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Can we have a cooldown on jumping?

  • lolo_01b16_ESO
    As a Tank you sometimes have to jump to get chains to work. So first remove ALL small pebbles and other tiny stuff on the ground. If that ever happens, we can talk about adding some cost to jumping.
  • Rastapasta
    the "Jolly Jumpers" I call them aka macro jumpers (you can't do it manualy)

    they do it sometimes in grp it's patetic but they do it for a reason.

    - a ground target is 2 dimensional ( so it becomes hard to catch them in one)
    - by jumping you miss most of the time ( kind of evasion)

    You will see there is a perfect coordination between jumping and shooting/ hitting ppl why I call it the macro jumpers.

    Suggestion ; -make the groundtargets 3 dimensional.
    - give it a HP penalty at each jump ( say 300)
  • Canned_Apples
    There is already a fix in-game for both bunny hopping and pets/body blocking! It's call TAB TARGET, and yes, you can map it on controller too. :)

    Tab targeting in eso is complete garbage.
  • lostcloud
    Make it cost stamina. >:)
    Nocturnal (AD AvA Oceanic guild, still kicking after 5 years) Formed in 1999 DAoC Beta now in our 21st year.
  • dsalter
    they could just do what fallout 76 did and put a "stamina" cost on repeated jumping only in cyrodiil.
    then you have to time jumping carefully.
    PLEASE REPLY TO ME WITH @dsalter otherwise i'm likely to miss the reply if its not my own thread

    EU - [Arch Mage Dave] Altmer Sorcerer
    Fight back at the crates and boxes, together we can change things.

  • Grianasteri
    There is sth worse and more ridiculous than jumping.... Being surrounded by pets to mitigate incoming dmg... It's becoming a plague in BGs, people running around surrounded by summoned pets and the engine guardian sphere... Dont try to avoid dmg through skilled gameplay, lets your pets do it for you...

    PvP in ESO is becoming more like Player vs Pets than actual PvP...

    One of the best examples I ever saw of this was in BG, 4 Magsorcs together in one pre-made, each with 2 pets. They were organised and working well together in coordination. It was incredibly effective.

    Before engaging, everyone of them activated both pets, 8 pets were then between your team, and them. It was nigh on impossible to attack and damage the players until it was too late. They targeted each member of your team in turn, all 4 on 1, until you were all dead.

    It was certainly a thing to behold. Impressive really. But yes very annoying.
  • Ackwalan
    ZOS should do the opposite. Whenever you are in combat, you must jump at least once every three seconds or explode.
  • Minyassa
    That would be horrible for people running around overland trying to climb up a hillside with monsters chasing them. No thank you. Lots of things in the game are annoying as heck to look at, including and especially duels in towns, and we all have to put up with them. Just ignore the hopping and enjoy the advantage that them thinking they have an advantage they don't have gives to you as you tab target them.
  • relentless_turnip
    When has a nerf thread gone too far!? If we nerf jumping how long before we nerf moving out of the way in general 😂 this in conjunction with the aoe cooldowns we will have true turn based combat👍

    Was this thread created in a satirical context as a comment on the forum nerf culture?
  • ScardyFox
    It does look stupid and it's annoying, but what I find most annoying thing about it is that said person thinks it will stop me from killing him. It's almost insulting.
  • Naftal
    I have no problem with this situation but there are some other situations where people play with things I don't like watching and are just annoying to me.

    Hopefully they can start removing these things.
  • Daemons_Bane
    He has admitted that it has no effect, aside from annoying him.. Therefore I would also like to see the pink color chart changed to be a 20K crown item.. It annoys me greatly to see pink armor and weapons ingame
  • CheeseyNugs
    Threads like this is exactly why ZOS needs to ignore so many of its players lol. Solo battleground Q’s should have been ignored just like this one deserves to be ignored.
  • Gilvoth
    please add a stamina cost to jumping in pvp. or atleast a cooldown.
    a cooldown on jumping cant come soon enough.

