tought it would be fun on my stamplar and give him some needed survability, but now, its current states, im not sure i want to loose a set bonus for that piece
please fix stamplar, asap
YandereGirlfriend wrote: »It is unfortunate, though eminently unsurprising, that the developers once again capitulated to the wails of the nerflings.
Insecure PvE healers have laid this set low.
YandereGirlfriend wrote: »It is unfortunate, though eminently unsurprising, that the developers once again capitulated to the wails of the nerflings.
Insecure PvE healers have laid this set low.
You wont hit the cap with any skill in pvp anyway. Its still going to be good for pvp.
relentless_turnip wrote: »
It would be hard to do regularly for sure... You'd have to hit someone for 15,277, which could occur quite frequently with an ultimate or blastbones 😂. I think this will work best on a pressure/dot build as a reliable source of healing. I am planning it for my stamsorc and stamplar.
relentless_turnip wrote: »
It would be hard to do regularly for sure... You'd have to hit someone for 15,277, which could occur quite frequently with an ultimate or blastbones 😂. I think this will work best on a pressure/dot build as a reliable source of healing. I am planning it for my stamsorc and stamplar.
YandereGirlfriend wrote: »It is unfortunate, though eminently unsurprising, that the developers once again capitulated to the wails of the nerflings.
Insecure PvE healers have laid this set low.
You have to be fighting pve players to hit someone with 15k Blastbones or db, let's be real.
Either way, there's no real threat to hit the cap too often.
My plan is to throw it on my sorc and drop the restro staff back bar. Will let me constantly be on the offensive without needing to turtle up and heal. The build I have in mind is: Pale Order, Voidcaller, and Eternal Vigor. With a one piece Trainee. Hoping it will function well in both PVE and PVP with only changing skills.
My plan is to throw it on my sorc and drop the restro staff back bar. Will let me constantly be on the offensive without needing to turtle up and heal. The build I have in mind is: Pale Order, Voidcaller, and Eternal Vigor. With a one piece Trainee. Hoping it will function well in both PVE and PVP with only changing skills.