Maintenance for the week of March 3:
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – March 6, 6:00AM EST (11:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EST (21:00 UTC)

Snipe is... Well, look for your self.

  • ZarkingFrued
    I have probably 50 videos of this saved, made multiple posts about it, tried to remain respectful about it, and reported the issue 1000 times in game. It has not been even touched. The skills animation does not appear on the person's screen who is getting snipe until after they are dead or have been hit multiple times.
  • usmcjdking
    This isn't snipe so much as it's cast time abilities inside of stealth.
    Edited by usmcjdking on September 11, 2020 12:24AM
  • Sahidom
    I see nothing wrong here. You can easily be zeroed out by a bow gank setup without a desync or be under "lag." Experienced players know this is true. The players is simply using skills, passives, and combat mechanics implemented by what ZOS endorses and allows.
  • Cronopoly
    just use these aoes to deal with the sneaky snipers
    o wait theyre all still on cooldown
  • Smith4HirePmMe2Order
    its not a problem with snipe. its a problem with the stacking bonuses of the Night blade class
    Quality of life changes that desperately need to happen in order make ESO Better for everyone!
    Forget new content for awhile & forget adding new DLC, this is a list of what is actually needed in the game.
    1: Change the ESO+ Housing item limit from 2x to 3x. (preferably 4x)
    2: Add a working Exit wayshrine item for housing.
    (Needs to be added as a special achievement item for finding all wayshrines in the game, & should use the same slots & operate the exit shrines in cyro, where you cant port to them but you can use them to leave the house and go anywhere u want)
    3: Add a GUILD Banker & Store NPC for housing.
    (willing to pay 5k crowns if it does both Or 2.5k crowns each if they split them and have 2 Npcs(1 for each banker/store))
    4: Add Writ boards and Writ Drop-off's for housing.
    (willing to pay 2.5k crowns for each board+1k crowns per Drop off box=11k total crowns
    5: Cut the crown price of Mundus stones IN HALF, and refund the difference in crowns to the few people who have already bought them.
    (If Zo$ was my dog, ied roll up a news paper and smack you in the nose repeatedly for this. 4k per stone x13 stones? what were you thinking?!!
    6: Multi Attuneable crafting stations. (this one change will solve so many issues with item limits. Make it so you have to 'feed' existing attuned tables to the new station to unlock its drop down effects. This kills 2 birds with 1 stone.)
    7: Change the amount of transmutation gems needed to change a trait from 50 to 10, Increase the drop rates of all Geode sources by 10x.
    8: Release more crafting recipes in the game for housing, Dark elf bed of coals/Outdoor and indoor fires/Orcish Column Brazier/Imperial Forge/Beehives/Grape vinyards/smaller greenhouse than the one currently ingame (half the size), We know they are already in the game. These were on the original housing PTS then like 60% of the good stuff disappeared when housing hit the live server.
    9: ESO+ life time membership option.
    10: Permanent craft bag unlock for crowns.
    11: REMOVE BIND ON PICKUP FOR EVERYTHING EXCEPT QUEST ITEMS! PLZ ABOLISH THIS TRASH RESTRICTION!!! Change all current non quest BOP items to BOE. PvPers don't like being forced to run pve for gear, and pve-ers don't like being forced to run pvp for their gear either. The solution is so simple let people run the content they like and trade their drops on the open market..
    12: Add New Fishing rods that you can unlock with bonuses for catching rate fish. spending 6 hours trying to get ONE blue fish using all of the buffs currently available is cancer, especially when you have to do this for 12 fish per zone times 40+ zones. In-fact just overhaul fishing totally and make it like Farcry 5 where you KNOW exactly which holes and locations the each of the rares will spawn. Make the T2 bait ACTUALLY & NOTICEABLY WORK, and combine it with better rods & better fishing related food buff so we can just reel in the rare fish like crazy. Even with all that its still gonna take a week or more of grinding to get all the fish, but thats better than a LITERAL FREAKING YEAR of fishing just for a housing boat item that doesn't even do anything...
    13: Playable Games inside houses (basically just make all the decorative game furnishings actually intractable so we can play against other players. This would give a nice bump to housing utility and community building, RPers would also probably appreciate this).
    14: A 'Port to Guild House' Option on the main guild page.
    15: Add Functional Things to housing/guild halls that your guild can contribute to unlock as a group effort. An example of stuff would be like a 5% damage buff during overland content for all guild members, or buffs for dungeons/trails. Another example would be unlock tokens for people with super hard to get achievements like someone with the grand master fisher, they could donate a token to the guild that unlocks usable fishing plots inside the guild that the GM/House owner could place down. This would then let people travel to the guild hall and collect a Daily account Limit from housing harvesting nodes. Nothing crazy that would break the economy, just like 30 or so resources from each daily harvest able nodes for each of the skills. It would be even better if they were special enhanced versions of the normal ore/wood etc. that gave a refining bonus for tempers like double the chance to get tempers. (double the chance to get tempers on such a small amount of resources wouldn't actually make a big impact on economy, but the COOL factor would be off the charts so i see no reason why this couldn't be done).
    16: Solo Dungeons, Much like solo trials this would be a 1 person equivalent of a 4 person dungeon. It would be even cooler if you could have your new companion NPC come with you on these, but we will have to see how good that companion system is first.
  • universal_wrath
    its not a problem with snipe. its a problem with the stacking bonuses of the Night blade class

