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PvP tier list for Greymoor

  • precambria
    Damn I was expecting some lame post but this was well presented and thought out, seems accurate. Nice.
  • Strider__Roshin
    Looks like magsorc is the strongest class in the game with Stamcro and Stamden tied for 2nd.
  • Strider__Roshin
    Looks like magsorc is the strongest class in the game with Stamcro and Stamden tied for 2nd.

    I was basing that on the numerical ratings. If we were to go off of the alphabetical ratings it looks like it's still the same top 3 but Warden comes out on top.
  • red_emu
    Just wear malacath, 2 proc sets and it doesn't matter what class you play. Gear is gonna do all the work for you. You just need to heal sometimes.
    PC - EU:
    Falathren Noctis - AD MagNecro
    Falathren - AD StamSorc
    Falathren Eryndaer - AD StamDen
    Falathren Irimion - AD MagPlar
    Talagan Falathren - AD StamDK
    Falathren Infernis - AD MagDK
    Your-Ex - AD MagBlade
  • BohnT2
    Still don’t get the mag dk 10/10 on damage

    Molten whip, leap and fossilize are all very strong offensive skills that synergize really well together. Molten being a melee skill without a built in delay has a guaranteed hit after both fossilize and leap, leaps stun is still the strongest in the game and has many cases where its unbreakable even. You can throw out your leap and fully stacked molten whip without the worry any of them wouldnt land while all your dots are ticking. On top of that you have malacath that synergizes insanely with DKs kit. No other class can compete
  • Gaggin
    Magdk can do alot of sistained damage but they dont have much burst, and their lack of maneuverability makes them vulnerable, in bgs at least. Very good but no better than stamdk and outshined by magsorc stamcro and stamden.
  • ForzaRammer
    so no dueling tier list?
  • OlumoGarbag
    Gaggin wrote: »
    Stamdk is freakin great 1v1 and bgs. Either this list isnt great or europeans cant play stamdk. Or perhaps no one making this list ever plays bgs and is just theorizing. Stamcro as well are S tier. I wouldnt put stamsorc over magsorc at all either. Seems like a very flawed list.

    Na bgs are easy as f. And duelling isnt counted in. Whats also not counted in, is the skill lvl of the player. If a strong stamdk player switches to stamden/stamcro/magsorc while holding his skilllvl he will perform better on it. Thats a fact. And if not, maybe you just cant play anything else then stamdk. Its a rich accusation to say non of the list makers can play bgs, when the list discussed by alot of people.
    class representative for the working class, non-cp, bwb and Trolling
  • Strider__Roshin
    so no dueling tier list?

    Malacath is S tier
    SnB is A tier
    Anything class related is B and below.
  • nsmurfer
    @BohnT Are you guys doing one for PC NA as well? Cause the meta is quite different. PC NA seems to be dominated by stamDKs and stamNBs way more than magsorc in Cyrodiil
  • mav1234
    nsmurfer wrote: »
    @BohnT Are you guys doing one for PC NA as well? Cause the meta is quite different. PC NA seems to be dominated by stamDKs and stamNBs way more than magsorc in Cyrodiil

    PCNA is definitely quite different.

    Very cool. Sad - but not surprised - to see Magcro where it was.
  • Canned_Apples
    Magcro shouldn’t even be on list.
    It sticks so much A-. And now they’re nerfing harmony..
  • Reverb
    Well done
    Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. ~Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Eifleber
    Not a good time for magicka builds.

    Playing since dec 2019 | PC EU
  • Firstmep
    Eifleber wrote: »
    Not a good time for magicka builds.

    In bgs both magden and magDK do great.
    Oh and ofc magsorc.
  • finehair
    I've never seen a good stamcro as much as I've seen wardens and magsorcs in noCP cyrodiil.
    Also putting stamsorc over magsorc in solo or in any kind of play is just basically wrong.
    Other than that seems pretty accurate.
  • OlumoGarbag
    finehair wrote: »
    I've never seen a good stamcro as much as I've seen wardens and magsorcs in noCP cyrodiil.
    Also putting stamsorc over magsorc in solo or in any kind of play is just basically wrong.
    Other than that seems pretty accurate.

