Naw, the pulling isn't really a problem for me. When cleaning trash, by the time the rotation gets to "Unreleting Grip" they are already dead, or they weren't in the pack and pulling them in is a good idea. And I have yet to see a boss that can be pulled.
This skill is a “soft taunt”. It will not override a hard taunt but if there is no “hard taunt” ie pierce armor etc. present it will make the mob come to to that player over any other player present. Easy to test easy to see. What your tank may be doing is letting his full taunt expire without refresh. Through testing you will see it does expire as well. So for example if you you are say at a world boss fight and no one else around are hard taunting and you throw in a chain it will immediately come for you even if you show up half way through a fight. Again easy to test easy to see. Hope this helps.
it DOES NOT taunt! period.
Now, it will pull said mob to you if so morphed, and if no one else has hit that mob then it will attack you...but it in no way taunts and i dont care what anyone doesnt do it...not a "soft taunt'...nothing.That said, it should really only be used on bosses since immune to pull and that way you get 100% resource return and it primes your seething. Can also help a tank out to pull mobs into the group if needed.
(oh, and before anyone says it...the Tormentor set doesnt count. He is asking about the SKILL, not a set that uses the skill...2 different things.)
This skill is a “soft taunt”. It will not override a hard taunt but if there is no “hard taunt” ie pierce armor etc. present it will make the mob come to to that player over any other player present. Easy to test easy to see. What your tank may be doing is letting his full taunt expire without refresh. Through testing you will see it does expire as well. So for example if you you are say at a world boss fight and no one else around are hard taunting and you throw in a chain it will immediately come for you even if you show up half way through a fight. Again easy to test easy to see. Hope this helps.
lol, there is no such beast in the game...what you are referring to is the simple fact that i stated above in that if no one else has hit said mob of course it will aggro you. Same as if you were running solo and pulled things in, they will attack you..or...if you pull mobs BEFORE tank has put a taunt on them, they will attack you. Thats not a taunt, thats simple aggro. Man I wish people would get a clue to this skill.....
This skill is a “soft taunt”. It will not override a hard taunt but if there is no “hard taunt” ie pierce armor etc. present it will make the mob come to to that player over any other player present. Easy to test easy to see. What your tank may be doing is letting his full taunt expire without refresh. Through testing you will see it does expire as well. So for example if you you are say at a world boss fight and no one else around are hard taunting and you throw in a chain it will immediately come for you even if you show up half way through a fight. Again easy to test easy to see. Hope this helps.
lol, there is no such beast in the game...what you are referring to is the simple fact that i stated above in that if no one else has hit said mob of course it will aggro you. Same as if you were running solo and pulled things in, they will attack you..or...if you pull mobs BEFORE tank has put a taunt on them, they will attack you. Thats not a taunt, thats simple aggro. Man I wish people would get a clue to this skill.....
congratulations, you now understand what a soft taunt is.
You need to do 1 more test
You need to test chains on a target that has been cc.
You will see that chain does not in fact "soft taunt" if the target is cc immune.
So for example if you chain some random untaunted add and it gets pulled to you it will indeed attack you for a few seconds.
If you chain an elite that can not be chained and is not taunted chances are it will indeed attack you.
Now however if you chain an add that has recently been cc it tends to not infact aggro to you.
To test this just prog the twins and tank skinrai
Chain an add that someone just dropped a colossus on...
You will see it does not in fact run to you and you will need to inner fire.
That exactly correct the 3 tiers you just described Beja! Again this so easy to prove and I have done so with 5 or 6 people over the years through simple scientific method as you described. Enough that they concede to my point. What will happen in the forums though is they will test it an never return to admit they were incorrect......
BejaProphet wrote: »@Apox i finally made tome to watch the video.
I’ll say just this. Neither side in THIS thread are defining soft taunts the way Nefas does in that video. Neither have I ever heard anybody mean what Nefas does when using that term.
Now that doesn’t really matter or make Nefas wrong. We all use phrases differently all the time and that is why we must always define our terms.
But when people in this thread are saying soft taunts exist, they do NOT mean what Nefas means.
When people in this thread are denying soft taunts exist, they are NOT talking about what Nefas was in that video.
Referring to my previous posts talking about “3 steps” in aggro. This thread is debating the existence of step 2. Nefas is labeling step 1 as soft taunt.
That’s fine if he wants to do that, the game designers never speak of soft taunts so that one side can appeal to an authoritative definition. But in this thread nobody has been working under Nefas’ definition.
That exactly correct the 3 tiers you just described Beja! Again this so easy to prove and I have done so with 5 or 6 people over the years through simple scientific method as you described. Enough that they concede to my point. What will happen in the forums though is they will test it an never return to admit they were incorrect......
It is not a soft taunt, is just regular aggro. One way to prove it is use a regular taunt on a mob and then use the pull. What does it happen?
Now, use the pull, then another guy uses a skill that dmg while you are holding block. What does it happen?
BejaProphet wrote: »@Apox i finally made tome to watch the video.
I’ll say just this. Neither side in THIS thread are defining soft taunts the way Nefas does in that video. Neither have I ever heard anybody mean what Nefas does when using that term.
Now that doesn’t really matter or make Nefas wrong. We all use phrases differently all the time and that is why we must always define our terms.
But when people in this thread are saying soft taunts exist, they do NOT mean what Nefas means.
When people in this thread are denying soft taunts exist, they are NOT talking about what Nefas was in that video.
Referring to my previous posts talking about “3 steps” in aggro. This thread is debating the existence of step 2. Nefas is labeling step 1 as soft taunt.
That’s fine if he wants to do that, the game designers never speak of soft taunts so that one side can appeal to an authoritative definition. But in this thread nobody has been working under Nefas’ definition.
Actually when sap tanks were used for tanking, the "taunt" was sap essence despite not being a real taunt. It was labelled as a "soft taunt" just as a term to define it, not because it was a soft taunt (in fact, sap tanks were practically deleted from PvE because it was the only spec that could do an "AoE soft taunt" back in the day).
the1andonlyskwex wrote: »That exactly correct the 3 tiers you just described Beja! Again this so easy to prove and I have done so with 5 or 6 people over the years through simple scientific method as you described. Enough that they concede to my point. What will happen in the forums though is they will test it an never return to admit they were incorrect......
It is not a soft taunt, is just regular aggro. One way to prove it is use a regular taunt on a mob and then use the pull. What does it happen?
Now, use the pull, then another guy uses a skill that dmg while you are holding block. What does it happen?
No, what @JackAshes is saying is that it isn't like regular aggro. Just doing damage to an untaunted target doesn't generally cause that target to attack you if somebody else already has aggro (and is also continuing to damage the target). Using Unrelenting Grip, on the other hand, will (almost) always cause the target to attack you, as long as there isn't a full taunt active.
the1andonlyskwex wrote: »That exactly correct the 3 tiers you just described Beja! Again this so easy to prove and I have done so with 5 or 6 people over the years through simple scientific method as you described. Enough that they concede to my point. What will happen in the forums though is they will test it an never return to admit they were incorrect......
It is not a soft taunt, is just regular aggro. One way to prove it is use a regular taunt on a mob and then use the pull. What does it happen?
Now, use the pull, then another guy uses a skill that dmg while you are holding block. What does it happen?
No, what @JackAshes is saying is that it isn't like regular aggro. Just doing damage to an untaunted target doesn't generally cause that target to attack you if somebody else already has aggro (and is also continuing to damage the target). Using Unrelenting Grip, on the other hand, will (almost) always cause the target to attack you, as long as there isn't a full taunt active.
because mobs attack the closest enemy that damaged them