Optimized planar reflection graphics, reducing their impact to FPS.
The game now prevents memory-related crashing when attempting to load in a very large number of players, companions, and pets at the same time. There may still be undesired visual effects in these cases, which will be addressed in a later update.
doesurmindglow wrote: »After trying the "exit fullscreen fix" for a couple days, I can say that it does seem to offer improvement. It's not a total fix -- for instance, it doesn't solve crashes that don't involve an instance change, such as within a dungeon or PVP area, and there are still occasional crashes on port as well.
But used in combination with banishing pets/assistants, it does seem to sharply reduce the frequency. Some of the most notorious cases, such as entering a dungeon from the group finder queue, it has largely eliminated, so long as I make sure to resize the window and let the game refresh the resolution before initiating the port.
No idea why this works. I suspect it has something to do with the resolution change, either it takes less memory to render at smaller resolution, which might for some reason be less likely to trigger the race condition. But I'm glad it seems to be viable as another potential workaround for now.
I haven't yet been able to experience this bug on the PTS, so I guess I'm holding out some hope that the problem will be solved in the upcoming major patch. There is language in the PTS patch notes to suggest some work in ongoing:
From 7.0.0 PTS patch notes:
From 7.0.1 patch notes:
This could be wishful thinking on my part as I still have yet to have anyone at the company fully acknowledge that they're aware of and working on modeling system-related crashes impacting users of the Mac client. I also think the PTS has way less traffic and thus fewer character and character "minion" assets to model and potentially trigger these crashes; so it's possible that the problem will remain when the patch is released and stressed by the live server graphical load.
doesurmindglow wrote: »This is definitely an optimization problem with ESO's port to Mac, but whatever Apple did last night seems to have made it worse.
doesurmindglow wrote: »Just an update: I went ahead and rolled my system back completely to Catalina to see if I could find a more stable compatibility between the client and my OS.
Thankfully, this did seem to eliminate the crashes occurring within instances about every 10 minutes of gameplay that were introduced by the April 27 Big Sur update, so the game is vaguely playable on Catalina. Unfortunately, it has not resolved the crashes on port, so I'm stuck still using the various workarounds to reduce their frequency.
I would HIGHLY recommend against Mac users running the Big Sur version of MacOS going forward with the April 27 system update if they plan to play ESO based on my experience, as for whatever reason it completely destabilizes the client to the point a Time Machine rollback is the only option to regain basic playability. If others have been able to apply that update with success, it'd be great to hear about it, though. It's totally possible the update was an issue only on my system, who knows.
Hauteecole_Rider16 wrote: »Here’s what I’ve figured out so far:
Crashes when I use wayshrines or house in Senchal and Solitude; Crashes when I go through the Leyawiin Gates (not WS) - hvent’ really tested the houses in the city yet.
So it seems mighty specific to those updates (oddly enough Markarth is fine)
I think I have a similar problem.
My Mac (27-inch 2017) crashes from time to time completely but only when I'm playing ESO. However, opposing to many people who already wrote about it, I do not see any particular pattern to my crashes. It may happen in a world zone. Most of the times it happens in the middle of a trial, and it's not something I am happy about. I don't have any pets, companions, etc. Didn't happen in a big city. Mostly happens in trials. For example - today I entered the first boss room in vMoL, and suddenly I couldn't use my mouse but the game was not frozen, and then the system completely crashed. The other day the game froze completely in vCR, and then the system crashed.
Hoping that this issue would soon be fixed.
Please submit a ticket about it. I recently sent in a new one about this issue but received little help in resolving it. I really don't think they (ZOS) view this as an issue that needs to be looked into, so with more tickets sent in about it the better.
No one did anything. No one even tried. Ah well.
So I think I figured out a work around. It’s not great but this is what I am doing;
I was on the pts and I noticed I was having the same old “crash” issue in the new main city.
I was checking out the new homes. I had just left the inn room and was attempting to leave the inn itself. But it just started crashing and crashing over and over again. I could not even log onto the character. It would just do a short load screen then system crash like in my video above.
Now on the pts I have no addons or anything, so we can’t blame it on that.
So I tried a pure shot in the dark idea.
I play on an iMac with a 27” screen in windowed mode. Before prompting a load screen by going to an area that gives me problems, I manual “shrink” the window down to less the 1/2 it’s size. Then I do whatever action I need to do. Open a door, use a wayshrine, what ever prompts a load screen.
The game does its thing without issue, Oroborous never stops turning. When I am back to gameplay, I open the window back open to full size.
That’s it. It seems to work on live as well.
I hope this helps my fellow Mac users!
That's the problem with this company. If you look back, dozens of reports, if not hundreds before you, and NOTHING was done.
What else does it look like till now?
[edited for bashing]