    Bc every self respecting person doesent abuse stamcro. Those who do, mostly play CP or are not skilled players.
    Also stamsorc is not that good on a standard stat build, thats true. Stamsorc however shines very much at cheese builds, thats why its S class.
    Edited by OlumoGarbag on August 7, 2020 12:26PM
    class representative for the working class, non-cp, bwb and Trolling
  • BohnT2
    nsmurfer wrote: »
    @BohnT Are you guys doing one for PC NA as well? Cause the meta is quite different. PC NA seems to be dominated by stamDKs and stamNBs way more than magsorc in Cyrodiil

    We talked to NA people while creating the list, having lots of people run certain specs isn't taken into consideration as many people just run suboptimal builds and this tier list is solely based around the best available builds.

    This is also the reason why there's no duel list as we'd have to agree on a certain ruleset because otherwise we'd run into too many issues.
  • Snowgoons
    All I see is proof ZOS needs to look at mag classes outside of sorcs.
    Rollin' round Tamriel on that skooma wasted like a failed Grand Theft Auto mission.
  • BohnT2
    Snowgoons wrote: »
    All I see is proof ZOS needs to look at mag classes outside of sorcs.

    This isn't real true, when looking at the Tier list you see that the stam and mag distribution is only sided towards stam for solo play, the second we're talking about grouping up magicka increases immensely in performance.

    Additionally the biggest offenders for the uneven distribution are necromancer and warden.
    Both stamden and stamnecro are always topping the useage list and are widely agreed on to be heavily overperforming.

    Magden and especially magnecro are lacking, I've made a more in-depth post about this here:
    For other specs the tiering is much more meta and patch dependant with different specs fluctuating more or less
  • technohic
    When people ask me what's the best class for PVP usually looking to start, and say " I like this class but I'm told they are bad." I generally say that are not that far off. In theory, both necros are opposite ends of the spectrum as outliers although you get med to large groups, magcro has a niche until next patch. Stamden is not far above, I dont think. Magsorc has some annoyances but a lot are bad at it.

    Anyway. I feel you are better off enjoying what you play and knowing how to play it.
  • BohnT2
    technohic wrote: »
    When people ask me what's the best class for PVP usually looking to start, and say " I like this class but I'm told they are bad." I generally say that are not that far off. In theory, both necros are opposite ends of the spectrum as outliers although you get med to large groups, magcro has a niche until next patch. Stamden is not far above, I dont think. Magsorc has some annoyances but a lot are bad at it.

    Anyway. I feel you are better off enjoying what you play and knowing how to play it.

    This list wouldn't exist with the people behind it playing only the top tier specs.
    I for example spend most of my playtime this patch on magnecro and stamdk even though I have all other specs.
  • Zer0_CooL
    Any magDK here runing cyrodils crest?
  • CrazYDunm3r
    Zer0_CooL wrote: »
    Any magDK here runing cyrodils crest?

    I do
    Triggered Tryhards
  • alainjbrennanb16_ESO
    This was nice of you to do for new players to pvp, but i run a mag dk in pvp non cp in ravenwatch and have no issue with anything, i get the kills and have no issue solo or against groups, or even keeping up my resources, i think it comes down more to gear sets and staying away from meta to a degree, ravenwatch, eu is dominated by sorcs and nb's which tells you something, i use kill counter and those 2 combine make up 68% of the player base in ravenwatch
    Main character dk - Vanikifar whitestrike
  • alainjbrennanb16_ESO
    Zer0_CooL wrote: »
    Any magDK here runing cyrodils crest?

    i dont wont use as its not really worth it
    Main character dk - Vanikifar whitestrike
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    I have again same sugestion as last time, such tier list was made: make "an overall" cattegory - or "final score" cattegory - that will be "an average" of all points for each class (rounded up).

