With 2100 armor at 7 pieces, nirnhoned was actually one of the more noticeable traits, at least when compared to the overpowered state of impenetrable and well-fitted. Divine on the other hand, unless used with the shadow, was actually a pretty bad trait. Not in pve, but in pvp.
The divine buff is good and right, since its only good foundation - the shadow - has been adjusted accordingly so that divine becomes exclusively more attractive for mundus stones that are still underperforming.
The Nirnhoned nerf was unjustified, yet even more unjustified is a buff to well-fitted... the one and only truly overpowered trait in the game. Who in their right mind would even consider buffing this? Have you set a foot in pvp since Greymoor? If anything, this needed to be brought down to 3%, not buffed. I hope this was just a bold mistake and will be corrected in the right direction.
What will you use divines with in pvp? The apprentice/warrior? So you gain base 151 spell/weapon damage? Or would you rather use well-fitted for 42!!!!% dodge and sprint reduction or 13% less crit damage suffered with impenetrable? Yea, you will not give up on well-fitted or impenetrable unless you are insane or a stamina nightblade - whom were always fortunate enough to make nearly everything work and get away with it.
But besides that, no, divines is not overpowered or even good.
Iron_Blurr wrote: »Seriously? Nirnhoned armor offers less than .5% damage mitigation per piece of nirn armor. If anything it deserved a buff not a nerf. Literally no one uses Nirn armor. Also you buff divines armor?? The most overused and overpowered armor trait in the game? Also the totally insignificant buff to invigorating is laughable at best.
I dont understand the reasoning for the trait changes.
Nirnhoned was already beating reinforced in almost every way. Considering how crit resists are less important in PVP rn, this was a small nerf to pvp tanks. Divines always needed help, because it's one of the few traits that directly buffs your damage. Comparing the buffs you get from traits to standart set bonuses - divines was pretty bad.
WrathOfInnos wrote: »Divines was handled really well. The Shadow was overperforming compared to other mundus stones, but just bringing it down from 13% to 11% would have caused issues. With the integer math there would have been cases where adding more divines would give no effect (0 or 1 divines gives 11%, 5 or 6 divines gives 15%).
This is why divines was increased to 9.1%, so that each additional piece of divines used with the Shadow Stone increases crit damage by 9.1% x 11% = 1.00%. So now every piece of divines added has an effect, and Shadow’s bonus always lands on a whole number and doesn’t get rounded down. A clever solution IMO.
The increase of divines also had the benefit of slightly buffing the effects of underperforming mundus stones. Thief with 7 divines increased from 10.6% crit to 11.4%. This also helped Shadow and Thief reach the balance on PTS (and they are very well balanced on PTS).
Nirnhoned on the other hand, I do not have an explanation for. On both weapons and armor, Nirn is underperforming. It’s also the rarest and most expensive trait. Seems like it should have been buffed. Reinforced is better on most armor pieces (anything over 1581 base armor, which means all the medium and heavy armor pieces except belt and gloves). IMO Nirn should just be reworked on armor, we don’t need 2 traits that do the same thing with slightly different values.
Olupajmibanan wrote: »WrathOfInnos wrote: »Divines was handled really well. The Shadow was overperforming compared to other mundus stones, but just bringing it down from 13% to 11% would have caused issues. With the integer math there would have been cases where adding more divines would give no effect (0 or 1 divines gives 11%, 5 or 6 divines gives 15%).
This is why divines was increased to 9.1%, so that each additional piece of divines used with the Shadow Stone increases crit damage by 9.1% x 11% = 1.00%. So now every piece of divines added has an effect, and Shadow’s bonus always lands on a whole number and doesn’t get rounded down. A clever solution IMO.
The increase of divines also had the benefit of slightly buffing the effects of underperforming mundus stones. Thief with 7 divines increased from 10.6% crit to 11.4%. This also helped Shadow and Thief reach the balance on PTS (and they are very well balanced on PTS).
Nirnhoned on the other hand, I do not have an explanation for. On both weapons and armor, Nirn is underperforming. It’s also the rarest and most expensive trait. Seems like it should have been buffed. Reinforced is better on most armor pieces (anything over 1581 base armor, which means all the medium and heavy armor pieces except belt and gloves). IMO Nirn should just be reworked on armor, we don’t need 2 traits that do the same thing with slightly different values.
It would be a clever solution if it applied widely to all Mundus stones and not to shadow only. Look at the Ritual, for example, which was nerfed to 8% and now you can get to state where adding a divine piece does nothing.
With the Ritual Mundus:
1st divine piece does nothing
2nd does
3th does
4th does nothing
5th does
6th does
7th does
This is the most sad story. 3 Infused on big pieces and 4 divines on small pieces is pretty common setup, but from now on, using this setup you'll waste 1 trait.