Allow PVP to be enabled inside player houses (The BEST PVP content ZOS could ever provide??)

I've heard this suggested by other players in the community, and I thought I'd put it in writing somewhere.

PvP players make up a very small portion of the playerbase and generally spend less money on cosmetics/housing/crowns than players from other areas of the game. As a result, very little development time is focused on PVP, and the content we have has been played through so many times that it has gone stale. So what PVP content could be added that would require little development time/effort from ZOS, while simultaneously providing incentive for PVP players to spend more money on housing/crowns?

The ability to enable PVP inside player homes. This would simply be a feature that a homeowner could enable from his housing editor menu, and would just set the home to a battle spirit affected/pvp enabled zone. The benefits from adding this to the game are NUMEROUS.
  • Provides CUSTOM zones with infinite possibilities for player vs player combat, without developers needing to spend time creating environments.
  • Allows for NEW, NEVER BEFORE SEEN FORMATS OF PVP. The system would only require a few very specific features to be a fully functional and enjoyable experience. By simply allowing any player OUTSIDE OF YOUR GROUP to be marked as "Hostile" within the pvp enabled home, the possibilities are once again endless. 2v2s, 4v4s, 8v8s, 12v12s, and 3-24 man FREE FOR ALL COMBAT.
  • PvP players will have a reason to purchase homes. In my experience within the PVP community, pvp players care very little about crown cosmetics and housing. By adding this simple feature, there would be a HUGE incentive for players to go out and spend money on these things.
  • These battles are confined to specific POH instances, keeping lag away from areas like major zones and cyrodiil, where players gather for duels and large scale combat despite the constant use of abilities adversely affecting performance.

The possibilities are endless, and the implementation of this would truly be a win-win for PVP players and Zenimax alike. As mentioned before, there are very few things that would have to be adressed/included with this update in order for it to be a fully functional and genuinely enjoyable experience.
  • PvP enabled option for homeowner
  • Friendly/hostile detection based on grouping
  • Designated safezone function to allow players ressurecting to have an area where they can adjust things/catch their breath
  • Collision enabled housing objects - currently, almost every housing object has some sort of "player collision" disabled in pvp scenarios - meaning that knockbacks such as javelin, flame clench, leap, magnum shot, etc WILL knock you inside of objects within a house, if you're standing on/next to them.
  • /kill or /safe command to instantly respawn at the door while stuck in combat (in the case of being stuck and being unable to leave combat)

I hope someone at ZOS sees this and passes it along for consideration. I truly think this could be one of the best PVP additions the game has ever seen, and from a consumer perspective it seems like something that would require very little development time to implement as most of the tools and features already exist within the game.
@ReactSlower - PC/NA - 2000+ CP
React Faster - XB/NA - 1500+ CP
  • auz
    Add custom bg lobbies too.
  • Metemsycosis
    As long as no AP gain I ❤ this idea
    Terethea Magdalena, Breton Nightblade
    A Dark-Adapted Eye, Imperial Necromancer

    sanguinare vampiris
  • idk
    There is a PvP specific house already.
  • React
    idk wrote: »
    There is a PvP specific house already.

    You mean the Elhinir private arena? That home is not "PvP enabled", and would probably be regarded as one of the worst for the suggestion above with it's environmental damage and structure-filled space.

    As mentioned, the beauty of this addition is the sheer customization available through this option. People could build ANY environment they wanted for PVP.
    As long as no AP gain I ❤ this idea

    It would definitely be "AP disabled", just like dueling. The idea is to allow all these new formats of PVP to be introduced into the game, through player developed environments/arenas, while also providing a more or less "lag free" environment for people to enjoy.
    Edited by React on July 20, 2020 9:01PM
    @ReactSlower - PC/NA - 2000+ CP
    React Faster - XB/NA - 1500+ CP
  • gabriebe
    All for it, but get ready to get stuck in every piece of furniture the second you get feared.
    Former Empresses: Saliva Bortschion (MagBlade), Janet From Finance (PvP MagSorc), Carla Swagan (Tank DK), Estelle Born (StamBlade), Enya Arsenal (MagPlar), Anita Nurse (Magplar Healer), Bearback Brigitte (Magden), Rachel Justice (MagDK), Nicole From Payroll (Stamden), Bailiff Belinda (PvE MagSorc), Féline Dion (StamDK), Septic Tank Tina (Necro Tank)

    The runts: The Trolly Spirit (Tank Sorc), Floods-Your-Basement (Warden Healer) Dinah Asthma (Magcro), Total Top Tony (Stamcro)