    ...Because otherwise people will jump to nerf threads...

    For example:
    Stam nb (3.5) - B+
    Mag nb (3.0) - B

    Stam sorc (4.0) - A
    Mag sorc (4.0) - A
    Edited by Tommy_The_Gun on August 10, 2020 9:05AM
  • Unified_Gaming
    BohnT2 wrote: »
    Welcome to the tier list for PvP for the Greymoor patch

    With Stonethorn being right around the corner and now that Greymoors meta has fully evolved it's time to present you the list that has been compiled by some of the best players from Pc EU and NA including some console players.


    Along with this list there's also some explanations on different things in this picture here giving further details.


    As some may remember we did one of those lists in the past and we plan to do another one for Stonethorn after the patch has dropped and the dust settles down, however next time it will be different due to the AoE tests which will shift the whole game around more than anything has ever done before so Imperial City will likely be the place to decide on the next list.

    With this said, we hope you enjoyed the read.
    Feel free to share your opinion on this topic and on the list in general.

    May I ask what stamdk setups were tested and considered and why they are ranked where they are?

    Unified Gaming - creating a shared and Unified Gaming community.

    For some of the best and most up to date PVP builds around or useful tips and tricks from an experienced player for PvP and PvE, then check out my channel and consider subscribing if you want to see regular ESO content.
  • BohnT2
    BohnT2 wrote: »
    Welcome to the tier list for PvP for the Greymoor patch

    With Stonethorn being right around the corner and now that Greymoors meta has fully evolved it's time to present you the list that has been compiled by some of the best players from Pc EU and NA including some console players.


    Along with this list there's also some explanations on different things in this picture here giving further details.


    As some may remember we did one of those lists in the past and we plan to do another one for Stonethorn after the patch has dropped and the dust settles down, however next time it will be different due to the AoE tests which will shift the whole game around more than anything has ever done before so Imperial City will likely be the place to decide on the next list.

    With this said, we hope you enjoyed the read.
    Feel free to share your opinion on this topic and on the list in general.

    May I ask what stamdk setups were tested and considered and why they are ranked where they are?


    About every setup was taken into consideration going from fully stat based over defensive proc with crest, or procs but as multiple stamdks where involved in creating the list there is no unanimous setup that was used.

    On why it was ranked that way is pretty easy, the healing nerfs have hindered the class far more than others as healing is the main meaning of defense, getting a 20% cut here is a huge drop.
    What makes matters worse is both stamnecro and stam warden are just superior versions offering more group utility and being a lot more viable for solo play
  • Mojomonkeyman
    I think its very cool to see that you guys made an combined effort to analyse pvp class potential in a structured manner. The presentation is nice, results being backed up by data is awesome and the explanation page makes it easy to follow your idea of how the final ranks come together.

    I guess it's due to class rankings being heavily opinion based by nature that I find it difficult to agree with some of the final results. Just to give you an example: I play a lot of BGs, if I see a class tier list I expect it basically to reflect the individual "carry power" of any class for bg matches - which you probably tried to do by introducing the point system.

    In my personal experience gathered by playing a lot of BGs, the one setup that had before and still has the most impact, in terms of being able to carry a match, is magicka marden - when piloted by a top player. Your point system doesnt reflect the setup being an "anchor" to about any group just because of its innate group support (in addition to all the offense it brings).

    Not having dedicated points being awarded for that category, especially in scenarios like BGs, seems...incomplete? But it would explain how you can, overall, rate stamina warden higher than the magicka version for BGs. I guess the category "Defense" does not include group utility - otherwise magicka warden would have a higher ranking here than stam warden, right?

    Anyways, great write up - thanks.
    Edited by Mojomonkeyman on August 10, 2020 10:19AM
    Koma Grey, Chocolate Thunder, Little Mojo, Dagoth Mojo & Mojomancy
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