visionality wrote: »No.
Cloak is THE defining ability for NBs. I would wish for a better un-cloaking skill though. Isnt it strange that the only class that has a reliable skill to prevent NBs from cloaking for a relevant amount of time are NBs themselves?
Few hours ago I hopped back on eso after a months break to check out the new patch.
PC-EU Ravenwatch, all factions were @ 3 bar at the time of recording. Abilities already were delayed in certain situations. Found myself a great example of what I was talking about earlier.
This happens regularly and the server isnt even severly lagging yet. I cant recall seeing someone that popped an invis pot teleport like that in my time of playing. However with cloakspammers you can pretty much count on this happening which makes me think its related to them spamming the ability. At a certain point i just gave up and decided to drop a leap on him. In general I dont like how leap snares/roots its targets but ngl its useful against these type of teleporting cloakspammers.
Also the amount of times he spammed cloak at the end....But yeah, nothing wrong with cloak
@montjie you can experience the same thing with a target outside of cloak tbh, you can be sprinting next to your target swinging your weapons at the air and not getting a single hit, despite being clearly at range. Is probably related to a desync of the player position beetwen the server and your client, that gets exacerbated by lag (takes to long to get the updated player position from the server, so you see "jumps" on your screen). I had instances of players being pretty much unhittable unless they stand still, as long as they were moving/sprinting is was imposible to hit them. And you can clearly verify that is a bug because after they die once, you can hit them normaly again. There are a lot of wired stuff going on with players position being out-of-sync with the server, and is very noticable with single target skills like surprise attack or the 2H executioner
Invisibility the way Zos implements it in this game is dumb and has no real place in any pvp environment thats looking for balance. Cloak, an instant spammable that makes you invisible, is even more stupid. Such a powerful ability without a single downside to it other than it costs resources. Theres not even a fatigue system linked to it.
Youre right.@montjie you can experience the same thing with a target outside of cloak tbh, you can be sprinting next to your target swinging your weapons at the air and not getting a single hit, despite being clearly at range. Is probably related to a desync of the player position beetwen the server and your client, that gets exacerbated by lag (takes to long to get the updated player position from the server, so you see "jumps" on your screen). I had instances of players being pretty much unhittable unless they stand still, as long as they were moving/sprinting is was imposible to hit them. And you can clearly verify that is a bug because after they die once, you can hit them normaly again. There are a lot of wired stuff going on with players position being out-of-sync with the server, and is very noticable with single target skills like surprise attack or the 2H executioner
Same, im totally fine with them having their 'rogue assassin' type of gameplay and cloak/stealth how it currently is is imo no problem for pve. But for pvp there just has to be more checks nd balances if you want to implement something as powerful as that.Invisibility the way Zos implements it in this game is dumb and has no real place in any pvp environment thats looking for balance. Cloak, an instant spammable that makes you invisible, is even more stupid. Such a powerful ability without a single downside to it other than it costs resources. Theres not even a fatigue system linked to it.
Agree with this.
NBs are not in a good spot atm and I'm not asking to just take Cloak away from them. But the implementation of stealth in this game, both Cloak and 'crouch', is totally lopsided.
Few hours ago I hopped back on eso after a months break to check out the new patch.
PC-EU Ravenwatch, all factions were @ 3 bar at the time of recording. Abilities already were delayed in certain situations. Found myself a great example of what I was talking about earlier.
This happens regularly and the server isnt even severly lagging yet. I cant recall seeing someone that popped an invis pot teleport like that in my time of playing. However with cloakspammers you can pretty much count on this happening which makes me think its related to them spamming the ability. At a certain point i just gave up and decided to drop a leap on him. In general I dont like how leap snares/roots its targets but ngl its useful against these type of teleporting cloakspammers.
Also the amount of times he spammed cloak at the end....But yeah, nothing wrong with cloak
Few hours ago I hopped back on eso after a months break to check out the new patch.
PC-EU Ravenwatch, all factions were @ 3 bar at the time of recording. Abilities already were delayed in certain situations. Found myself a great example of what I was talking about earlier.
This happens regularly and the server isnt even severly lagging yet. I cant recall seeing someone that popped an invis pot teleport like that in my time of playing. However with cloakspammers you can pretty much count on this happening which makes me think its related to them spamming the ability. At a certain point i just gave up and decided to drop a leap on him. In general I dont like how leap snares/roots its targets but ngl its useful against these type of teleporting cloakspammers.
