As a 5 yr vet , I hope you have big plans for next patch. And for the first time ever.. I hope they are LARGE AND SWEEPING changes.
For the first time, despite all the different states of this game, I finally cancelled my ESO+.
I love this game, honestly and truthfully. I played everyday basically for 5 years. These past 3 months I've rarely logged in.
Lots of aspects of this game are unmatched, but they don't outweigh the huge problems at the moment.
I'm a big pvp player, mostly small scale just for fights. Not because I think I'm amazing, ok.
However you've provide the sets, skills and classes, to create... Literally un killable people.
These people can kill ONLY unskilled players with bad builds solo, but against decent players do nothing.
I stand in place and hit a vigor from time to time while they go full offensive... I have 15k resistances buffed... I digress.
The lag... Unbearable.. is is actually zero justification for it at this point.
It's not on my end, despite what customer service says.
If I press a button it should work.. when it's SUPER crazy on the map I can understand a split second delay, but against a bear, standing beside a cave in the middle of nowhere in the off campaign?! Seriously??
Or worse..
I press the button once, twice, three...four....five times... And the game doesn't even register I've pressed anything.
Again, in a crazy fight a missed button press due to global cool down lag, alright.. but... It's not only in crazy fight.... I can't bar swap while fighting a bear....
The problem, with builds anyway... Is that you keep catering to the casuals.
I don't mean that in a negative light, I mean people who play and want to pickup the game for an hour or two every few days but still have fun, I get that.
But, you over did it...
You make it easy for people with little game time to compete, a few things happen.
1) very skilled players see very obvious ways to exploit these loop holes meant for new players, and become these builds that are killing your game.
2) there's casual players completely stop playing ESO after 3-6 months anyway, and MORE .new players replace them.
Now these new players say the game is too hard and you make it even easier..
C'mon guys, any business owner knows at some point YOU have to tell your customers what's best.
If you built houses, you would let your customer tell you how they want it to look, but you wouldn't let them tell you how to actually build and engineer it so it doesn't fall down.
You have let your community build the unstable walls on your once solid foundation... Everything is caving in... DO SOMETHING!!
Edited by Barbaran on January 17, 2021 2:57PM