    no, it is a problem with both snipe and desync. You can literal do this on other classes and be as successfull as nightblades, only thing that makes nightblade shine is shadowy disguise.
  • Sahidom
    its not a problem with snipe. its a problem with the stacking bonuses of the Night blade class

    No. That's not accurate. They already known how well Blood Frenzy compliments NB, even with the changes to Titanborn following Clever Alchemist tweak doesn't stop the hard hits. Point being, the NB bonuses are a small factor to the overall setup that allows NB to land staggering hits from stealth - which is also available to other classes using stealth, so its not NB exclusive. You have to rip apart many DLC/update changes and non-NB passives to neuter NB - but that would also ruin other class builds. ZoS doesn't fix core problems, what your experiencing is their accumulated patch fixes buried under the code.
  • Beardimus
    Wuerstal wrote: »
    Most of you likely already know how broken snipe in PvP is but yesterdays encounter with a sniper was the most outlandish thing that happend to me in PvP. Here is a short video of it:

    As you can see, my character just stops dead in her tracks as soon as the enemy fired that snipe. It took a full 2 seconds until the first arrow hit. In these 2 seconds I couldn't do anything. No break free (even when the game claims otherwise), no skills, no dodge. Nothing. Only after the first (and second arrow at the same time) hit I was able to break free. Didn't get me anywhere as two other snipes where already hitting me before breaking free was finished.
    I stood there longer "stunned" by the sneak-attack than it took 4! snipes to hit me. Considering that the skill has a cast time of 1 second that should just be impossible.
    If you look closely you see the dmg-numbers popping up next to my character and there are always 2 snipes hitting at the same time. Confirmed by the death recap: there where no light attacks or anything else. Only snipe. 2 per visual representation of the arrow.

    Just wanted to bring this to attention as it really boogles me that something like this is possible and there is nothing beeing done about for ever now.

    To be clear: I don't want to shame any snipers with this. It's not their fault the game is broken.

    EDIT: I know that this is nothing new. I know that it's probably a desync issue. But ZOS never said anything addressing this topic. So letting it die because: "this is nothing new" is not the way to go.

    Snipe is broken as hell, we all know.

    Bow folks will flock to this thread defending it. But it's broken, not just OP but actually broken.

    Like Fear was for a long time, rune cage break free joined them in 2018 and took 4 nerfs (not fixed)

    Thus the best we can help for at this stage is nerfs.