Also the amount of times he spammed cloak at the end....But yeah, nothing wrong with cloak
Few hours ago I hopped back on eso after a months break to check out the new patch.
PC-EU Ravenwatch, all factions were @ 3 bar at the time of recording. Abilities already were delayed in certain situations. Found myself a great example of what I was talking about earlier.
This happens regularly and the server isnt even severly lagging yet. I cant recall seeing someone that popped an invis pot teleport like that in my time of playing. However with cloakspammers you can pretty much count on this happening which makes me think its related to them spamming the ability. At a certain point i just gave up and decided to drop a leap on him. In general I dont like how leap snares/roots its targets but ngl its useful against these type of teleporting cloakspammers.
Also the amount of times he spammed cloak at the end....But yeah, nothing wrong with cloak
[Quoted post was removed]
I’m not dying to nightblades, the issue is that even terrible nightblade players will have several dots on them, be heavily in execute then cloak half a dozen times, pop a tri pot, rinse and repeat every time you ulti and get them low, turning fights that should be over in 30 seconds in a 10 minute long ordeal purely because of 1 skill.
Then if a nightblade just decides “the rest of my groups be clapped, time to dip” they can just leave and drop camps, meaning groups can just instantly keep coming back.
Rule 1 when battling a nb using cloak... don't be a potato. I'm a bomber, I get caught and murdered all the time. It's not as easy as you may think to rely on a 3 second invis from which you can easily be pulled from/ exposed. Take away cloak and I'll still sneak and use pots and I'll use those to bomb, gank, reset fights and lure potatoes to their doom...
Now, If you die chasing said nb around a rock or in a tower... that's 100% on you mr potato. Or if you are lured away from the cozy nest of your zerg to die, cold and alone, next to some rock in an empty field... that's on you
if you don't know how to play in front of an assassin, stop playing PVP
if you don't know how to play in front of an assassin, stop playing PVP
you're not an assassin, you're scared to fight so you run away. you're also scared to fight solo. there is a difference. the old ways of the nb were more assassin like when nbs would jump in, stand their ground for a kill, confirm the kill, then cloak for a brief moment to gain a new target, not run away after a single gank fail.
Few hours ago I hopped back on eso after a months break to check out the new patch.
PC-EU Ravenwatch, all factions were @ 3 bar at the time of recording. Abilities already were delayed in certain situations. Found myself a great example of what I was talking about earlier.
This happens regularly and the server isnt even severly lagging yet. I cant recall seeing someone that popped an invis pot teleport like that in my time of playing. However with cloakspammers you can pretty much count on this happening which makes me think its related to them spamming the ability. At a certain point i just gave up and decided to drop a leap on him. In general I dont like how leap snares/roots its targets but ngl its useful against these type of teleporting cloakspammers.
Also the amount of times he spammed cloak at the end....But yeah, nothing wrong with cloak
if you don't know how to play in front of an assassin, stop playing PVP
you're not an assassin, you're scared to fight so you run away. you're also scared to fight solo. there is a difference. the old ways of the nb were more assassin like when nbs would jump in, stand their ground for a kill, confirm the kill, then cloak for a brief moment to gain a new target, not run away after a single gank fail.
Actually thats not balance. The amount of effort both parties put in determine the balance.Few hours ago I hopped back on eso after a months break to check out the new patch.
PC-EU Ravenwatch, all factions were @ 3 bar at the time of recording. Abilities already were delayed in certain situations. Found myself a great example of what I was talking about earlier.
This happens regularly and the server isnt even severly lagging yet. I cant recall seeing someone that popped an invis pot teleport like that in my time of playing. However with cloakspammers you can pretty much count on this happening which makes me think its related to them spamming the ability. At a certain point i just gave up and decided to drop a leap on him. In general I dont like how leap snares/roots its targets but ngl its useful against these type of teleporting cloakspammers.
Also the amount of times he spammed cloak at the end....But yeah, nothing wrong with cloak
Nothing wrong with cloak at all as shown in your video. You used counters and killed him, thats balance.
