As Markarth shapes up to be one of the better patches in recent history, especially with QoL improvements, I am once again disappointed that DLC-Zones still don't get writboards.
I just don't see why the team is making an effort for nicely laid out crafting areas in DLC-Zones when the option to do your writs there is severely hindered by the abscence of writboards.
I believe every player has something like a "homebase" for his characters, a town where they return to to go about their daily business, which most of the time involves doing crafting writs. Normally that would be a place with a good crafting area, close located wayshrine, good guildtraders or all of these points and others.
The DLC-Zones don't fall into this "homebase"-category because they lack writboards. So i usually level through the zone, and leave. I only come back to these zones if I have to. Like for example for antiquities or motifpages I want, but that doesn't happen a lot. I rarely go back. ZOS even started with writboards in Hews Bane but didn't follow trough with a dropoff location for the crafted goods.
Having writboards in every zone would help spread out the population and probably decrease loadingtimes for many major hubs.
So many zones just fall of my radar, although I would really like to make them my homebase. I just don't see a reasonable explanation for continuing to refuse putting writboards into DLC-Cities.
With Markarth being big on QoL improvements, why not make the end of the year of the dark heart of skyrim the moment ZOS opens their hearts to the idea of writboards in DLC-Cities (with dropoff locations aswell, of course)?