amm7sb14_ESO wrote: »Permanent summons, and an ult that allows you to raise fallen foes to fight for you for a time. How neither of these things are already a thing is beyond me.
amm7sb14_ESO wrote: »Permanent summons, and an ult that allows you to raise fallen foes to fight for you for a time. How neither of these things are already a thing is beyond me.
Ult for ressurecting foes that deal damage - Colossus is much better, as it does not need any "fallen foes".
I will try to explain from how I do understand that and why I do not complain about - firstly, the necromancers in the lore of the Elder Scrolls are absolutely different from the necromancers from Diablo 2. Secondly, permanent armies of skeletons would be difficult to handle by already suffering servers. Thirdly, we already have a class with permanent minions, so we now have a choice between two classes with minions that have completely different mechanics. Having a choice is always good. Fourthly, desecration of the dead is prohibited in almost all cities, there are already double standards for all NPCs that you help against necromancers in the plot of the alliance, imagine how much more stupid and inconvenient it would be to walk around the cities with the permanent pets, generating a fine every time you forget to unsummon them.
The necromancer has an interesting mechanic of fast generation and disposal of corpses (which you automatically lose with your permanent skeletons), he has strong passives, strong DoT and strong spamable. In PvP force shock and its morphs are the option.
amm7sb14_ESO wrote: »Permanent summons, and an ult that allows you to raise fallen foes to fight for you for a time. How neither of these things are already a thing is beyond me.
Ult for ressurecting foes that deal damage - Colossus is much better, as it does not need any "fallen foes".
I will try to explain from how I do understand that and why I do not complain about - firstly, the necromancers in the lore of the Elder Scrolls are absolutely different from the necromancers from Diablo 2. Secondly, permanent armies of skeletons would be difficult to handle by already suffering servers. Thirdly, we already have a class with permanent minions, so we now have a choice between two classes with minions that have completely different mechanics. Having a choice is always good. Fourthly, desecration of the dead is prohibited in almost all cities, there are already double standards for all NPCs that you help against necromancers in the plot of the alliance, imagine how much more stupid and inconvenient it would be to walk around the cities with the permanent pets, generating a fine every time you forget to unsummon them.
The necromancer has an interesting mechanic of fast generation and disposal of corpses (which you automatically lose with your permanent skeletons), he has strong passives, strong DoT and strong spamable. In PvP force shock and its morphs are the option.
NotaDaedraWorshipper wrote: »Make them proper Elder Scrolls necromancers and not cliche Halloween spooky ones. What's up with the choice of spoopy green/blue lights, graveyards, scythes and crap? Where's the flies, the rotting flesh, gore and other yucky things?
amm7sb14_ESO wrote: »
How can you say the Colossus is better when you don't know what a foe raising ult would actually do damage wise?.
amm7sb14_ESO wrote: »
How can you say the Colossus is better when you don't know what a foe raising ult would actually do damage wise?.
I wrote whyBecause the colossus does not depend on the presence of corpses. And "raising fallen foes" implies the presence of corpses. When they just spawn out of nothing like Blastbones, then it would be awesome.
CaptainVenom wrote: »auto-target the most injured nearby ally
CaptainVenom wrote: »Another one: change Reanimate to a buff, for example: for 1 minute, ir protects you and allies around you from death. If someone's health reaches 0, Reanimate buff is consumed and they are revived.
CaptainVenom wrote: »Another one: change Reanimate to a buff, for example: for 1 minute, ir protects you and allies around you from death. If someone's health reaches 0, Reanimate buff is consumed and they are revived.
Make the magicka morph of Blastbones actually useful. Nobody ever benefitted from the whole "the longer it stays, the more damage it deals" gimmick. Hell, even making it it so that it provides Major Sorcery as long as it's around would be an improvement over that.
Rework the whole class and finally free it from the bad 1Tank 1 Healing and 1 Damage skill tree that's the culprit of why necromancer and warden suck and will always do so