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What is the point of fishing

Seriously, why would someone spend hours parking their char at a node, rerolling an rng die over and over, waiting for a catch? Seems like a waste of time. I'm genuinely looking for arguments. I'm trying to get into it but I can't.
Athan Atticus Imperial Templar of Shezarr
  • Hippie4927
    Two words...........Perfect Roe!

    I, personally, find fishing relaxing after a day of fighting, farming, dungeon running, etc.
    PC/NA/EP ✌️
  • Fur_like_snow
    Turn off the sound effects and music. Turn the ambience up. Cast your rod and just relax.
  • WARchief10K
    Athan1 wrote: »
    Seriously, why would someone spend hours parking their char at a node, rerolling an rng die over and over, waiting for a catch? Seems like a waste of time. I'm genuinely looking for arguments. I'm trying to get into it but I can't.

    It's one of the few things in game that actually works properly, thus oddly making it fun.
    Edited by WARchief10K on September 2, 2020 4:15AM
    Cyrodiil crafting recipe: Cyrodiil 2014 + some siege + a hammer = Cyrodiil 2020
  • Athan1
    It's one of the few things in game that actually works properly, thus oddly making it fun.
    Hadn't thought of latency issues... Genius! Staying in a small apartment also shows no latency problems.
    Turn off the sound effects and music. Turn the ambience up. Cast your rod and just relax.
    Will do, thanks for the advice!

    Athan Atticus Imperial Templar of Shezarr
  • kamimark
    Achievements, perfect roe, fishy sticks, sacks in Summerset & Artaeum. There's often a fishing hole near anyplace you're waiting for a dolmen, boss, etc., so may as well do something. And it's relaxing.

    I only have Master Fisher on one char, because the Cyrodil nodes are a pain, but most have every other zone.
    Kitty Rainbow Dash. pick, pick, stab.
  • lazywhiteseal
    i do it for perfect roe and master angler achievement. i have two monitors. when i want a break and watch youtube, i turn on my addon that plays a sound when i caught something and catch fish as i watch some funny vids.
    that achievement is worth bragging about to guildies since it takes dedication and patience to get it
  • Hapexamendios
    I have a boat.
  • RefLiberty
    I find it boring, but that does not mean that I don't understand people that are enjoying that activity.
    Some do it for achievement, some for perfect roe, some instead of xanax :)

    Would I would like to see to be more appealing are pretty easy to implement are few things.

    1. Being able to pull a fishing chair when you fish.
    > in order to be kept only on fishing nodes, player can activate it only there, when you target a node, add one more item where the baits are, so the same as you are selecting baits, there will be one more option to activate chair.
    It would be more immersive.

    2. Better looking fishing poles, they would be cosmetic but still they wold be representation of a dedicated angler.
    > More fancy poles could be obtainable as some fishing achievement rewards. They would be equipable same as Outfit items, same as we equip helmets, adornments, skins etc.
    > People that beaten everything would get them retroactive.
    > I'm biting my tongue here as I'm against even more monetization, but yes, put one or two in Crown store.

    3. I was thinking on suggesting to implement more interesting fishing as need to reel in the fish, but some people would find it to hard, so we can skip that part.

  • Hippie4927
    I'm working on my 9th Master Angler so, obviously, I enjoy fishing. I put on a movie or music and sit back and relax. My cat gets extra attention. There is much to be gained by fishing..........the boat, housing items, antiquities leads, motifs and recipes from satchels, perfect roe. It's also entertaining to watch other players. Many of them find it necessary to run circles around you on their mount, swing their sword at you, or just stand and stare at you without saying anything. I've never figured out why they do those things, but it's funny and it entertains me!
    Edited by Hippie4927 on September 2, 2020 6:09AM
    PC/NA/EP ✌️
  • TwinLamps
    Awake, but at what cost
  • Radiance
    I very much started off with this mindset for a while I simply did not have the patience while there was still so much else to be done until I had done most everything in game...