    The desync is so bad it's obscene
    Xbox One | EU | EP
    Beardimus : VR16 Dunmer MagSorc [RIP MagDW 2015-2018]
    Emperor of Sotha Sil 02-2018 & Sheogorath 05-2019
    1st Emperor of Ravenwatch
    Alts - - for the Lolz
    Archimus : Bosmer Thief / Archer / Werewolf
    Orcimus : Fat drunk Orc battlefield 1st aider
    Scalimus - Argonian Sorc Healer / Pet master

    Fighting small scale with : The SAXON Guild
    Fighting with [PvP] : The Undaunted Wolves
    Trading Guilds : TradersOfNirn | FourSquareTraders

    Xbox One | NA | EP
    Bëardimus : L43 Dunmer Magsorc / BG
    Heals-With-Pets : VR16 Argonian Sorc PvP / BG Healer
    Nordimus : VR16 Stamsorc
    Beardimus le 13iem : L30 Dunmer Magsorc Icereach
  • Smith4HirePmMe2Order
    its not a problem with snipe. its a problem with the stacking bonuses of the Night blade class

    no, it is a problem with both snipe and desync. You can literal do this on other classes and be as successful as night blades, only thing that makes nightblade shine is shadowy disguise.

    No you cant, anything will kill a noob obv. but no one else gets crazy crit damage and bonuses to damage for being stealth like NB does. They are Bow Nukes. This never changed, what has changed is now noone else can really use bows effectively if they aren't a NB cuz of all the nerfs. The problem was never with the ability it was always that class.

    I remember a time where you could hit 26-28k hits with snipe on crits and it was fine And this was on a Imperial DK, (A Less than ideal race and class for bow builds.) But those glory days are long dead, and i dont use snipe anymore or even a bow cuz its worthless now. Snipes damage has been so nerfed you're lucky to hit 15ks so the glory days are long gone, but here you people are still bitching about it even after the bow skills Extinction level nerfs, its comical to me.
    Dont get me started on the nerfs to dots, Major and minor defile, dual wield, or enchants either.

    Then again everything stam pvp related is nerfed into the ground, meanwhile Mag players are still the unstoppable no skill pvp kings, just spamming and hitting 7k light attacks from 30m. Just Left click to victory! its all you gotta do! No worrying about footwork/closing the distance/ blocking or dodging/applying dots from close range, Nope none of that zero skill required just us a cookie cutter build and just light attack at range to win any fight against non-coward-blade stam classes.

    While were on NBs though, Stealth needs to be fixed. If you already have a bleed or poison applied to you, ya need to keep taking that damage even in stealth. Coward blades 'Get out of jail free card' needs to be addressed. And stam needs a 20 Meter AOE Detection ability. We only have ONE stam detection ability from hunters guild i think it is and its worthless, its so worthless i dont even remember where it is cuz it only detects things within 4m of you.. completely pointless...

