Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Just help them with the testing!

  • Sandman929
    How do you play as a templar in September without changing absolutely everything that templar normally does? I think the testing needs to be supported, but that is one very rough month for classes without a good single target toolkit.
  • idk
    It behooves us to participate in the testing as it will provide Zos will more valuable information. It also allows us to provide good feedback based on experience with the testing vs just repeating what someone else said.

    Of note, Zos did Cyrodiil testing a couple of years ago in what probably lead to creating the first MYM. The place was packed and Zos did not make the change we tested, though they probably made some changes behind the scenes that reduced the impact of CP some. Zos also did that off-cycle PTS testing to which they did not make any changes afterward and are considering other approaches.

    In other words, with good testing and even better well thought constructive feedback Zos will be able to make the best decision going forward.

    Granted, I am not saying we are guaranteed of anything, but we can all agree on something. Cyrodiil's performance needs to improve greatly.
  • Miswar
    These test will achieve absolutely nothing....

    * There was a lot more people playing in Cyrodiil and aoe skills were just as much used
    * Population caps were much higher and filled a lot of campaigns

    The game did not run good but much better than recend years where it has become worse and worse with every single patch.

    What 'I would like to know have you actually upgraded your servers in game lifecycle?

    Have you made new server farm contract with another provider in past year or two? I would think you have spending less and less money with sub standard agreement.

    I think many of us who have been playing longer know the answer to all of th above. They have cutting cost and investing bare minium to the game hardware etc.That is why they so enthuastic about housing etc wihich require bare miniuma and people keep pouring money in.

    Thus these test will achieve absolutely nothing but the break games fundamental fluid combat system.

    It also surely does not help that they have ignored bugs etc and just piled up new stuff in top of those. Thus the game coding is propably utter mess too.

    I would very much like to have answer to the above quetions though allthough silence will kind of answer to those itself.

    As for these random aoe test well as said they will achieve absolutely nothing whatsoever. The funny thing is that they have invested so little nowdays that even pve is shambles. Irony of all that.
  • SweepsAllClowns
    Sandman929 wrote: »
    How do you play as a templar in September without changing absolutely everything that templar normally does? I think the testing needs to be supported, but that is one very rough month for classes without a good single target toolkit.

    Here's my solutions for the templar September edition gameplay. Xbox EU account has soon been completely stuck for a year and a half so I haven't been able to login and most likely won't suddenly be able to login during this month with my EU Pact 5 star breton templar, EU server gameplay checked and possible problems solved long ago. 5 days ago I canceled my eso+ membership and haven't logged on Xbox NA server even once since and probably won't login at all this month or year, this means I don't need to think about my gameplay with my Xbox NA Covenant 5 star breton templar either. Now I have more time to play other games like the new Marvel's Avengers or Mortal Kombat 11, I'll be still following on the forum how these eso prebeta tests or whatever work, I'm sure they will just work as well as many other things in this game.
  • Squeaky_Clean
    Nope! I won't help ZOS deciding if they want to shoot at my right foot or at my left foot.

  • ethenya
    No. I would rather use the time to find a substitute should these changes become permanent. I have put a lot of time & effort into trying to make my magden into a good support creature & it now feels useless. Can't be bothered trying to find a way of making it good at single target dps. I enjoyed healing or at least trying to & after an hour of Cyro realised the cool downs had removed that enjoyment. Don't get me wrong I enjoy if I get the odd kill in but the best part for me is if my vines, budding seeds, etc help my cohorts who are doing more damage than me survive a little longer so that we take the keep. I have only been playing in Cyro for a couple of months but it was the healing side that kept me hooked. In my opinion I feel like the current test conditions remove my freedom to play a support role & I would rather not waste my time playing something I am not enjoying & use that time to find something that gives me that freedom.
  • edges_endgame
    Can't participate if I can't play my class. I mean I can Spam toppling charge. Yay
  • Thanos7895
    No thanks. I'll just vote with my feet if these changes stay
  • Diva_Naoko
    Kadoin wrote: »
    Fawn4287 wrote: »
    Anything to stop the incessant regen spamming at this point, they should make it a self heal only like the strongre morph of vigor, this combined with the heavy armour nerfs basically obliterated half of the bad tank stam ball groups running around.

    They will never nerf it because ball groups that need 24+ to take on 4-5 players and still fail need to crutch on it to act tough on the forums by posting videos proving they lack any skills in the game. It's the hard truth that regardless of what they attempt to do, they will pick the option that gives the greater #s and unnatural advantage. That's been the case in the past, and no doubt it will be the case in the future.

    And even if not, they will keep adding more and more AoE healing proc sets that no one is asking for, while nerfing actual skills to make #s gain more advantage with less investment every patch. Only in ESO is such a thing balanced. You know balance in a game is bad when a proc set costs nothing and requires no investment, but can heal more than an actual skill.

    What the heck are you saying? Large player groups- so called "ball groups" - are a perfectly legitimate counterplay strategy against 1vX'rs and all sorts of sniper gankers. Meta is boring.
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