Not quite. The nightblade in this clip obviously was bad. Not once did he try to heal or go offensive but I guess thats what happens when you have something like cloak to crutch on. If he knocked me back/stunned me he could have made a clean escape. Despite how many times bad players say it, its still not a fact that a nightblade cant defend itself without cloak. Bad nightblades cant. I hope someday youll see the irony of your wordsSshadowSscale wrote: »Few hours ago I hopped back on eso after a months break to check out the new patch.
PC-EU Ravenwatch, all factions were @ 3 bar at the time of recording. Abilities already were delayed in certain situations. Found myself a great example of what I was talking about earlier.
This happens regularly and the server isnt even severly lagging yet. I cant recall seeing someone that popped an invis pot teleport like that in my time of playing. However with cloakspammers you can pretty much count on this happening which makes me think its related to them spamming the ability. At a certain point i just gave up and decided to drop a leap on him. In general I dont like how leap snares/roots its targets but ngl its useful against these type of teleporting cloakspammers.
Also the amount of times he spammed cloak at the end....But yeah, nothing wrong with cloak
The only thing I am seeing is a mb being hard countered and then dying because he/she could not escape.... That vid only proves how easy it is to deal with a cloaking nb......So I see balanced gameplay in that vid.... The nightblade used his ability you used a counter and the nightblade reacted poorly to the counter and thus you won the fight..... And that also shows you what it will be like to play a nb after they remove cloak.... Only diffrence is that atm the opponent needs half a brain cell to use some sort of counter where if you remove cloak nb will be the easiest class to kill in pvp.... Oh wait nbs are already the easiest class to kill....
Aaaand another one.pauld1_ESO wrote: »Few hours ago I hopped back on eso after a months break to check out the new patch.
PC-EU Ravenwatch, all factions were @ 3 bar at the time of recording. Abilities already were delayed in certain situations. Found myself a great example of what I was talking about earlier.
This happens regularly and the server isnt even severly lagging yet. I cant recall seeing someone that popped an invis pot teleport like that in my time of playing. However with cloakspammers you can pretty much count on this happening which makes me think its related to them spamming the ability. At a certain point i just gave up and decided to drop a leap on him. In general I dont like how leap snares/roots its targets but ngl its useful against these type of teleporting cloakspammers.
Also the amount of times he spammed cloak at the end....But yeah, nothing wrong with cloak
Wait a killed the guy seconds and didn't lose even 1 point of health in the process...and there is something wrong with cloak? You sound like a cop who is mad he had to run to catch the bad guy.
Your nightblade is probably tankier than my 'tanky' dk because other than bloodspawn I have zero investments in armor and/or percentage based damage reduction. My dk running a 6m1h, 2h bow build doesnt have an abracadabra button to safely get me out of sticky situations like your nb has thopauld1_ESO wrote: »if you don't know how to play in front of an assassin, stop playing PVP
you're not an assassin, you're scared to fight so you run away. you're also scared to fight solo. there is a difference. the old ways of the nb were more assassin like when nbs would jump in, stand their ground for a kill, confirm the kill, then cloak for a brief moment to gain a new target, not run away after a single gank fail.
"Scared to fight solo"? ROFL. You know this is a game right? You know there is absolutely no penalty for dying...right? I have been in real you can die combat in real life. You really think I play a stealth-based NB because I am "scared"? Scared of what exactly? What is the penalty? Laughable. ROFL laughable.
Let me tell you why I play this style...and it is a style. It is exciting. I am squishy AF and if I get caught I die, period. The thrill of picking out one target to drop and try to escape alive is fun. It's fun to have multiple people hunting me down, and rewarding when I escape...and I don't always escape. I like being a scout and watching enemies actions and directions and reporting it to my faction so they know where they are going. That's rewarding to me. Oh yea...I was a 19D Cav Scout in the Army so imagine me enjoying the safety of doing it in a game where I can't actually die!
So maybe its you guys who play the tanky Warden's that still have the offense to kill multiple people while you LOS around rocks that play it safe. I can't kill you if you're any good on a tanky Stamden or DK, I don't even bother trying most of the time. So to me these are the ones playing it safe buddy.
Actually thats not balance. The amount of effort both parties put in determine the balance.Few hours ago I hopped back on eso after a months break to check out the new patch.