    so yeah while im here pointing out legitimate problems and raising grievances, you guys are here crying about something that has already been nerfed into extinction. Get off my damn game, and give me 2016 pvp/combat back!
    Edited by Smith4HirePmMe2Order on September 18, 2020 8:34PM
    Quality of life changes that desperately need to happen in order make ESO Better for everyone!
    Forget new content for awhile & forget adding new DLC, this is a list of what is actually needed in the game.
    1: Change the ESO+ Housing item limit from 2x to 3x. (preferably 4x)
    2: Add a working Exit wayshrine item for housing.
    (Needs to be added as a special achievement item for finding all wayshrines in the game, & should use the same slots & operate the exit shrines in cyro, where you cant port to them but you can use them to leave the house and go anywhere u want)
    3: Add a GUILD Banker & Store NPC for housing.
    (willing to pay 5k crowns if it does both Or 2.5k crowns each if they split them and have 2 Npcs(1 for each banker/store))
    4: Add Writ boards and Writ Drop-off's for housing.
    (willing to pay 2.5k crowns for each board+1k crowns per Drop off box=11k total crowns
    5: Cut the crown price of Mundus stones IN HALF, and refund the difference in crowns to the few people who have already bought them.
    (If Zo$ was my dog, ied roll up a news paper and smack you in the nose repeatedly for this. 4k per stone x13 stones? what were you thinking?!!
    6: Multi Attuneable crafting stations. (this one change will solve so many issues with item limits. Make it so you have to 'feed' existing attuned tables to the new station to unlock its drop down effects. This kills 2 birds with 1 stone.)
    7: Change the amount of transmutation gems needed to change a trait from 50 to 10, Increase the drop rates of all Geode sources by 10x.
    8: Release more crafting recipes in the game for housing, Dark elf bed of coals/Outdoor and indoor fires/Orcish Column Brazier/Imperial Forge/Beehives/Grape vinyards/smaller greenhouse than the one currently ingame (half the size), We know they are already in the game. These were on the original housing PTS then like 60% of the good stuff disappeared when housing hit the live server.
    9: ESO+ life time membership option.
    10: Permanent craft bag unlock for crowns.
    11: REMOVE BIND ON PICKUP FOR EVERYTHING EXCEPT QUEST ITEMS! PLZ ABOLISH THIS TRASH RESTRICTION!!! Change all current non quest BOP items to BOE. PvPers don't like being forced to run pve for gear, and pve-ers don't like being forced to run pvp for their gear either. The solution is so simple let people run the content they like and trade their drops on the open market..
    12: Add New Fishing rods that you can unlock with bonuses for catching rate fish. spending 6 hours trying to get ONE blue fish using all of the buffs currently available is cancer, especially when you have to do this for 12 fish per zone times 40+ zones. In-fact just overhaul fishing totally and make it like Farcry 5 where you KNOW exactly which holes and locations the each of the rares will spawn. Make the T2 bait ACTUALLY & NOTICEABLY WORK, and combine it with better rods & better fishing related food buff so we can just reel in the rare fish like crazy. Even with all that its still gonna take a week or more of grinding to get all the fish, but thats better than a LITERAL FREAKING YEAR of fishing just for a housing boat item that doesn't even do anything...
    13: Playable Games inside houses (basically just make all the decorative game furnishings actually intractable so we can play against other players. This would give a nice bump to housing utility and community building, RPers would also probably appreciate this).
    14: A 'Port to Guild House' Option on the main guild page.
    15: Add Functional Things to housing/guild halls that your guild can contribute to unlock as a group effort. An example of stuff would be like a 5% damage buff during overland content for all guild members, or buffs for dungeons/trails. Another example would be unlock tokens for people with super hard to get achievements like someone with the grand master fisher, they could donate a token to the guild that unlocks usable fishing plots inside the guild that the GM/House owner could place down. This would then let people travel to the guild hall and collect a Daily account Limit from housing harvesting nodes. Nothing crazy that would break the economy, just like 30 or so resources from each daily harvest able nodes for each of the skills. It would be even better if they were special enhanced versions of the normal ore/wood etc. that gave a refining bonus for tempers like double the chance to get tempers. (double the chance to get tempers on such a small amount of resources wouldn't actually make a big impact on economy, but the COOL factor would be off the charts so i see no reason why this couldn't be done).
    16: Solo Dungeons, Much like solo trials this would be a 1 person equivalent of a 4 person dungeon. It would be even cooler if you could have your new companion NPC come with you on these, but we will have to see how good that companion system is first.
  • universal_wrath
    its not a problem with snipe. its a problem with the stacking bonuses of the Night blade class

    no, it is a problem with both snipe and desync. You can literal do this on other classes and be as successful as night blades, only thing that makes nightblade shine is shadowy disguise.

    No you cant, anything will kill a noob obv. but no one else gets crazy crit damage and bonuses to damage for being stealth like NB does. They are Bow Nukes. This never changed, what has changed is now noone else can really use bows effectively if they aren't a NB cuz of all the nerfs. The problem was never with the ability it was always that class.

    I remember a time where you could hit 26-28k hits with snipe on crits and it was fine And this was on a Imperial DK, (A Less than ideal race and class for bow builds.) But those glory days are long dead, and i dont use snipe anymore or even a bow cuz its worthless now. Snipes damage has been so nerfed you're lucky to hit 15ks so the glory days are long gone, but here you people are still bitching about it even after the bow skills Extinction level nerfs, its comical to me.
    Dont get me started on the nerfs to dots, Major and minor defile, dual wield, or enchants either.

