Good thing this is posted in the pvp combat sunforums.
KhajiitLivesMatter wrote: »not stronger than zaan so its fine
I've seen players using 2h and vateshran,
With Malacath's Band of Brutality.
With Crimson Twilight.
With Unfathomable Darkness.
This is the epitome of what it is like to clutch to a fotm.
2700 is the value in PVE. Beside that, its range is only 15m, so only twice as far as e.g. dizzying swing, but doesn't hit you with 6 to 10k instantly.
FangOfTheTwoMoons wrote: »The fact you cant cleanse it or LoS it is silly.
The tether actually will be broken by LOS.Ariades_swe wrote: »No reason to run snb for stam instead of frost staff. I rather take a no cleansable no losabe free 2.7k dps over gaining an extra 2.9 k penetration.
The tether actually will be broken by LOS.
And while it's true that the effect cannot be cleansed, I have to wonder if that's because it may actually not be considered a DOT by the game. I know that it won't trigger Skoria, for example, but I haven't tried to see if the tooltip value varies with changes to CP or the Necromancer passive.
Waffennacht wrote: »It also does not trigger things like Burning Spell Weave
Edit: and LoS does break it
FangOfTheTwoMoons wrote: »
Damn musta been lag than, coulda swore it was still on me. Or perhaps a visual bug?
same here: I had situations where LoS did not work...went through trees and pillars