PC-EU Ravenwatch, all factions were @ 3 bar at the time of recording. Abilities already were delayed in certain situations. Found myself a great example of what I was talking about earlier.
This happens regularly and the server isnt even severly lagging yet. I cant recall seeing someone that popped an invis pot teleport like that in my time of playing. However with cloakspammers you can pretty much count on this happening which makes me think its related to them spamming the ability. At a certain point i just gave up and decided to drop a leap on him. In general I dont like how leap snares/roots its targets but ngl its useful against these type of teleporting cloakspammers.
Also the amount of times he spammed cloak at the end....But yeah, nothing wrong with cloak
Nothing wrong with cloak at all as shown in your video. You used counters and killed him, thats balance.
1 side has to anticipate lag with regards to positioning etc, gimp itself by using nonconventional potions lets keep this one up for debate because mag toons do have a resource buff detect pot, has to decide to either stick on its target by dedicating every gcd to keeping the target visible or let its target go in order to keep buffs up.
Meanwhile the other side just has to walk and repeatedly press the same button. But yeah I killed him so its balanced.....
Thats like calling a footrace balanced because the guy with 1 foot beat a guy with 2 feet. Where do you guys get this logic from.Not quite. The nightblade in this clip obviously was bad. Not once did he try to heal or go offensive but I guess thats what happens when you have something like cloak to crutch on. If he knocked me back/stunned me he could have made a clean escape. Despite how many times bad players say it, its still not a fact that a nightblade cant defend itself without cloak. Bad nightblades cant. I hope someday youll see the irony of your wordsSshadowSscale wrote: »Few hours ago I hopped back on eso after a months break to check out the new patch.
PC-EU Ravenwatch, all factions were @ 3 bar at the time of recording. Abilities already were delayed in certain situations. Found myself a great example of what I was talking about earlier.
This happens regularly and the server isnt even severly lagging yet. I cant recall seeing someone that popped an invis pot teleport like that in my time of playing. However with cloakspammers you can pretty much count on this happening which makes me think its related to them spamming the ability. At a certain point i just gave up and decided to drop a leap on him. In general I dont like how leap snares/roots its targets but ngl its useful against these type of teleporting cloakspammers.
Also the amount of times he spammed cloak at the end....But yeah, nothing wrong with cloak
The only thing I am seeing is a mb being hard countered and then dying because he/she could not escape.... That vid only proves how easy it is to deal with a cloaking nb......So I see balanced gameplay in that vid.... The nightblade used his ability you used a counter and the nightblade reacted poorly to the counter and thus you won the fight..... And that also shows you what it will be like to play a nb after they remove cloak.... Only diffrence is that atm the opponent needs half a brain cell to use some sort of counter where if you remove cloak nb will be the easiest class to kill in pvp.... Oh wait nbs are already the easiest class to kill....Aaaand another one.pauld1_ESO wrote: »Few hours ago I hopped back on eso after a months break to check out the new patch.
PC-EU Ravenwatch, all factions were @ 3 bar at the time of recording. Abilities already were delayed in certain situations. Found myself a great example of what I was talking about earlier.
This happens regularly and the server isnt even severly lagging yet. I cant recall seeing someone that popped an invis pot teleport like that in my time of playing. However with cloakspammers you can pretty much count on this happening which makes me think its related to them spamming the ability. At a certain point i just gave up and decided to drop a leap on him. In general I dont like how leap snares/roots its targets but ngl its useful against these type of teleporting cloakspammers.
Also the amount of times he spammed cloak at the end....But yeah, nothing wrong with cloak
Wait a killed the guy seconds and didn't lose even 1 point of health in the process...and there is something wrong with cloak? You sound like a cop who is mad he had to run to catch the bad guy.
To correct your analogy:
Id be a cop mad I had to catch spiderman swinging building to building while me being on foot.
I dont know if its inexperience or a case of intentionally keeping your eyes wide shut but theres a notion in this thread that somehow if the nightblade dies all other factors go out the window and everything is balanced. The level of mental gymnastics one has to do to make this make sense is olympic. The fact he died just means hes a bad player/didnt play that situation well.
An emperor/empress can still get killed by another player with normal stats if he/she doesnt play his/her character right. Does that mean its a balanced fight because he/she died in said fight? No ofcourse not.