the animations in ESO are great, it's a shame that we're all too busy animation cancelling to properly appreciate them. Its also a shame that in an MMO that players are limited by mechanical skill/hardware (Animation Cancelling) to deal good dps.
Performance/ Latency
Oh boy here we go...WE all know ESO's mess of performance across all platforms. Bugs in major zones or trials which go unnoticed for months *Cough cough* looking at you screaming dragons in Sunspire. I've seen quite a few bugs with GW2 as well however, mainly with the class I'm playing called Soulbeast, where I am able to merge with my pet (Yes there's an entire pet system for rangers where you can get so many animals with unique abilities and "classes" which give you bonuses when you're merged with them) sometimes my pet just disappears and I need to reequip it in the menus. Same with back pack skins simply disappearing until you also unequip and reequip the item in certain areas. However I haven't found any floor bugs like what we had in the Markarth DLC for a while where players couldn't progress due to falling through the floor in the main story.
Latency in ESO still remains a major issue though, having constant 200 ping is fairly annoying, I average around 40 in Gw2 so I don't ever feel any delay.
Combat / Classes
Both games have pretty well developed classes in my opinion. However, I think both companies have kind of an issue with ignoring many class problems, especially ZoS. As a warden main, I've felt that my bear has been a buggy mess since launch, attacking random mobs, missing its ult, animations getting stuck and so on.
My biggest pet peeve from GW2 compared to ESO is the fact that without animation cancelling you can't deal anything about 50k dps in ESO, which makes it extremely annoying when compared to GW2 I can have a fun time playing combat, without feeling as if my fingers are about to break off my hands.
What do I think ZoS should do?- Provide a LARGE exp bonus on completion of maps, Like I'm talking at least half a level. Maybe even full levels under level 10. With added rewards, maybe 10% chance for a new type of crate which would just basically be like a twitch prime crate where we get a few gems which we can save up.
- Flying mounts...jk....kind of.... Griffons and Skyscales are super fun in GW2, and having mounts which are basically just cash grab for skins in ESO makes me kinda upset. Mounts in ESO are just get from point A to B faster, while in Gw2 mounts are honestly just fun to use, especially the griffon, being able to soar the sky, then dive bomb enemies is an amazing feeling.
- A revamp of the achievement system. Achievement points mean nothing to be honest just a status symbol. Add new titles, outfit styles and other rewards through this system.
- FOR THE LOVE OF THE DIVINES, PLEASE STOP RESELLING THE SAME ANIMALS OVER AND OVER WITH DIFFERENT SKINS IM LITERALLY BEGGING AS SOMEONE WHO LOVES NATURE AND ANIMALS AND STUFF. When I found out I could get an Owl pet both as a non-combat AND combat pet in Gw2 I was immediately won over. They literally have pets of every animal in that game, and then I look at ESO, and it always follows the same animals over and over. (Bear Cub, Senche Cub, Wolf Cub, etc etc) Give us some Owls, Ravens, Grown Wolves (White, Black wolves and stuff) Larger lizards, and so on. Yeah they released some new animals, e.g, Lunar Moths, Baby Deer, Bats until they eventually became another cashgrab with ZoS releasing the same model with different skins in every single crown crate. Don't even get me on the 20 indriks we have.
- Let us buy hairstyle colour changes for gold. Decrease the appearance change tokens down from the price of a DLC to something more reasonable please.
I'm literally reinstalling ESO as I write this, and I'm looking forward to juggling the games.