If the current patch notes go live, I predict a resurgence of the use of Spell Power Cure -- particularly if Vestment of Olorime is nerfed while Spell Power Cure is buffed.
To that end, since a lot of people probably deconstructed their old Spell Power Cure gear when Vestment of Olorime came out (because Olorime was essentially a straight upgrade), people will need to farm Spell Power Cure again.
There's already a unique drop from Molag Kena called Molag Kena's Touch, which is a powered lightning staff. However, while there is another staff drop, from the Planar Inhibitor, called
The Unbroken, it is, curiously, a sharpened inferno staff -- something rather useless to anyone who would be wearing Spell Power Cure.
It would be immensely helpful if The Unbroken could be turned into a Restoration staff. It does not necessarily have to become a powered Restoration staff, but
any Restoration staff will do now that we can change traits.
It would also be helpful if other uniquely-named drops of other base game and Imperial City dungeons could be looked at, since some of them are truly bizarre choices and practically useless (for example, the Sanctuary set in Banished Cells I has a unique fire and frost staff drop, yet no lightning or Restoration staff drop, even though it is ostensibly a healer set).