I don't PvP as often as I used to, but I do enjoy it, and duels are my preferred method to get my fix. Its an underrated part of the game, in my opinion, and I feel like it needs some love and attention!
The issues with dueling:
I have had my fair share of duels in town, but I hate it... Not only is it immersion-offensive, but its also just annoying when you're perusing the guild traders and there's some mad people wrecking the stall and immediate area like vandals on skooma! I'm sure we have all noticed the strain on performance when multiple people are dueling in highly populated areas. However, towns and cities tend to be the only reliable place to find people who also want to duel! How do we solve this conundrum?
Dueling Arenas:
How about adding some arenas throughout Tamriel, specifically designed for Duels! They can each be unique, showcasing that zones architecture, and some could even add dynamic mechanics to spice up the fight. They could be located far from towns but near wayshrines, to bring life and purpose to some otherwise overlooked areas of the map. Think Elinhir Private Arena, for example, but available publicly as a gathering place for duelers. There are so many ways you can spice up this typically overlooked activity!
Arena Mechanics:
I find it much more exciting when there are outside elements adding pressure to the duel. Here are some brain storms of what I could see being a go to dueling spot...
Starter Zones - Each starter zone can have your typical arena, no fancy bells or whistles, in their corresponding archeture style. A dedicated space, far from heavily populated areas, for players to congregate and duel. Perhaps they could even be a separate instance, like a delve, to prevent any strain on the server. These areas can have their own icon as well on the map.
Craglorn - A good old gladiator arena, with a few cages along the sides on the ground level. Contained are several low level monsters that are released if you interact with the cage door. If all these low level monsters are defeated, a mini boss is released. Duelers will now not only have to worry about each other, but these various monsters as well. The player who manages to defeat the mini boss will gain a minor buff to aid in the duel. Defeating the mini boss also respawns all the cages. Spectators can line the seating area above, cheering, like a classic gladiator film.
Summerset - Ancient ruins at the beach, with a suspended bridge leading to a sunken arena over the ocean. In the center of these tall ruins, there is an elevated platform suspended by 4 crumbling columns. Below is the arena floor, flooded by the ocean. If you manage to knock your opponent off the platform, they fall into the ocean and are shredded by slaughterfish. However, if the platform takes too much damage it will split in half and you will fall below onto the rubble, leaving a small and medium platform for you to continue dueling on. If you choose not to pursue your opponent after they fall, while the platform is still suspended, they can utilize the half sunken stairs to return to the top of a tower, and jump back down on the dueling platform... that is, if the slaughter fish don't get them first... This tower is how you will jump onto the platform to begin with. There would also be multiple balconies for spectators. To reset the platform, you simply have to speak to a mage in one of the balconies and they will use magic to restore the platform (they will not restore it if anyone is below, and the area must be vacated before they comply).
Western Skyrim - A large cave with large icicles suspended above. Ever so often, an icicle will fall dealing heavy AOE dmg, knocking you down and stunning you. This also destroys part of the ice platform, exposing chilling water that deals DoT if you fall in. Crumbled nord architecture will form what resembles what used to be a maze, offering some walls that will block ranged attacks. If certain icicles fall, this maze will essentially cut you off from certain areas, lest you swim through the chilling water.
Elsweyr - A dragon grave yard with large dragon bones littering the area. A dragon watches from a perch and will occasionally make a sassy comment like "These puny mortal mean to impress me?" If you attack the dragon it will either spawn undead, or breath fire on the immediate area. Touching or attacking dragon bones will anger the dragon "Respect the fallen" and it will release that soul tear attack found in dragon fights.
Morrowind - Telvanni style arena, with glowing mushrooms lighting the area. If you attack these mushrooms poison gas is released that deals DoT to anyone caught within its range. Destroying all mushrooms in the area will respawn them. Or perhaps we get an arena under the red mountain? Daedric architecture leads you deep below the base of the mountain, with lava falls and lava pools. In the center are multiple platforms. When each platform takes enough damage, they will sink, forcing you to find another platform. If all the platforms are destroyed too quickly, before another can respawn, the fight will be determined by who can withstand the lava the longest! This would force duelers to decide if they should withhold their AOE's, or go for the insane alternative of swimming in a lake of fire.
Coldharbour - A large daedric tower on a giant floating rock, surrounded by small floating rocks and architecture for spectators. You use portals to reach the top, and if you fall from the top you will certainly die from the drop. Ghosts will occasionally fly through the area, and if you touch one, you are feared, and may run off the edge as a result!
Criminal Offenses - Could we maybe make dueling in town/cities a criminal act? Guards would immediately attack anyone dueling. This would encourage most to seek out these arenas, although I could see this having the reverse effect, encouraging some to duel in cities for the guard action. At least it would be realistic, even though it does nothing to alleviate the strain on performance in these population dense areas.
Group Duels - To compliment these arenas, and dueling in general, it would be amazing if we could battle 2v2, or 1vX. Crown of the group simply needs to invite the crown of another group to a duel, with a limit of 3 per group. This would add a deeper element of strategy (further enforcing roles such as tank/healer), and provide those who want a greater challenge a way to battle against multiple opponents, alone. Yah, you could do battlegrounds, but that is a forced set of rules. Yah, you could go to Cyrodiil or Imperial City, but.......... lets just say I much prefer the stability of performance in a simple duel. Perhaps these arenas are the only place where you can group battle?
Is my head in the clouds? Or would you like to see dueling get some special treatment as well?