    Then again everything stam pvp related is nerfed into the ground, meanwhile Mag players are still the unstoppable no skill pvp kings, just spamming and hitting 7k light attacks from 30m. Just Left click to victory! its all you gotta do! No worrying about footwork/closing the distance/ blocking or dodging/applying dots from close range, Nope none of that zero skill required just us a cookie cutter build and just light attack at range to win any fight against non-coward-blade stam classes.

    While were on NBs though, Stealth needs to be fixed. If you already have a bleed or poison applied to you, ya need to keep taking that damage even in stealth. Coward blades 'Get out of jail free card' needs to be addressed. And stam needs a 20 Meter AOE Detection ability. We only have ONE stam detection ability from hunters guild i think it is and its worthless, its so worthless i dont even remember where it is cuz it only detects things within 4m of you.. completely pointless...

    so yeah while im here pointing out legitimate problems and raising grievances, you guys are here crying about something that has already been nerfed into extinction. Get off my damn game, and give me 2016 pvp/combat back!

    Snipe gank can kill everyone who is is somewhere around 25k HP, it is not exclusive to nightblade at all. I did it on my stamsorc this patch just for fun and it works great. Anything I don't kill get their health reduced to 10%~. The 9nly problem I had is that I can't escape or put pressure as effectively as nightblades if I fail my gank. By gank, i mean attack from stealth or any unawared targets on groups. You say anything can kill a noob which is right, but snipe does not discriminated between vets and noobs. It is easy to avoid if know it is coming, for sure. Otherwise, it deals high damage and it get boost by 12% (long shot passive) if you hit from distance, and it can desynch. Saying anything like snipe is weak, is like saying dizzy swing is weak.

    You complain about mag being strong, but everyone complain about stam. You are on the oppesite side of everyone else, so it is either most people are noob against stam specs and very effective against mag specs or something else. Thst is not a way to bring up a discussion.

    Just check on forum, most complains about current pqtch are about proc sets and people alway com0lain about stam proc sets, you rarely see anyone complaing about mag specs other than mag sorc or heal bots.
    Edited by universal_wrath on September 19, 2020 6:49AM
  • hakan
    its not a problem with snipe. its a problem with the stacking bonuses of the Night blade class

    no, it is a problem with both snipe and desync. You can literal do this on other classes and be as successful as night blades, only thing that makes nightblade shine is shadowy disguise.

    No you cant, anything will kill a noob obv. but no one else gets crazy crit damage and bonuses to damage for being stealth like NB does. They are Bow Nukes. This never changed, what has changed is now noone else can really use bows effectively if they aren't a NB cuz of all the nerfs. The problem was never with the ability it was always that class.

    I remember a time where you could hit 26-28k hits with snipe on crits and it was fine And this was on a Imperial DK, (A Less than ideal race and class for bow builds.) But those glory days are long dead, and i dont use snipe anymore or even a bow cuz its worthless now. Snipes damage has been so nerfed you're lucky to hit 15ks so the glory days are long gone, but here you people are still bitching about it even after the bow skills Extinction level nerfs, its comical to me.
    Dont get me started on the nerfs to dots, Major and minor defile, dual wield, or enchants either.

    Then again everything stam pvp related is nerfed into the ground, meanwhile Mag players are still the unstoppable no skill pvp kings, just spamming and hitting 7k light attacks from 30m. Just Left click to victory! its all you gotta do! No worrying about footwork/closing the distance/ blocking or dodging/applying dots from close range, Nope none of that zero skill required just us a cookie cutter build and just light attack at range to win any fight against non-coward-blade stam classes.

