sticker book question

Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24
what happens if you put a gold item in the sticker book and want to get it out again? Is it going to cost a lot to get back to gold?
  • Taleof2Cities
    Bound gear is not subtracted from your inventory for purposes of the sticker book, @rumple9.

    Think of it like an achievement.

    Once you bind a piece of gear, jewelry, or weapon to your character, the piece of gear is "copied" to your account-wide sticker book collection. But, your character still keeps the gear piece.

    The first screenshot below shows a gold Marksman's Necklace (in my Magicka Nightblade's inventory as a bound item) being copied into the sticker book. I still get to keep the jewelry piece to use for my builds.

    The second screenshot (on my Stamina Nightblade) shows a reconstructed green Marksman's Necklace ... which I could craft assuming I have all the mats, platings, and enough transmutes to cover making it. I could also upgrade it to gold if I wanted to (again, assuming I have the mats and crafting skill level).

    Hopefully these visuals help.

    Let us know if this sparks any other questions though.


    Edited by Taleof2Cities on October 17, 2020 8:23AM
  • TonyDemonLord

    Do you have to have that piece in your inventory for it to be added to the sticker book or will it add previous gear sets that I had but no longer do.
    Xbox NA
  • Bucky_13

    Do you have to have that piece in your inventory for it to be added to the sticker book or will it add previous gear sets that I had but no longer do.

    In your inventory or bank, and it needs to be bound. So it's a good idea to keep pieces of good sets that you often don't use (like shoulders+helm) until this goes live, and then sell/decon them.
  • Taleof2Cities
    @Bucky_13 is right.

    The sticker book is not retroactive.

    In other words, only the bound gear you have on each character (when Update 28 goes live) counts for the sticker book. Any bound gear in the bank can just be collected by any character for it to register.

    As you can see in my second screenshot ... I already have quite a few bound Marksman and Ravager pieces that were immediately saved to the sticker book when logging in to PTS.

    Also notice that it pushed my reconstruction cost (in transmutes) down from the initial 75 transmute cost. 58 for Marksman and 55 for Ravager.

    Edited by Taleof2Cities on October 17, 2020 9:28PM
  • Stinkyremy
    Bucky_13 wrote: »

    In your inventory or bank, and it needs to be bound. So it's a good idea to keep pieces of good sets that you often don't use (like shoulders+helm) until this goes live, and then sell/decon them.

    Just to confirm, will it read all your banked items and add to the sticker book?
    I was assuming i will have to get them all out and hold them on a toon for them to be collected.

    I suppose I better ask, what about items in our chests too?
  • virtus753
    On the PTS the sticker book added all bound items in my bank, chests, and coffers without my having to remove anything.

    I did have to log to alts for the collections system to recognize items held in their inventories, which is what I had expected.
  • Bucky_13
    Stinkyremy wrote: »

    Just to confirm, will it read all your banked items and add to the sticker book?
    I was assuming i will have to get them all out and hold them on a toon for them to be collected.

    I suppose I better ask, what about items in our chests too?

    I didn't check the chests since I don't have gear in those, but I logged all characters and had 2 different weights of iceheart unlocked in collections while only one of those characters had one of it in their inventory. The rest was in the bank and was counted. What does matter is if the items are bound to you or not. It didn't apply items to the collection until I made them bound by equipping them.
  • virtus753
    It seems the method of adding things to the sticker book changed between weeks 1 and 2 of the PTS. Unfortunately nothing whatsoever about this seems to be in the patch notes for any week.

    During week 1, you had to equip an unbound item to get it to bind and register in the book. As of week 2, you can also decon items — even unbound/unworn — or sell them to a vendor and then sell enough other things so the original items no longer appear in the buy-back window. It seems they want to include any method that guarantees you can’t turn around and trade the item to another player. Once you’ve bound/destroyed/sold it past the buy-back window, it should show up in the collections system. But always better to test, especially since these changes were never announced.
  • jbonifacejr
    Soul Shriven
    If you create something from your sticker book, I imagine that item is then bound to your account as well. Is that correct?
  • Taleof2Cities
    If you create something from your sticker book, I imagine that item is then bound to your account as well. Is that correct?


    Making bind on equip Trials gear for trade or sell might break the game. B)
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