Daemons_Bane wrote: »I have not, and will not, use it as a home, sonce it is not designed to be such.. it's a gallery, a meeting place.. there are no personal space, no rooms for kitchen/storage and such.. it does not feel like it was made to live in.. most of the buildings we can get, have the same issue.. I make my home in Proudspire Manor, in Solitude
Enemy-of-Coldharbour wrote: »Nope. It does not feel like a home to me (no defined areas to use as bedroom/bathroom/kitchen, etc.). I'm just using it as a dumping ground for excess furnishings. My main home will always be the Grand Psijic Villa.
SilverBride wrote: »I don't think it was ever meant as a private home. With all the the platforms and tables, and even it's name, it's a great place to showcase your antiquities, and anything else you want to display. Or you can turn it into a public place, like a lodge, or restaurant, or a guild hall. The possibilities are endless.
I don't have a main home any more than I have a main character. I have four of this particular home (2 accounts on 2 servers)
Funnily enough, while showing my wife (who isn't a gamer but who admires some of the houses)
Here’s the cabin I’m working on to add a more homier place since the main building is more of a gallery. Obviously it’s not done but it’s getting there.
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