    While were on NBs though, Stealth needs to be fixed. If you already have a bleed or poison applied to you, ya need to keep taking that damage even in stealth. Coward blades 'Get out of jail free card' needs to be addressed. And stam needs a 20 Meter AOE Detection ability. We only have ONE stam detection ability from hunters guild i think it is and its worthless, its so worthless i dont even remember where it is cuz it only detects things within 4m of you.. completely pointless...

    so yeah while im here pointing out legitimate problems and raising grievances, you guys are here crying about something that has already been nerfed into extinction. Get off my damn game, and give me 2016 pvp/combat back!

    for that cloak part, deal if we wont get revealed by aoes :) only potions and skills.
  • Smith4HirePmMe2Order
    hakan wrote: »
    for that cloak part, deal if we wont get revealed by aoes :) only potions and skills.

    as long as you still take damage if you are cloaked and in the aoe, im totally fine with that.
    we also need to fix that stam detection skill and make it the same detection range as the other detects maybe more sense it cant be thrown like lingering flares.

    but im totally fine with u not coming out of cloak by taking damage until you attack or get detected.
    but again only so long as the Aoes still damage you and the Dots already applied run through their proper ticks while ur cloaked.
    Edited by Smith4HirePmMe2Order on September 22, 2020 4:33AM
    Quality of life changes that desperately need to happen in order make ESO Better for everyone!
    Forget new content for awhile & forget adding new DLC, this is a list of what is actually needed in the game.
    1: Change the ESO+ Housing item limit from 2x to 3x. (preferably 4x)
    2: Add a working Exit wayshrine item for housing.
    (Needs to be added as a special achievement item for finding all wayshrines in the game, & should use the same slots & operate the exit shrines in cyro, where you cant port to them but you can use them to leave the house and go anywhere u want)
    3: Add a GUILD Banker & Store NPC for housing.
    (willing to pay 5k crowns if it does both Or 2.5k crowns each if they split them and have 2 Npcs(1 for each banker/store))
    4: Add Writ boards and Writ Drop-off's for housing.
    (willing to pay 2.5k crowns for each board+1k crowns per Drop off box=11k total crowns
    5: Cut the crown price of Mundus stones IN HALF, and refund the difference in crowns to the few people who have already bought them.
    (If Zo$ was my dog, ied roll up a news paper and smack you in the nose repeatedly for this. 4k per stone x13 stones? what were you thinking?!!
    6: Multi Attuneable crafting stations. (this one change will solve so many issues with item limits. Make it so you have to 'feed' existing attuned tables to the new station to unlock its drop down effects. This kills 2 birds with 1 stone.)
    7: Change the amount of transmutation gems needed to change a trait from 50 to 10, Increase the drop rates of all Geode sources by 10x.
    8: Release more crafting recipes in the game for housing, Dark elf bed of coals/Outdoor and indoor fires/Orcish Column Brazier/Imperial Forge/Beehives/Grape vinyards/smaller greenhouse than the one currently ingame (half the size), We know they are already in the game. These were on the original housing PTS then like 60% of the good stuff disappeared when housing hit the live server.
    9: ESO+ life time membership option.
    10: Permanent craft bag unlock for crowns.
    11: REMOVE BIND ON PICKUP FOR EVERYTHING EXCEPT QUEST ITEMS! PLZ ABOLISH THIS TRASH RESTRICTION!!! Change all current non quest BOP items to BOE. PvPers don't like being forced to run pve for gear, and pve-ers don't like being forced to run pvp for their gear either. The solution is so simple let people run the content they like and trade their drops on the open market..
    12: Add New Fishing rods that you can unlock with bonuses for catching rate fish. spending 6 hours trying to get ONE blue fish using all of the buffs currently available is cancer, especially when you have to do this for 12 fish per zone times 40+ zones. In-fact just overhaul fishing totally and make it like Farcry 5 where you KNOW exactly which holes and locations the each of the rares will spawn. Make the T2 bait ACTUALLY & NOTICEABLY WORK, and combine it with better rods & better fishing related food buff so we can just reel in the rare fish like crazy. Even with all that its still gonna take a week or more of grinding to get all the fish, but thats better than a LITERAL FREAKING YEAR of fishing just for a housing boat item that doesn't even do anything...
    13: Playable Games inside houses (basically just make all the decorative game furnishings actually intractable so we can play against other players. This would give a nice bump to housing utility and community building, RPers would also probably appreciate this).
    14: A 'Port to Guild House' Option on the main guild page.
    15: Add Functional Things to housing/guild halls that your guild can contribute to unlock as a group effort. An example of stuff would be like a 5% damage buff during overland content for all guild members, or buffs for dungeons/trails. Another example would be unlock tokens for people with super hard to get achievements like someone with the grand master fisher, they could donate a token to the guild that unlocks usable fishing plots inside the guild that the GM/House owner could place down. This would then let people travel to the guild hall and collect a Daily account Limit from housing harvesting nodes. Nothing crazy that would break the economy, just like 30 or so resources from each daily harvest able nodes for each of the skills. It would be even better if they were special enhanced versions of the normal ore/wood etc. that gave a refining bonus for tempers like double the chance to get tempers. (double the chance to get tempers on such a small amount of resources wouldn't actually make a big impact on economy, but the COOL factor would be off the charts so i see no reason why this couldn't be done).
    16: Solo Dungeons, Much like solo trials this would be a 1 person equivalent of a 4 person dungeon. It would be even cooler if you could have your new companion NPC come with you on these, but we will have to see how good that companion system is first.
  • Oreyn_Bearclaw
    Gilvoth wrote: »
    it is not just snipe.
    this happens to all of us from ALL of the skills in eso, it is not just snipe.

