I’m frustrated with the combat in this game.
Been a member for a while, but I’m coming back after not playing for a few years. Just coming back and it seems things have changed a bit. I’m very frustrated with the combat in the game. It seems I’m getting my butt kicked, by what I assume to be fairly easy quests. I eve got smashed by a gyphon the other day. I’m guessing the combat system has changed significantly.
So I’ve searched through some posts. A lot of people post that they have no problems with some of the Non-player battles I’m having difficulties with. K’Tora was one of them. Then I thought I’d clean up the Theives guild quests and got murdered by Captain Virindi in the Thrall Cove, in like 4 seconds. Then an ogre and gryphon kicked me to the curb. Obviously I’m doing something wrong.
I built my character to be a meat-eater. My armor is set for stamina, I’m swinging a battle axe. A lot of my skillpoints went to crafting, but I’ve got a few built around combat.
I’m frustrated with some of the posts. They don’t seem to offer any real help, but most just brag that I shouldn’t be having trouble with these battles. No one really offers significant help, However, one post I read said that “new people aren’t really instructed on how the ESO combat system works” and I thought that was insightful. I’m sure my thinking is old school. My intent was to bash/hack every bad guy to death, but obviously, that isn’ working any more. I could use some help.
Should I re-distribute my Champion points?
Should I re-distribute my Skill Points?
Should I change my armor to more health boosts and enchantments?
Should I alter my playing style and run away more?
Should I use more magic and less weapons?
Should I start over with my char build with a different focus?
I bulk up with a meal before every battle, but it doesn’t seem to help that much.
My cool down with a healing potion is a long time. I’m only able to drink 1 per battle.
My current build is a Redguard, DragonKnight, Champion level 213. I’ve got armor and weapons sets, created when I hit level 160 (which I think is the highest I can go). The armor/Weapons are a set of 5 for Hundings Rage and 2 that are Night Mothers Gaze. All have enchantments for Stamina, I believe.
Cuirass - Hundings Rage - Heavy, divines, stamina
Girdle - Hundings Rage - Heavy, divines, stamina
Helm - Hundings Rage - Heavy, divines, stamina
Greeves - Hundings Rage - Heavy, divines, stamina
Gauntlets - Hundings Rage - Heavy, divines, stamina
Pauldron - Night Mothers Gaze - Heavy, divines, stamina
Sabaton - Night Mothers Gaze - Heavy, divines, stamina
Main Weapon - Battleaxe - Night Mothers Gaze, sharpened, weapon damage
Second Weapon - Bow - Night Mothers Gaze, Sharpened, weapon damage.
Necklace - Agility, robust, weapon damage
RingR - Agility, robust, weapon damage
RingL - Agility, robust, weapon damage
I’m happy to provide any other data for my character if it would help. Any constructive help would be welcome.