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What's your happiness memory in eso?

What made it a great experience?
  • madrab73
    What made it a great experience?

    Running in a large group in PVP before they changed it to 12v12 team deathmatch without an improvement to performance.
  • Daemons_Bane
    The first time I walked through Glenumbra.. it was my first zone, after Coldharbour, and it was magical
  • Dojohoda
    Beating VMA for the first time was probably the happiest memory for me in this game. I've had a lot of fun in Cyrodiil over the years, but beating VMA is burned into my very being. :D
    Fan of playing magblade since 2015. (PC NA)
    Might be joking in comments.
  • caperb
    Performance in PvP.
    Memories of that are waning, performance in PvE also getting less but that is only recently compared to PvP.
    Edited by caperb on December 9, 2020 7:23AM
  • UntilValhalla13
    The first time completing vas hm/vcr hm. Both are probably my favorite moments over my 5 years, because of how much time and effort it took. When it was finally over, it was a huge relief for all of us, because it was an emotional rollercoaster.
  • Eiagra
    Early exploration. This was before One Tamriel, so exploring high-level zones had a certain level of excitement. But everything was fresh and new and uncharted waters for my sister and me. I kinda wish I could erase my memory of what I've explored and do it all again, but those were also more carefree times in general for me... and these days, such feelings are gone.

    Maybe once TES6 comes out, I'll be able to feel that again. For now, the "been there, done that" feeling takes over.
          In verity.
  • wheresbes
    Going to the Gold Coast. I know this may sound stupid but I loved Oblivion so much - I was quite young when I got it and coming from 2D platform games, it looked stunning. The world was huge and soon I've found myself in Anvil, riding a horse near the sea. Oh my. I was living in a soggy metropolis, so that was my daily escape XD I'm still super excited when I see those places again in ESO, and if you happen to see me in-game swimming or jumping at the seaside, well, that's the little me enjoying a break from the city.
  • Jaraal
    madrab73 wrote: »
    What made it a great experience?

    Running in a large group in PVP before they changed it to 12v12 team deathmatch without an improvement to performance.

    Agreed. 24 person groups working together to attack and defend keeps was exciting and a more realistic war experience. Now it's just exclusive small groups and a bunch of solo people that ZOS has handicapped into ineffective play.
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • pod88kk
    Finishing VMA for the first time, my heart was beating out of my chest and my hands were shaking for a good 15 minutes after.

    It was a real sense of personal achievement.

    My first drop was 1 Dagger
  • Mr_Nobody
    1.6 Emperor Templar beaming everything 100 to 0 :D
    ~ @Niekas ~

  • LalMirchi
    When I realized that I could do most things solo.
  • Mettaricana
    The days before they hired wrobel when the game was play how you want. I could functionally run a 2h stam sorc using endless fury and crystal frags with wrecking blow(which actually knocked enemies over)
  • NEMESIS_97
    What made it a great experience?

    When you start vdlc and vTRIAL and end it without crashes..that was epic exp in eso..ehh miss those days...
  • Red_Feather
    I am not sure but I vividly remember visiting stonefalls for the first time and being amazed at how active and kind of nuts the zone chat was.
  • Vlad9425
    First time I got Emperor.
  • MorganaBlue
    I can't remember anymore.
  • parpin
    i played summerset as high elf, and loved it.
    i loved how beautiful summerset set is.
    and it was very interesting when npcs recognized me as high elf and addressed me as high elf.
    yeah i had a blast playing summer set.
  • iksde
    playing with all my few friends, guildmates years ago, mainly running on cyrodil because endgame PPVE was to far away for us o we simply didn't had people for this

    the funniest times we had when we was playing just together doesn't matter what

    most of them stopped playing after morrowinth adn after not long time rest, Im the only one from this pack who left only because I cant find other game for me to be better in universum as I hve seen so much games with better devs, better functioning than ESO

    we still have contecttogether but we doesnt play to much together now, we are just do much split :( and one of them enteritelly dropped from playing games after ESO
  • Odovacar
    Too many great ones but I suppose probably when I first went exploring around Tamriel. Had a buddy that ported me to Alik'r and I just wandered the desert for hours finding random mats, etc (I had absolutely no idea what I was doing). Seconded by first entering Cyrodiil and discovering its beautiful rolling hills, etc.
  • valkyrie93
    Meeting my bf of 3 years through guild
    Clearing vMoL for the first time
    Clearing vMA for the first time
    Running around cyrodiil with small group of friends and solo
    Getting Grand Overlord
    Playing battlegrounds with my bf
    Clearing vVateshran for the first time while said bf watched
    Edited by valkyrie93 on December 9, 2020 3:36PM
    PC EU
  • Elvenheart
    One of my favorite memories is getting my first character through the quest that transforms you into a vampire when she was a low level way back when the quest didn’t scale to your level. I remember using a bow on some enemies from a distance and running up and down stairs to kite them back and forth because I was so determined to have my character be a vampire 🧛
  • BXR_Lonestar
    My first VMA completion. I'm a healer main and I was running through VMA on him, and I completed it during the Wrothgar event when there was double drops. I had been pushing myself to get it done during the event and completed it over the course of 4 days. I was not loving life for those four days, but when I finally finished, it was the biggest sense of victory and relief I've ever had in this game.