    It is an acquired taste that's certainly not for everyone, I just really started getting into myself, actually!

    I like to read the zone chat and sometimes troll and make small talk with other fishers I come across.

    I want dat boat.
  • Pink_E_808
    I was dreading doing it, but then one of my guildmasters said in chat that they were working on their fourth. I was like, well, I guess I can try to get at least one character a master angler title. And it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, even in Cyrodiil, which I purposely left for last, lol. I still have the last fish, too 😆
  • Beardimus
    Athan1 wrote: »
    Seriously, why would someone spend hours parking their char at a node, rerolling an rng die over and over, waiting for a catch? Seems like a waste of time. I'm genuinely looking for arguments. I'm trying to get into it but I can't.

    To catch fish..

    And rare stuff - roe, housing stuff etc.

    Some donut while queing for trials / dungeons. Some to relax.
    Quite why anyone gets master angler on multiple toons I don't know but isn't this game all endless key presses regardless? Getting the latest high DPS actor is basically the same thing, robotic dance on the keys.

    Thus I guess it's an each to their own thing. It's all just buttons to pass the time in a virtual world right.

    Kinda why I PvP as it feels more dynamic and I feel it has meaning if played tactically but some PvP just to zerg all over the map
    Xbox One | EU | EP
    Beardimus : VR16 Dunmer MagSorc [RIP MagDW 2015-2018]
    Emperor of Sotha Sil 02-2018 & Sheogorath 05-2019
    1st Emperor of Ravenwatch
    Alts - - for the Lolz
    Archimus : Bosmer Thief / Archer / Werewolf
    Orcimus : Fat drunk Orc battlefield 1st aider
    Scalimus - Argonian Sorc Healer / Pet master

    Fighting small scale with : The SAXON Guild
    Fighting with [PvP] : The Undaunted Wolves
    Trading Guilds : TradersOfNirn | FourSquareTraders

    Xbox One | NA | EP
    Bëardimus : L43 Dunmer Magsorc / BG
    Heals-With-Pets : VR16 Argonian Sorc PvP / BG Healer
    Nordimus : VR16 Stamsorc
    Beardimus le 13iem : L30 Dunmer Magsorc Icereach
  • LanteanPegasus
    Aside from the things said above (relaxing, enjoy the atmosphere, Perfect Roe, furnishings, achievements, The Boat) there is also the "lottery aspect".

    People coming across a lottery booth (is that the correct English term? the one where you usually can win toys or decorative stuff) often buy a ticket (or a few, or a few dozen), and raffles are usually well liked at parties or in games. Just for the feeling of that little wait, that little suspense, to see if anything (and what) will come up. Often the things you can win are useless, often they are forgotten or discarded a few days later, but people like that raffle feeling.

    Fishing is kind of a cute little raffle, and all you have to do for a ticket is put in a bait and wait a bit.
    Most of the time you get the consolation prize (white fish), but that's a ticket to the Perfect Roe raffle itself. There you either get the main draw (PR), or the consolation prize again (fish you can cook with or sell it in bulk to other cooks).
    So it's not only a raffle, it's one of those where every ticket wins at least something. I bet there are quite a few people who like fishing at least partly because of the raffle feeling (even if they don't realize it. Took me a while to realize it myself. ;) )
  • MerJoy
    I just started mt 18th Master Angler. What's the point? I don't know!

    But seriously, fishing is my chill time.While I am fishing I watch netflix, chat with people, sometimes I colour. Tis my happy place!
    -> I'm a Fisher, not a fighter. 17 Master Fishers and counting
    -> Long time Craftaholics Officer/Baron
    -> Mayor of Awar (Hop Hop)
    -> I like Trains
  • Rungar
    should be able to catch monsters sometimes to keep everyone on their toes.
    It's 0.0666 of a second to midnight.

