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PvP tier list for Greymoor

  • Unified_Gaming
    BohnT2 wrote: »
    BohnT2 wrote: »
    Welcome to the tier list for PvP for the Greymoor patch

    With Stonethorn being right around the corner and now that Greymoors meta has fully evolved it's time to present you the list that has been compiled by some of the best players from Pc EU and NA including some console players.


    Along with this list there's also some explanations on different things in this picture here giving further details.


    As some may remember we did one of those lists in the past and we plan to do another one for Stonethorn after the patch has dropped and the dust settles down, however next time it will be different due to the AoE tests which will shift the whole game around more than anything has ever done before so Imperial City will likely be the place to decide on the next list.

    With this said, we hope you enjoyed the read.
    Feel free to share your opinion on this topic and on the list in general.

    May I ask what stamdk setups were tested and considered and why they are ranked where they are?


    About every setup was taken into consideration going from fully stat based over defensive proc with crest, or procs but as multiple stamdks where involved in creating the list there is no unanimous setup that was used.

    On why it was ranked that way is pretty easy, the healing nerfs have hindered the class far more than others as healing is the main meaning of defense, getting a 20% cut here is a huge drop.
    What makes matters worse is both stamnecro and stam warden are just superior versions offering more group utility and being a lot more viable for solo play

    I agree the healing nerf has impacted them a lot as has it every other class. They still have some of the best healing passives but lack a reliable self heal as rally is bugged. Making content myself and playing on pc eu as well, I was surprised to see them that low considering the ones I've encounted seem to do well either with dot based malacath builds or defensive set I.e. pariah , new moon and balorgh but it isn't as strong before. This is no cp cyordiil, bgs and cp imperial City.

    The defile on blast bones impacts all classes to be honest and it does need looking into.

    Thanks for the reply - out of curiosity which stamdk players were consulted and was it mainly cp?
    Unified Gaming - creating a shared and Unified Gaming community.

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  • LordMitchell123
    First of all I want to say how great the tier list looks. It definetly matches my personal feelings. The explanation and different breakdowns in attack/defense/sutain help clarify the different positionings on the list.

    I'm intrigued by those meta builds that are mentioned though: Is there any chance of a more detailed explanation reagarding the choices made here? Since the launch of Greymoor I've had the feeling a whole bunch of setups could work very well. I don't see a specific setup jump out with a clear advantage over others like in some earlier patches (talking cp stamplar main perspective here). So I'm wondering by which standards a certain build is considered supererior in our current patch.

    I ask this out of curiosity and to gain some insight, my intent is not to whine about the choices made or start nerf threads :p
    PC EU
  • Saubon
    Gilvoth wrote: »
    this type of thinkng and idea removes ALL elderscrolls theme and destroys freedom of choice and forces people to follow ONE persons ideas instead of open FREEDOM to choose and think on our own the way elderscrolls is meant to be played!

    This is exactly how tier lists works. When someone put your class lower on his tier list, it instantly performs much worse than it did before
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