    I've since gone back to complete more VMA's, albeit on my petsorc, but I can now walk around with the distinguished title of stormproof for my healer.
  • hexnotic
    It's kind of cheesy, but me and my friend who is now my amazing partner was up all night drinking and playing eso together. He listened to me vent about some guild drama over VC, and we spent hours messing with housing stuff. When he first traveled to my home he was all like "what, there's no jewelry crafting station in here???" Then left to go get me one from a guild trader, lol. I went to bed later feeling very happy because I knew that I made a connection with someone extremely special.

    TL;DR get your eso crush a jewelry crafting station. 10/10 works everytime.
    Edited by hexnotic on December 9, 2020 3:56PM
  • SidraWillowsky
    hexnotic wrote: »
    It's kind of cheesy, but me and my friend who is now my amazing partner was up all night drinking and playing eso together. He listened to me vent about some guild drama over VC, and we spent hours messing with housing stuff. When he first traveled to my home he was all like "what, there's no jewelry crafting station in here???" Then left to go get me one from a guild trader, lol. I went to bed later feeling very happy because I knew that I made a connection with someone extremely special.

    TL;DR get your eso crush a jewelry crafting station. 10/10 works everytime.

    Nah, not cheesy- that's awesome!

    I don't have any one single happiest that stands out, but when I think of standout moments...

    1. Clearing vMoL after months and months of progression with my main guild
    2. In the same guild, we have fun trial runs on Saturdays, lead by our drunk raid lead who provides very little guidance. They're absolute chaos and make for a lot of those belly laughs
    3. A night in IC with my PvP guild where there were huge groups from all three factions fighting in one of the districts. THAT is what IC was made for and it was an absolute blast to have three groups battling it out there
    4. Getting Flawless Conqueror. It meant a lot (well, as much as a video game achievement can mean) because I'd been so discouraged at first in vMA because I felt like I had no idea how to navigate mechanics in the game in general. To be able to finish without dying... you can't do that without navigating the mechanics. It felt good.
  • Obsidian3
    Last day of Beta, Zerging in Cyrodiil with the Covenant. Never played PvP in such a large scale, was so much fun.

  • TineaCruris
    year 2 to year 3 was awesome. Most things worked most of the time, the raids were bigger, the population cap was more than double what it is now, and most with a measure of self respect were still willing to give ZOS their money to support the game.
  • MrBrownstone
    First vAS+2 completion. I was a noob back then when Clockwork City was released and I instantly fell in love with the zone, done the trial on normal and liked it a lot. Then I promised myself that one day I'm going to complete it on the hardest difficulty. After I got better at the game i joined some progression runs, without even having tried it on veteran yet, I realized that plain vAS was pretty easy and +2 was the real deal.

    One of my biggest attempts ended with a wipe at 7% and it was really sad. Next week we got so close, half the group died and I was spamming my execute like crazy. A sphere spawned at 1% and my heart rate was triple the amount of my ping. Everyone was yelling "finish it" instead of asking for rezzes and finally we did it. I was shaking, it was my biggest goal in this game. Never changed the skin on my main character to anything else since then.

    Now I can clear it consistently, no Immortal Redeemer yet (haven't tried, however I've had clears without dying myself). Now my next goal is vCR+3 but it's not that exciting for me, nowhere near as vAS+2. It's still my favorite trial with it's fast paced combat and beautiful design. Any trial after it was lackluster.
  • lolo_01b16_ESO
    A few great memories:
    - Using the original jump, teleport and pull skills in combination with the environment for fun creative fights. Pulling people of the wall, teleporting to someone else's shadow image, using streak or horse jumps to secretly get behind the enemy defenses, leaping from outer to inner walls... So much more fun than just using a ram on every single keep.
    - Using clouding batswarm on a Templar with super fast resurrection speed, to revive multiple friends in the middle of the enemy zerg.
    - The moment when your Standart of Might was ready again while your first one was still running.
    - Using Blinding Flashes and watching trolls, swordmasters (and all other enemies) hit thin air when they tried to attack you.
    - Having very immersive stories with difficult quest bosses before the "One Tamriel" patch.
  • tomofhyrule
    • Starting a new character in the Morrowind expansion, and coming out of the prison boat exactly the same way I did back 18 years ago. Massive nostalgia hit, there.
    • Going through Bleakrock at night with the sky lit up. Really peaceful, I almost wanted to just stay there and watch the sky for a while.
    • Finally getting over it and joining a great guild and start doing group content. I really like doing dungeons now.
    • The first time I went through a trial, nKA. Really felt like I was working towards something. I'd always wanted to go solo, and here I was part of a big team. Also one of my favorite titles, even if it is a 'normal' one.
    • Regarding the above, the first time I got through vet Kyne's Aegis about three months later. Never thought I'd be able to do that.
    • Getting a nodeath in March of Sacrifices. I'd wanted to get that Beast personality from the beginning, and I finally got it.
    • Writing the entire story of my character just for fun, really getting into his personality and how he and others would react. Yeah, the game gives you short fights and some linear quests, but it's really fun to let creativity fill in the rest. Best ones are when a whole page or so of heavy dialogue comes out of a minor screenshot, like this heart-to-heart chat that just happened between my Pact Orc and a dying Covenant Orc after he took Fort Virak. In game, Gar just killed a Covenant heavy, but it even surprised me when I wrote a whole conversation to go with it.
  • SammyKhajit
    Going back to Morrowind.

    Any quests with my sleek companions, Za’ji and Caska.

    Meeting Silverclaw the first time and he calls you a “freelance gardener”.

    Picking flowers at Artaeum.
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