FrancisCrawford wrote: »How is this an exploit? It sounds like it's working as intended.
Hmm hmm, i wouldn't call it exploit but using a consumable, like it is supposed to do that maybe. Im not sure either what the funcion should cover like are you supposed to be immune to interruption. It only lasts few seconds anyway. I do have another problem with the potion myself. It doesnt seem to work always. I pop one and a sec later i bend the knee to the enemy. Happens all the time. Hate it.
KuroyukiESO wrote: »
Not at all. Immovability potions just give you CC immunity. Regular CC immunity has never stopped people from being bashed in these animations before. It has only been like this for a few patches.
Joy_Division wrote: »
Was changed years ago. CC Immunity = no bash / interrupt
KuroyukiESO wrote: »
Not at all. Immovability potions just give you CC immunity. Regular CC immunity has never stopped people from being bashed in these animations before. It has only been like this for a few patches.
KuroyukiESO wrote: »
Nope, I was playing "years ago". CC immunity means you can't be bashed out of cast time abilities. Not rezzes and pickup animations. That's why you can bash the same rez over and over. No, this is new. Not this patch new, but a few months for sure.
FrancisCrawford wrote: »
I've been using Immovable pots in PvE to enable rezzes a lot longer than that.
KuroyukiESO wrote: »
Nope, I was playing "years ago". CC immunity means you can't be bashed out of cast time abilities. Not rezzes and pickup animations. That's why you can bash the same rez over and over. No, this is new. Not this patch new, but a few months for sure.
KuroyukiESO wrote: »
Nope, I was playing "years ago". CC immunity means you can't be bashed out of cast time abilities. Not rezzes and pickup animations. That's why you can bash the same rez over and over. No, this is new. Not this patch new, but a few months for sure.
Joy_Division wrote: »
Hmm, I see what you are saying. I agree that "years ago" the change was as you describe. But the immov pot scenario has been in the game for quite a while now that I think of it. I used to be in a guild with a person who shall go nameless who is aware of every single rules inconsistency in ESO and I remember him saying he used an immovable pot to pick up a scroll and he'd ALWAYS be the one who picked it up even if 30 people were trying to get it. I haven't played with him since March.
As far as what I think about it, the whole idea of allowing players to easily circumvent intended counterplay (such as bash / interrupt) is dumb, especially when players get this immunity when they do nothing (such as when they get stunned). I never liked the changes made in the first place.
If someone gets interrupted while trying to pick up a relic, they'll be staggered/CC'd and gain CC immunity. However, this immunity won't prevent them from being bashed again if they try to pick up the relic immediately after breaking free, and I fail to see why immovable potions should be treated any differently.
I don't see how this is an exploit. That's what it's *for*. Potions have a duration and a cooldown. If someone has gone to the trouble of obtaining the pot, and learning to time their use for certain actions, they've learned how to use equipment to their advantage. Things that are to one person's advantage may be to someone else's disadvantage in PvP but that doesn't make it unfair. It's just how things work. Invisibility pots let me steal crap off a counter right in front of an NPC and there isn't a thing they can do about it--it would be no more or less fair if that NPC was another player, it just is what it is.
I wouldn't say it's an exploit.
When you get interrupted you do get stunned, and the potions grant you immunity to "disabling and knockback effects" if I remember correctly.
An oversight, perhaps. I don't know how you would separate the resurect interrupt from others. Because making CC immune players interruptible will negatively impact others, such as Sorc with Dark Deal/Exchange