One of the highlights of this patch was supposed to be addressing some of the low hanging fruit out there to bring some of the classes up to par. The Necromancer in general is probably target #1 for an overall class overhaul, but the lowest of low hanging fruit for any class at the moment has got to be blastbones.
The stamina morph is insanely strong and is single handedly making Stam Necro the most potent stamina class in PvP. The Magicka morph is so incredibly bad that it's basically little more than a spammable at this point and is one of the main reasons MagCro is consistently considered the worst Mag class in both PvE and PvP.
The Stamina morph just needs to have major defile replaced with minor defile. This seems like an obvious change I honestly can't figure out why it hasn't been done yet. Is it because with Minor Defile the Stamina Necro would be relegated to the worst stamina class in this game? I doubt it would fall below Stam Sorc, but with the Sorc changes in this patch who knows. Am I off base here?
The Mag morph seems much more diffcult to resolve. From a PvP perspective, the primary thing Necros are missing is burst. Without a cheap ult to fall back on like DKs do, the Necro really just doesn't have any teeth. An obvious thing to consider would be to attach minor vuln to this. My concern is the Necro is already little more than debuff machine in PVE. It would be nice if the class brought something other than Major and Minor vuln to a group. So perhaps this isn't a good call. Perhaps just have Stalking do DOT damage for 2 or 3 seconds in addition to the burst.
While these changes wouldn't magically fix all the problems with the Necro, a number of which are mechanical in nature and not simply a damage problem, Blastbones is one of the most broken skills in the game at the moment imo.