    Snipe seems to have the biggest potential for abuse, that is the problem. If I am just fall over dead out of nowhere, one of three things happened (99% of the time). 1. A really well executed gank combo. Bravo. 2. Big battle at a keep, and you get a crap load of seige damage all hit at once (usually lag is a culprit here as well). 3. I take 3 snipes at the exact same time from the same player, which of course, shouldnt be possible, but we all know it happens.

    I don't know what the solution is, but the skill needs looked at. There might be nothing wrong with it in an ideal environment, but Cyro is far from ideal.
  • Gilvoth
    Gilvoth wrote: »
    it is not just snipe.
    this happens to all of us from ALL of the skills in eso, it is not just snipe.

    Snipe seems to have the biggest potential for abuse, that is the problem. If I am just fall over dead out of nowhere, one of three things happened (99% of the time). 1. A really well executed gank combo. Bravo. 2. Big battle at a keep, and you get a crap load of seige damage all hit at once (usually lag is a culprit here as well). 3. I take 3 snipes at the exact same time from the same player, which of course, shouldnt be possible, but we all know it happens.

    I don't know what the solution is, but the skill needs looked at. There might be nothing wrong with it in an ideal environment, but Cyro is far from ideal.

    the same exact thing happens to all of us from all the other skills not just snipe.
    it's from lagg, high ping, and disync, and bad servers.
    and from too many people in one area.
    right now snipe is extremely slow to cast and its damage is very low. it needs to be buffed.

    Edited by Gilvoth on September 22, 2020 8:44PM
  • Wuerstal
    Gilvoth wrote: »
    the same exact thing happens to all of us from all the other skills not just snipe.
    it's from lagg, high ping, and disync, and bad servers.
    and from too many people in one area.
    right now snipe is extremely slow to cast and its damage is very low. it needs to be buffed.

    But its not lag in the usual sense. Lag would mean that there is a connection issue but you can pull off what is shown in the video in any circumstances. That is an animation problem and a problem on how snipe functions. because they need to ensure that the shot connects you get "stunned" (locked in place as seen in video) until it finally hits. Same happens with upper-cut, executioner, etc. Try it with executioner:
    As soon as executioner reaches the server the enemie is deemed as 'HIT' but still running because the animation is not finished yet. You can actually hit executioner faster when you swap cancel it.
    The same thing is is happening with snipe but on a much larger scale.

    Snipe is just the biggest example here. Thats why it is here. That means: there is something fundamentally flawed in the system which needs to be fixed.
    Snipe does not need a buff. Its strong already. neither would I nerf it, just fix it.
    Edited by Wuerstal on September 22, 2020 10:30PM
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