VaranisArano wrote: »PVP won't end.
In fact, ZOS is considering fundamentally reworking classes if the AOE changes have to happen in order to curb power creep and improve Cyrodiil performance.
Why? Why would ZOS change the way the game works for PVP when PVE is doing great?
Well, because they have to compete with other MMOs. In order to do that, they have to at least offer PVP. It doesn't have to work, but they do have to offer it.
And it would be a marketing nightmare to go "Oopsie, daisie, turns out we screwed up so much that we no longer offer the PVP game mode that used to be the entire endgame of our original release!"
The saddest thing is that if the AOE changes really do fix performance (and everyone doesn't quit over them), we might finally get some PVP updates to Cyrodiil.
Fur_like_snow wrote: »As a community I think the best thing we can do is ask the devs for a new PvP DLC. Tell the story of post war Cyrodiil. The rest of the game had moved forward from a narrative stand point. Cyrodiil and IC feel like they’re somewhere in the distant past lost in time.
TineaCruris wrote: »
You still listen to and believe the things ZOS says?
A much smarter way to figure out what is happening is to watch what ZOS is doing and then make your assessments. At a certain point judgments must be made based upon results rather than promises.
VaranisArano wrote: »
Please do read what I wrote.
ZOS is in fact considering fundamentally reworking classes if the AOE changes have to happen in order to curb power creep and improve Cyrodiil performance.
"We will be very upfront, but please be aware that if these tests confirm our hypothesis, then chain-casting AOE abilities will no longer form the core of the ESO PvP experience in the way it has for the last few years. We would then go through each class and ensure that there are viable builds for each and make adjustments as necessary."
What are they doing?
Running 4 tests
Warning players to expect changes if their hypothesis is confirmed
I've got no idea if it'll work, but it's hard to argue that ZOS isn't willing to consider changing the game in major ways if it means fixing performance.
New content for PvP would be the quickest way to kill PvP unless they remove the current content and replace it. PvP depends on players congregating in a few spots for battles. You need choke points and common objectives. New content spreads an already thin population across all the content. Makes it less likely to find those fun encounters that keeps most PvP'rs coming back.
Changes to the existing content would be great. New PvP content would just make things worse.
thegreat_one wrote: »
Whats funny is that if you put too many players in a large scale battle in a chokepoint, the game fails. Maybe not for all, but it's clear that the population is far to big for the servers to handle.
50 players per faction is what this game needs. AT ANY ONE TIME!
The moment 50 players of a faction are in a campaign that faction is queued.
Strider__Roshin wrote: »Remember when Nick Konkle and Paul Sage left? That was a pretty big turning point for ESO. If you're a casual PvEer it changed for the better. If you're not, well....
TineaCruris wrote: »
I read what you wrote. Did you read what I wrote?
They essentially fixed performance for the MYM event. So far they haven't told us what they did to make the MYM event work, and they have not told us why they can't just do that on a full time basis.
So really, how hard are they trying to fix performance when they just did, and reverted those improvements 10 days later?
I will reiterate, at a certain point, it becomes foolish to listen to the words, and judgements have to be made solely upon results.
Well this is an honest question. They do DLC after DLC all about PVE (and please do NOT tell us there are any PVP improvements going on. This would just make anyone laugh or maybe cry ) There is one dungeon here another dungeon there and two more dungeons over there. More and more and more. Sadly PVP map did not change for years. Oh sorry we got the milegates we can destroy now.. thank you. forgot about this great improvement. Sadly we got lags over lags in PVP. One DLC, one more lag. another DLC two more lags. Right now it is uplayable but hey ....who am i talking to ? anyone listening... waiting.. silence ! So ZOS if you want to scrub PVP just be honest. No need to tell stories making us keep up our subs. If you do not want PVP anymore tell us and give us a chance to find another game. Just be honest and you will be able to put much more effort into PVE for all the other guys. So please think about it instead of telling us " we will improve PVP performance" ..not sure WHAT game you are talking about but sure it isn´t Elder Scrolls Online. Thank you for your patience and love and peace to everyone...just not to the ones playing PVP. Sorry.