No nerf to Eternal Vigor?

This set is overloaded for pvp and now with the buffs to these
Minor Fortitude/Endurance/Intellect: Increased to 20%, up from 10%
Major Fortitude/Endurance/Intellect: Increased to 40%, up from 20%. Its gonna be more op.
  • FangOfTheTwoMoons
    Hmm this is actually a good point.
  • Nairinhe
    No nerf to nerf threads?
  • kojou
    In general this is a boost to recovery all around...

    Tonal Constancy, Amber Plasm, Lich and other sets are buffed by this as well. Not to mention the regen Mundus stones.

    I personally don't mind the buff to resource sustain at the cost of damage, which seems like the direction they are taking.
    Playing since beta...
  • JanTanhide
    Nairinhe wrote: »
    No nerf to nerf threads?

    Seriously. Enough of the nerf threads! Agree!
  • mikey_reach
    Why nerf it the set is fine not everyone uses it and many classes dont need to over sustain which means its not even that bad. Old sloads and nma those where used by everyone eternal vigor not so much.

    Necros dont need it
    Nb dont need it
    Mag sorcs dont need it
    You can use it on mag dk but has better options.

    Its stat dense yes but it doesnt make broken builds like malacath and tonal do.
  • ManDraKE
    actually, with these changes there will be very little reason to even run etenral vigor. Torc+tripots will be enought to infinite sustain, so you could run 3 damage sets.

    If anything, these changes make eternal vigor a waste on PvP. Why would you trade a 5 pieces damage set for a 5 pieces sustain set when you already can have infinite sustain withouth it? And if you just want defense, just slap pariah or something like that and you will be way harder to kill than with EV.
  • Lughlongarm
    Many sustain sets will be effected by the changes.

  • revonine
    It will be nerfed when Greymor isn't the current DLC anymore
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