Spontaneous system "crash" issue, WITH VIDEO

Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24
  • blktauna
    Looks like I will be going back to traveling with my aged 2015 MacBook as its still on Catalina and I don't get these issues. Right now I'm traveling with my new MacBook Air 2020 and it crashes silently every few minutes. I also have no FPS and my ping is over 300 on NA server when I am in NA East coast.

    At home I bought a cheap windoze gaming laptop and it works flawlessly...

    (I am not lugging that brick around when I travel)
    Edited by blktauna on September 29, 2021 7:57PM
  • ZOS_Bill
    As this discussion is now over a year old and some information being outdated, we've decided to close the thread. If you need assistance on a similiar issue, please feel free to start a new thread for help.
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