    The traitor
    s: Janis Javelin (Stamplar, EP), Barbecue Becky (Magblade Healer, AD)

    PvE: Gryphon Heart, Immortal Redeemer, Flawless Conqueror

    GM: Animal Control

  • SshadowSscale
    You can even add a spectator mode to the homes.... Allowing for some beter 1v1,2v2,3v3 etc tournaments where people can spectate it.... Hell someone could then even host a tournament with player driven prizes on twitch or something.... I can wish can't I 😔
  • MurderMostFoul
    Add a CP on/off switch as well.
    “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”
  • Sorbin
    This is an excellent idea and would give a lot of power to the community to create PvP content without the need for ZOS to continually update this. GvG stuff is currently still limited by faction and it would be great to have it untethered from that restriction.
  • Rahar
    Awesome idea. Also add an option for disabling CP?

    Otherwise I'm all for stuff like this. I'd love to design my own PvP house/arena.
    NeRf MaGsOrC
  • SodanTok
    This is great idea that should be reposted in Housing section too (partially because ZoS has been seen to mingle in there more than here). I cant imagine implementation of something like this would be difficult, quite contrary this seems like easy way to throw in some DLC patch to look they care for PVP side still :D
  • mav1234
    This idea has been suggested before. I wish ZOS would do it. Allowing a cp/no cp toggle would be awesome.

    I would also be fine with a custom bg lobby, or a group duel feature.
  • niltsor
    Soul Shriven
    great idea! would love 4v4, 8v8 etc
  • precambria
    I would like a group versus group battleground more, getting people to a house especially PvPers, they are gonna complain about the decor, better to queue in :P
  • Sahidom
    I like the novelty of the idea however it would displace PVP content into private venues that would not be healthy for the public venues; this would bypass the group BG restriction, which circles back to the participation loss to the PVP content play and features. Besides the stated conflicts, it could be used to grief other players who visit houses e.g. guild halls.

    The idea is novel and interesting; but the loss to other venues may be one point of contention that may hinder the idea from being considered. You wouldn't want to create a scenario where a private server/environment segregates game content; and PVP is content of the main game.
  • Algorax
    Great idea!

    This would open so many possibilities fro the players and profitable outcomes for ZOS not to mention that we already have an arena themed home!

    I should also inform you that other games have added this kind of feature, such as SWTOR, where you can deeply cutomize your ground!
  • Radiance
    Dope Idea.
  • React
    Sahidom wrote: »
    I like the novelty of the idea however it would displace PVP content into private venues that would not be healthy for the public venues; this would bypass the group BG restriction, which circles back to the participation loss to the PVP content play and features. Besides the stated conflicts, it could be used to grief other players who visit houses e.g. guild halls.

    The idea is novel and interesting; but the loss to other venues may be one point of contention that may hinder the idea from being considered. You wouldn't want to create a scenario where a private server/environment segregates game content; and PVP is content of the main game.

    The problem with this is that cyrodiil as a pvp zone is, and has been, unplayable for a year or more now. You legitimately cannot enjoy the combat aspect of this game for about 16/24 hours of the day in the main campaign, because the lag is too bad. Those hours that you can actually play are like 5AM - 1PM, which most people cannot actually get on during, and when the population is at it's lowest.

    The other campaigns do not get enough population to find a fight until the evenings, and if they do hit the population cap on one or more alliances during the evening, they too become unplayable.

    Imperial city is a ghost town.

    Battlegrounds have become stale. The same formats on the same maps for years, with increasingly long queue times as you complete more games and rise the MMR ladder. With the meta we're in now too, where everyone is using damaging proc sets and the malacaths band, the BG content is just horrendous overall.

    This proposal would not deduct any noticeable population from those other activities. Only people that truly care about combat would participate, as there are no rewards whatsoever (just like dueling). This is something the game NEEDS.

    Although with the AOE CD changes they're proposing on the PTS right now, there might be no hope for combat focused pvp players left. If those changes go through, these players will leave the game. I've said that myself before and still stuck with it - but fundamentally changing the gameplay and combat into a new system would genuinely be enough for me to cut ties and move on.

