StevieKingslayer wrote: »
I am frequently surprised by low end CP players. And Honestly I've had enough of watching them get flamed in chats because YOU can't do the mechanics and YOU can't spare two seconds of your life.
Go queue with your guild. Leave them alone for god sakes, They're trying.
Hey normally i only come to the forums on maintance/patch days to bash the dev's but I fully agree with everything you say, and had to give you an awesome I wish there was a lot more thinking like this. There's an elite idiocy in the game that think putting people down is a great way to start a dungeon apparently they were never a Noob you know.
stefan.gustavsonb16_ESO wrote: »I must say my experience (on PC-EU) is quite the opposite, at least most of the time. Almost every time I end up getting a random person or two for a dungeon run, filling out any spots we can't populate with guild mates at that particular time, they are friendly, communicative, and either adequately skilled or mostly open to suggestions if there is any need for it. Random runs with nice people is a major recruiting base for the nice guilds I'm in.
I'm sorry if your experience differs from mine, and I don't doubt you. I just wanted to say that it's not a general problem with all players. At the very least it's not a problem for me, but I doubt that I am the only lucky person in that respect.
I should say that I never pug vet dungeons or trials. After some bad experiences, although still nowhere near a majority of the runs, I do those with guild friends only.
Hey normally i only come to the forums on maintance/patch days to bash the dev's but I fully agree with everything you say, and had to give you an awesome I wish there was a lot more thinking like this. There's an elite idiocy in the game that think putting people down is a great way to start a dungeon apparently they were never a Noob you know.
As a tank I never watch anything other players do, or have. And unless there is a real issue, I never will. This makes me one happy puppy!
I trust in other players to know what they are doing, and this doesn't seem like a wrong assumption. Flaming others because they do not do exactly what you would do is just crazy, as everyone plays their own way. Flaming players is always wrong, just kick or explain it to them!
PS: I only pug vets, and I am not in a guild.
I'm tired of threads dividing the community into pissy elitists and nice noobs, when in fact it's everything in-between. I've seen new players who spat on you when offered to explain a mechanic, and I've seen veterans who are generous with their knowledge, time, and materials. I've personally spend a fair amount after dungeons talking builds with new playets, given free skyreach levelling runs to strangers, and point people to resources and guides, but not everyone will have that inclination or time. It doesn't mean they have to be rude to new players, but sometimes inexperieneced players (especially during events) will do a content they are completely unprepared for and not even give a heads up. The community as a whole, is actually very generous, I routinely see twitter posts of people sharing kind exchanges or encounters they have in game. It might not seem so in the pug finder during a dungeon event, because of the pressure to get the thing done, but it's not a true reflection of the community.
Agree here, now the negativity in dungeons tend to be people just leaving after a wipe and some solo players who just run ahead without telling others to follow close.stefan.gustavsonb16_ESO wrote: »I must say my experience (on PC-EU) is quite the opposite, at least most of the time. Almost every time I end up getting a random person or two for a dungeon run, filling out any spots we can't populate with guild mates at that particular time, they are friendly, communicative, and either adequately skilled or mostly open to suggestions if there is any need for it. Random runs with nice people is a major recruiting base for the nice guilds I'm in.
I'm sorry if your experience differs from mine, and I don't doubt you. I just wanted to say that it's not a general problem with all players. At the very least it's not a problem for me, but I doubt that I am the only lucky person in that respect.
I should say that I never pug vet dungeons or trials. After some bad experiences, although still nowhere near a majority of the runs, I do those with guild friends only.
End of the day anyone who joins "randoms" needs to understand what that stands for that's the first and only mechanic you need to know when playing with absolute strangers.
etchedpixels wrote: »The 'leet uber dd who pugged with you for a pledge is (for most dungeons) pugging because they are not good enough to solo it 8).
Random normals is a bit different and it would be good if ESO allowed solo/partial group runs for that in the finder so the folks who really don't need anyone else can just solo them and keep everyone happier.
Because when I tell 810 CP players that they need to interrupt the boss or he one shots the tank in vMHK they smirk at you and tell you that they run the dungeon over 10 times and know mechanics.
It was in a run advertised as a no death run in guild chats. Obviously after I already died to being executed by the boss.
I mean, you ask why we are mean, and not helping, not giving advice. I don't kick, but the reason I stopped actively giving advice, because people are *** to you when you do.
StevieKingslayer wrote: »Because when I tell 810 CP players that they need to interrupt the boss or he one shots the tank in vMHK they smirk at you and tell you that they run the dungeon over 10 times and know mechanics.
It was in a run advertised as a no death run in guild chats. Obviously after I already died to being executed by the boss.
I mean, you ask why we are mean, and not helping, not giving advice. I don't kick, but the reason I stopped actively giving advice, because people are *** to you when you do.
Fair. But one point. You said guild chat. Im talking about pug queue.
Guild runs are fair game, and advertised as such is fair game to complain.
Because when I tell 810 CP players that they need to interrupt the boss or he one shots the tank in vMHK they smirk at you and tell you that they run the dungeon over 10 times and know mechanics.
