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RIP Blood for Blood... Are these Devs playing the same game we are?!

like... What?! Agree that is was overperforming but this suggested change makes it unusable for the current mag class setups. Back to destro spammables which absolutly kill your sustain.

And ... RIP MagDK while we are at it then. It was viable with Asylum inferno because that boosted sustain a lot... Blood for blood kept MAG DK viable because... It kept our sustain decent. Without it we need to go back to whip or force pulse... RIP magicka sustain.

Guess everyone will go play StamCRO

Dont let this come out of PTS in current suggested form. Its absurd. NO ONE will run vampirism anymore. This was the only reason to keep Vamp
  • Cellentel
    While I agree with the sentiment that the blood for blood change was poorly thought through, I want to point out the Asylum destro was changed and will most likely be quite usable for MagDKs again.
  • Faulgor
    Cellentel wrote: »
    While I agree with the sentiment that the blood for blood change was poorly thought through, I want to point out the Asylum destro was changed and will most likely be quite usable for MagDKs again.
    It's even easier to acquire now because you don't need the perfected version.
    Alandrol Sul: He's making another Numidium?!?
    Vivec: Worse, buddy. They're buying it.
  • colossalvoids
    Cellentel wrote: »
    While I agree with the sentiment that the blood for blood change was poorly thought through, I want to point out the Asylum destro was changed and will most likely be quite usable for MagDKs again.

    Need to be tested as we never saw it without a burning proc bug.
  • colossalvoids
    But would agree overall, it was the only thing carrying class
  • Vevvev
    We can still use Arterial Burst, but it's cost decrease doesn't outdo the cost increase of everything else. Luckily magDK's have access to Burning Embers so we can still sorta run Blood for Blood in PVE, but I never risked using it in PVP even before this change.
    PC NA - Ceyanna Ashton - Breton Vampire MagDK
  • jan.denaanb16_ESO
    The asylum worked because the burning proc was bugged yeah...
  • Dalsinthus
    It's weird to have a magic spammable that makes your healer 100% ineffective. Healers were already the least important role. I guess it won't matter because no one is going to use this skill if it goes live like this.
  • Maulkin
    The current change makes it completely unusable as spammable in PvE. You will be using your spammable once every 5 secs for sure (hence "spammable") meaning you'll never get any heals. And nobody used it in PvP to begin with. So basically, that makes it a skill no one uses any more.

    They should reduce the heals you receive by a significant %, rather than make it 0.
    EU | PC | AD
  • Celestro
    Yeah, at the most, they should've nerfed healing versus cutting it out altogether. Same with Frenzy... Its still usable for classes with self-healing going on at least but...yeah.
  • seerevaloc
    Celestro wrote: »
    Yeah, at the most, they should've nerfed healing versus cutting it out altogether. Same with Frenzy... Its still usable for classes with self-healing going on at least but...yeah.

    Yes, I'm using Toggle on front-bar only. Didn't have any problem so far up to 50-60% uptime.
    I'm using Sated tho, not greedy P:
  • Nirntrotter
    I completely get why people dislike this change, but I'm honestly glad the priority seems to move towards class spammables over a vamp spammable again. (I'd rather gimp my damage than turn my main.) It's admittedly a very strange approach though.
    Grand Warlord Arodel, Gryphon Heart
    AD MagDK, *2014, PC-EU | 49k+ achievement points
  • carlos424
    “After casting this ability, you cannot be healed by allies for 5 seconds.”
    This is a joke right? So a spammable that you cannot spam. Lol. Actually, you can’t use it at all. Maybe put it on healers, where they can stand in their own springs. Lol. Why? Just why?
  • Paradisius
    So after reading all of our feedback on the issues with Vampirism, they again only looked at spreadsheet logic and see Blood for Blood over performing, so they smash it with a sledgehammer...

    I for one saw it coming, but would have eaten a damage nerf or cost increase, but me not being healed by allies for 5 seconds on use? I thought this was a spammable? why add a debuff that makes me not want to spam it? Its backwards logic that is shoehorned in because of it overperforming (even though half of the skill line at least is tragically underperforming...)

    I want to hope this doesnt make it to live, but who am I kidding really, heres to hoping later on they address the underperforming abilities
  • IonicKai
    Honestly if the goal was to say "mag got too strong of a spammable" (even though it made us play melee just like stam) then why not change bfb to do magic or physical damage based on if mag or stam pool is larger. Then both mag and stam have a spammable that costs health and just remove the nonsense can't be healed by others nerf.
  • rumple9
    Now everyone has bought greymoor, they nerf vamp. Trick they use after every major expansion. Click bait
  • Kaliki
    For me, the entire Vampire design doesn't make sense.
    A spammable that costs health, no healing from others and reduced to no health recovery? If vampires at least had increased health recovery ("supernatural recovery"?) to offset part of the health cost or a dot + heal over time ability...
    - Templars: Slower by Design® -
  • Apox
    dont forget asylum staff is being changed back to every 2 pulse cast instead of 3. it will likely be fixed so it wont proc burning too much, but it should still help magdk sustain
  • Vaoh
    Smh. They should’ve increased the Health cost to somewhere around 3K and added a 50% Healing Received debuff for a bit. Also push the scaling back down to 50%, from 100%. Even nerf the base damage a small amount. All of that and it’d still be great in PvE.

    Blood for Blood was good for two reasons:
    • Sustain sucked on some classes but this skill is FREE, so it buffed sustain dramatically on its own and the Health cost was negligible.
    • It hits harder than other spammables

    Their solution is terrible and not at all thought through. If your healer can’t heal you then you die. The spammable is trashed if they keep the PTS changes.

    But hey, at least it’ll still be the best for parses on a target skele.....
  • SlimeBro1
    Kaliki wrote: »
    For me, the entire Vampire design doesn't make sense.
    A spammable that costs health, no healing from others and reduced to no health recovery? If vampires at least had increased health recovery ("supernatural recovery"?) to offset part of the health cost or a dot + heal over time ability...

    Lets not forget this spammable is in melee range. Which magicka is a ranged focus damage type.... Considering all spammables other than this are ranged. Plus staves are also ranged.

    With this in mind they still didn't give vamp a gap closer either. How am I supposed to keep up with people in PvP as a magcro vampire? Necros dont have gap closers.... When every other class except warden does.
  • CleymenZero
    Cellentel wrote: »
    While I agree with the sentiment that the blood for blood change was poorly thought through, I want to point out the Asylum destro was changed and will most likely be quite usable for MagDKs again.

    Need to be tested as we never saw it without a burning proc bug.

    It's significantly harder on sustain as it doesn't force the status effect.

    My tests were comparing sustain of Asylum destro vs charged inferno staff back when Asylum was forcing the application of the status (bugged) and while they statistically had the same proc rate (Asylum = every 2 casts, Charged staff = about 52% proc chance), Asylum Destro had much better sustain when it wasn't forced to wait until burning had expired to re-apply.

    Basically, Asylum destro procced burning every 2 seconds systematically vs charged staff that procced it every 3 seconds.
    Edited by CleymenZero on July 13, 2020 10:46PM
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