    @ReactSlower - PC/NA - 2000+ CP
    React Faster - XB/NA - 1500+ CP
  • fred4
    Really like the idea, however ZOS will have to fix a big problem with housing. When you duel in a house on a player-created structure that's off the ground, certain CCs and knockbacks will cause you to drop through the floor. Furthermore, ground targeted abilities are not applied to the platform you're standing on, but to the ground beneath - way, way beneath, if the platform is high up.
    PC EU: Magblade (PvP main), DK (PvE Tank), Sorc (PvP and PvE), Magden (PvE Healer), Magplar (PvP and PvE DD), Arcanist (PvE DD)
    PC NA: Magblade (PvP and PvE every role)
  • React
    fred4 wrote: »
    Really like the idea, however ZOS will have to fix a big problem with housing. When you duel in a house on a player-created structure that's off the ground, certain CCs and knockbacks will cause you to drop through the floor. Furthermore, ground targeted abilities are not applied to the platform you're standing on, but to the ground beneath - way, way beneath, if the platform is high up.

    Yeah, I touched on this in the original post. It is odd that furnishings have this issue too, since they have "base" player collision enabled which allows players to walk on/into them.

    While it definitely needs to be fixed for the idea to be realized to it's fullest, even if it wasn't this would still allow for all the new formats of PVP to be accessible (2v2s,4v4s, 3-24 FFA, ETC)
    @ReactSlower - PC/NA - 2000+ CP
    React Faster - XB/NA - 1500+ CP
  • fred4
    Liam12548 wrote: »
    While it definitely needs to be fixed for the idea to be realized to it's fullest, even if it wasn't this would still allow for all the new formats of PVP to be accessible (2v2s,4v4s, 3-24 FFA, ETC)
    PC EU: Magblade (PvP main), DK (PvE Tank), Sorc (PvP and PvE), Magden (PvE Healer), Magplar (PvP and PvE DD), Arcanist (PvE DD)
    PC NA: Magblade (PvP and PvE every role)
  • Nebs
    I could see some delightful PVP arenas and game types getting made in a mode like this.

    If we had furniture editing while PVP was going on, we'd even maybe see wild Fortnite-esque building battles. I'd love this. :smiley:
  • Scion_of_Yggdrasil
    Can we have the BG maps be added on the overland map like delves and dungeons?

    Next... can we have "group duels?" Simply form your groups, then the group leader must challenge the other group leader, and if accepted, its a X vs X battle? I think I glimpsed someone had the same idea.

    Lastly, and most importantly if these battles will take place in player homes.... can certain items, such as boulders and platforms, get whatever special treatment they need so they can properly register AOE? i.e. you can try to place an AOE heal on a floating rock you are standing on, or platform, but your heal will be placed on the ground below.
  • React
    Wow what a great idea
    @ReactSlower - PC/NA - 2000+ CP
    React Faster - XB/NA - 1500+ CP
  • Platanutre
    PvP tournaments in house! You could do 5v5s, 10v10s, hell you could even add a bettors corner and have something beautiful. This would be awesome
  • Hesperax79
    Very good idea!
  • Elo106
    Hell yeah, at the very least give us group vs group duels so we can organize competitive pvp ourselves!
  • relentless_turnip
    I also love this idea!

    I would do more housing stuff with this being a thing!
  • spotzhopz
    I already have built an arena, id love to get some use out of it finally. Definitely wish they would introduce this
  • MinnesotaKid
    I love the ideas in this thread but I would have 3 concerns....

    1. You could stick a fork in cyro and turn it PVE if this goes live as nobody would go there anymore, same w/ IC probably.
    2. There would have to be a notification system of some kind to tell people where the fights were at. Maybe register your home on a "battle circuit" or something that everyone can see so you could actually schedule fights.
    3. Player pop cap in homes would have to be lifted.

  • xericdx
    Liam12548 wrote: »
    Wow what a great idea

    Ahah, see what you did there :)

    Still, a thread well worth re-proposing, as the need is still well there.

    As for those afraid that it will reduce the other PvP population, I personally do not think so. People will at the beginning flood to it due to novelty effect, but lack of rewards and the need to be in an organized group/guild for that to happen will eventually reduce it to just an interesting alternative, if not a niche activity.

    I am all for it.

    Primo Aldouine (MagSorc), AD
    Kro'zuc Primo (StamDK), AD
    Primo Leyla, MagDK, DC
    Primo Salazar (MagPlar), AD
    Leyla Softpawn (StamBade), AD
    Shaz Primo (MagBlade), AD
    Marcus Primo (MagDen), EP
    Elonthor Primo (StamDen), AD
    The Red, MagNecro, AD

    You like housing?! We have the place for you: Tamriel Homes Guild! Contact me for info (in-game ID @xericdx) or visit our website
    PC EU
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