It was in a run advertised as a no death run in guild chats. Obviously after I already died to being executed by the boss.
I mean, you ask why we are mean, and not helping, not giving advice. I don't kick, but the reason I stopped actively giving advice, because people are *** to you when you do.
StevieKingslayer wrote: »I'm tired of threads dividing the community into pissy elitists and nice noobs, when in fact it's everything in-between. I've seen new players who spat on you when offered to explain a mechanic, and I've seen veterans who are generous with their knowledge, time, and materials. I've personally spend a fair amount after dungeons talking builds with new playets, given free skyreach levelling runs to strangers, and point people to resources and guides, but not everyone will have that inclination or time. It doesn't mean they have to be rude to new players, but sometimes inexperieneced players (especially during events) will do a content they are completely unprepared for and not even give a heads up. The community as a whole, is actually very generous, I routinely see twitter posts of people sharing kind exchanges or encounters they have in game. It might not seem so in the pug finder during a dungeon event, because of the pressure to get the thing done, but it's not a true reflection of the community.
It's only dividing to those it's targeted at. And if they are offended, not my problem. Yes, there is a good side of the community, I don't deny that - But this post is about the absolute abuse I've seen the lower cp take in the last few days thanks to the 'older players' (me being one of them) and Im tired of it. Some positive interactions on twitter do not mean the community is good, some negative posts do not mean the community is bad. This is a post to potentially, hopefully, make some of those people feeling abused lately with this event to know that some of us do care about them, and acknowledge that they are trying, and to address that there is a problem in the community, and some positive twitter posts don't hide that fact.
StevieKingslayer wrote: »Because when I tell 810 CP players that they need to interrupt the boss or he one shots the tank in vMHK they smirk at you and tell you that they run the dungeon over 10 times and know mechanics.
It was in a run advertised as a no death run in guild chats. Obviously after I already died to being executed by the boss.
I mean, you ask why we are mean, and not helping, not giving advice. I don't kick, but the reason I stopped actively giving advice, because people are *** to you when you do.
Fair. But one point. You said guild chat. Im talking about pug queue.
Guild runs are fair game, and advertised as such is fair game to complain.
I used it as example because it was my most recent advice giving. If you want another example then a dungeon earlier, with pugs, I told the tank not to keep adds as close to the boss because they enrage and he dies, he just ignored me and kept doing the same. Those 2 examples are from yesterday. And are the last 2 times I gave advice. Do you wanna go back and backtrack on my various tries to make wipes less wipes and see how people react to them? People are *** to you, out of every 100 times you are nice, you will be 60% ignored, 30% talked back to, and 10% helpful. ye I might be a masochist for keep trying, but that's why people stopped helping.
Nordic__Knights wrote: »Because when I tell 810 CP players that they need to interrupt the boss or he one shots the tank in vMHK they smirk at you and tell you that they run the dungeon over 10 times and know mechanics.
It was in a run advertised as a no death run in guild chats. Obviously after I already died to being executed by the boss.
I mean, you ask why we are mean, and not helping, not giving advice. I don't kick, but the reason I stopped actively giving advice, because people are *** to you when you do.
if your having bad guild runs id say teach your guild better or get an ranking system in play for it but whats being talked about here is pug groups where anyone CAN BE PLACED WITH YOU even the one arm man wanting to see what its all about
StevieKingslayer wrote: »I'm tired of threads dividing the community into pissy elitists and nice noobs, when in fact it's everything in-between. I've seen new players who spat on you when offered to explain a mechanic, and I've seen veterans who are generous with their knowledge, time, and materials. I've personally spend a fair amount after dungeons talking builds with new playets, given free skyreach levelling runs to strangers, and point people to resources and guides, but not everyone will have that inclination or time. It doesn't mean they have to be rude to new players, but sometimes inexperieneced players (especially during events) will do a content they are completely unprepared for and not even give a heads up. The community as a whole, is actually very generous, I routinely see twitter posts of people sharing kind exchanges or encounters they have in game. It might not seem so in the pug finder during a dungeon event, because of the pressure to get the thing done, but it's not a true reflection of the community.
It's only dividing to those it's targeted at. And if they are offended, not my problem. Yes, there is a good side of the community, I don't deny that - But this post is about the absolute abuse I've seen the lower cp take in the last few days thanks to the 'older players' (me being one of them) and Im tired of it. Some positive interactions on twitter do not mean the community is good, some negative posts do not mean the community is bad. This is a post to potentially, hopefully, make some of those people feeling abused lately with this event to know that some of us do care about them, and acknowledge that they are trying, and to address that there is a problem in the community, and some positive twitter posts don't hide that fact.
The positive posts from twitter were just an example, because usually the forums tend to focus on complaints, and also a big part of the community doesn't use them. Also, the negative posts are more prevalent during events--again it's not the whole picture. It's good to let low CP player (and all players, since you can get bad behaviours even within all 810CP groups) know that if they had a negative experience, it's not how all of the game is, but I personally don't like the demonization of the comminuty because of a few people with bad attitude problems.