    Edited by Gilvoth on August 24, 2020 10:41PM
  • Khatou
    A player who jumps like a sheep is really indigestible, and in no way a gameplay, in my opinion it's an abuse of fail !!!

    Running consumes, crouching consumes, blocking consumes, but jumping does not consume, no logic!
  • Wolf_Eye
    Gilvoth wrote: »
    please add a stamina cost to jumping in pvp. or atleast a cooldown.
    a cooldown on jumping cant come soon enough.

    Yes but have it ONLY cost stamina in PvP.

    It's not necessary to have it cost anything in PvE and would be detrimental in PvE to travel over terrain.
  • Sanctum74
    Wolf_Eye wrote: »
    Gilvoth wrote: »
    please add a stamina cost to jumping in pvp. or atleast a cooldown.
    a cooldown on jumping cant come soon enough.

    Yes but have it ONLY cost stamina in PvP.

    It's not necessary to have it cost anything in PvE and would be detrimental in PvE to travel over terrain.

    Pvp has terrain too, the difference is that you’re usually being chased by groups of people.
  • joerginger
    lostcloud wrote: »
    Make it cost stamina. >:)

    Vitality would be even better.
  • zvavi
    Not cooldown. Not stamina cost. Jumping is the only way tanks can pull specific adds when the room is full of them, stop trying to need PvE cause u don't enjoy killing people that jump.
  • Galwylin
    This seems racist and sexist since its well known white men can't jump.
  • BisDasBlutGefriert
    SeaGtGruff wrote: »
    I can't believe you all are making me post this...

    ... because no one else posted it yet.

    Shoot....I was hoping for "jump around" by house of pain haha! What you posted is also an excellent tune!

    The jumpers are ex-fortniters.
    Edited by BisDasBlutGefriert on August 25, 2020 2:26AM
    ~There’s a positive in every negative. Sometimes the positive is harder to find than other times, but there is ALWAYS one there~
  • thegreat_one
    BuT MaH ACrOBatIcs SkiLlz
  • barney2525
    There is sth worse and more ridiculous than jumping.... Being surrounded by pets to mitigate incoming dmg... It's becoming a plague in BGs, people running around surrounded by summoned pets and the engine guardian sphere... Dont try to avoid dmg through skilled gameplay, lets your pets do it for you...

    PvP in ESO is becoming more like Player vs Pets than actual PvP...

    As a neutral party who does not PvP, it seems to me that they are using what the game allows, as part of their tactics. That doesn't seem to me to be against any rules. There are a lot of tactics some people ' don't like '. Do you remove invisibility from ranged attackers? Do you remove shields because they mitigate the incoming damage?

    Seems like an obstacle to be overcome through skill and game play to me.

  • VoxAdActa
    Also, people running away in PvP annoys me too. They should stand and fight with honor.

    ZOS, please turn Cyrodiil into an MMO version of an old JRPG where we all are locked into standing at a set distance from each other and if they want to flee or reposition, they have to select the "move" option from the menu and have an RNG roll to see if they can do it before I get to attack.
  • Muizer
    I'm all in favour of adding stamina cost for jumping. If it had been in there from the start, nobody would be complaining, that's how sensible it is.
    Please stop making requests for game features. ZOS have enough bad ideas as it is!
  • ZOS_ConnorG
    Greetings all,

    After review we have had to edit or remove several post for Baiting and Non-Constructive back and forth. Even if you disagree with another user do not you must maintain a civil and constructive discussion that is within the rules. If you see a post that is Baiting in nature do not engage with it and instead report it to the moderators for review.

    You are welcome to review the Community Rules here.
    Staff Post
  • Khatou

    could you answer the topics sometimes? (you or the people concerned has this kind of task) instead of putting each time this kind of message can be constructive? are you aware that this is a forum?

    This studio is the most confusing that there is no reaction from you on topics important to the community?
    Edited by Khatou on August 25, 2020 4:05PM
  • Reverb
    I’ll stop jumping when my characters stop being halted by every tiny pebble and stick on the ground, and when minor elevation differences stop preventing targeted skills from working.
    Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. ~Friedrich Nietzsche
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