    Rungar's Mystical Emporium
  • Gythral
    Same as in real life

    to pass time...
    Edited by Gythral on September 2, 2020 10:14AM
    “Be as a tower, that, firmly set,
    Shakes not its top for any blast that blows!”
    Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy
  • ThePlayer
    Eat raw fish such as Gollum
  • robpr
    Radiance wrote: »
    I very much started off with this mindset for a while I simply did not have the patience while there was still so much else to be done until I had done most everything in game...

    It is an acquired taste that's certainly not for everyone, I just really started getting into myself, actually!

    I like to read the zone chat and sometimes troll and make small talk with other fishers I come across.

    I want dat boat.

    Unfortunately there is cooler, Viking boat from Achievment Furnisher for completing Kyne's Aegis :(
  • Tandor
    I certainly wouldn't park myself somewhere and fish for hours, nor am I concerned with Perfect Roe or Master Angler. However, all my characters will stop off from time to time wherever they are adventuring and deplete a fishing hole before carrying on with what they were doing. I find it relaxing and occasionally rewarding.
  • Hippie4927
    MerJoy wrote: »
    I just started mt 18th Master Angler. What's the point? I don't know!

    But seriously, fishing is my chill time.While I am fishing I watch netflix, chat with people, sometimes I colour. Tis my happy place!


    It figures we would run into each other in a fishing thread! :) I have a long ways to go to catch up to you!
    PC/NA/EP ✌️
  • MyKillv2.0
    Athan1 wrote: »
    Seriously, why would someone spend hours parking their char at a node, rerolling an rng die over and over, waiting for a catch? Seems like a waste of time. I'm genuinely looking for arguments. I'm trying to get into it but I can't.

    I seriously doubt that you are honestly wanting an answer or “wanting to get into it”, judging by how you framed the question.
  • Syldras
    Athan1 wrote: »
    I'm trying to get into it but I can't.

    People have different interests, so fishing might just be nothing for you. I'm not much interested in it either. Aside from getting archeology leads and some items, it's not of much use for me. It feels just like a time sink (although filletting fish is even worse). Other people seem to enjoy it, though. Fine with me.
    @Syldras | PC | EU
    The forceful expression of will gives true honor to the Ancestors.
    Sarayn Andrethi, Telvanni mage (Main)
    Darvasa Andrethi, his "I'm NOT a Necromancer!" sister
    Malacar Sunavarlas, Altmer Ayleid vampire
  • Inaya
    Achievements, perfect roe, Py bottles in Summerset, Waterlogged Satchels in Artaeum, Master Angler, to complete the zone and to RELAX. Turn up the ingame music (in some zones), munch on some pickled fish bowls, sit back and just chill, watch some Netflix, mindlessly cast as my stress washes away!
  • AcadianPaladin
    I enjoy fishing in small doses. My elf generally goes fishing once a day, dropping her line only three times per session. That keeps her well stocked on fish to support her savorie making pantry. The occasional perfect roe is nice I suppose but she has no interest in angler achievements. Besides, a fancy fishing boat won't fit in her Snugpod.
    Edited by AcadianPaladin on September 2, 2020 2:46PM
    PC NA(no Steam), PvE, mostly solo
  • Celephantsylvius_Bornasfinmo
    You get one of the only 'boat' furnishings in the game and a 'master angler' title.'s a lot of work for not much also have to buy a house with a water source to top it off.

    We've been asking for fishing changes for a while as it is really the most demotivating achievement to get in the game....I think they gave this job to cathy in accounting.
  • abzdeman
    Roe Roe Roe your boat
  • lemonizzle
    I had to do something idle while listening to audiobooks so I don't fall asleep (involuntarily), and fishing in eso is just perfect for this.
  • ChaosWotan
    Combine antiquities with fishing, so that we can compete who has the biggest, most complicated, fancy and insane fishing chair in Tamriel.
  • kargen27
    Our guild had a fishing event every Thursday evening. We would get into discord and divide into groups depending on who needed what fish type. We allotted one hour for the event but it usually went much longer.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
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