I don't spend much on crown store items, but I would MOST DEFINITELY pay for an assistant that brings me back my surveying items once per day, hell once per week...I don't care as long as I don't have to go farm it myself. We have a banker, merchant..hell we even have a stolen good merchant. PLEASE for the sake of keeping my sanity...let us get an assistant that gathers all of our survey mats.
Taleof2Cities wrote: »What would happen if you spent 20 minutes a day doing surveys after writs, @Kosef?
That way you don't run into an issue with them stacking up in inventory.
If you can't be bothered for 20 minutes a day, then it's likely you don't need the materials provided by the surveys (in which case they can just be destroyed).
kathandira wrote: »I do not enjoy doing surveys or treasure maps. They do not spark joy in my day.
Taleof2Cities wrote: »What would happen if you spent 20 minutes a day doing surveys after writs, @Kosef?
That way you don't run into an issue with them stacking up in inventory.
If you can't be bothered for 20 minutes a day, then it's likely you don't need the materials provided by the surveys anyway (in which case they can just be destroyed to free up inventory).
SpiderKnight wrote: »You're basically telling people not to play a game because they don't have all that time to play it every single day.
Taleof2Cities wrote: »What would happen if you spent 20 minutes a day doing surveys after writs, @Kosef?
That way you don't run into an issue with them stacking up in inventory.
In other words, you're the one creating your own insanity ... not the game.
If you can't be bothered for 20 minutes a day, then it's likely you don't need the materials provided by the surveys anyway (in which case they can just be destroyed to free up inventory).
To that same argument...why don't people who don't want to venture to the merchant or the bank, just stay in town and never leave. Why even do dungeons or quest? If they can make assistants to make one aspect of the game easier, why not the other? It's a convenience request....hence the reason I said cost would be crowns. Same as the other assistants except for the fence one.
Like, an assistant that brings you one survey a day, but keeps a 30% commission, like the Fence that nobody uses?
SpiderKnight wrote: »
Some people have time to only do the writs right before work. That can go for weeks or more at a time, when there is time to play and clear them out, it can take well over 20 minutes, that's a large chunk of game time, especially for console users. I don't see why this is an issue to request a time saver, QoL feature.
You're basically telling people not to play a game because they don't have all that time to play it every single day. At this point there should be something like a trade-in NPC for these.
Or.....use an assistant like you do for banking/selling. Should we also say that this is a part of the game that shouldn't haven been put in? How can you be against something like a survey assistant....but be cool about a merchant/banking assistant. Not to mention that merchants/bankers are in literally just about every town. Hell they even have wandering merchants. So again, where is the argument here. This is simply an idea for people that don't mind paying for it. Not a hard concept to understand.
Looking at it that way your assistant could hold the surveys for you until you want to do them but would have limited space. Your banker can already do that so all this would net you is freeing up a bit of inventory space. Your merchants and bankers are for inventory management not game play. The banker doesn't go out and find gold for you. The merchant doesn't run around town looting containers for you then convert them over to gold.
The surveys are what they are because part of a MMO's survival is players repeating content. Having an NPC do surveys is counter intuitive to why surveys are in the game.
UntilValhalla13 wrote: »At the least give us a survey bag to store them in. They unfortunately won't do that though.
Surveys are meant to clutter up your inventory and force you to do them to have space. They're meant to be the time sink that they are. Wasting time, padding out the active player hours. Over and over and over, day in, day out.
But it would be a nice pipe dream...